mnestorov / gallerycrud

An admin interface for Laravel Backpack to easily add, edit or remove Galleries.

Repository from Github https://github.commnestorov/gallerycrudRepository from Github https://github.commnestorov/gallerycrud


An admin interface for Laravel Backpack to easily add, edit or remove Galleries.

It uses Glide and provides helper methods to serve the images in frontend blade templates.


  1. In your terminal:
$ composer require smartystudio/gallerycrud -W
  1. If your Laravel version does not have package autodiscovery then add the service provider to your config/app.php file:
  1. Publish the config file & run the migrations
$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SmartyStudio\GalleryCrud\GalleryCRUDServiceProvider" #publish config, view  and migration files
$ php artisan migrate #create the gallery table
  1. Configuration of file storage in config/filesystems.php.
'galleries' => [
    'driver' => 'local',
    'root' => storage_path('app/galleries'),
  1. Configuration of file storage in config/elfinder.php:
'roots' => [
        'driver'        => 'GalleryCrudLocalFileSystem',         // driver for accessing file system (REQUIRED)
        'path'          => '../storage/app/galleries',           // path to files - relative to `public` (REQUIRED)
        'URL'           => '/galleries', // URL to files (REQUIRED)
        'accessControl' => 'Barryvdh\Elfinder\Elfinder::checkAccess',
        'autoload'      => true,
        'tmbPath'       => '',
        'tmbSize'       => 150,
        'tmbCrop'       => false,
        'tmbBgColor'    => '#000',
  1. [Optional] Configuration of Glide image path in config/smartystudio/gallerycrud.php.
'glide_path' => 'image',
  1. [Optional] Add a menu item for it in resources/views/vendor/backpack/base/inc/sidebar.blade.php or menu.blade.php:
<li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link" href="{{ url(config('backpack.base.route_prefix', 'admin').'/gallery') }}"><i class="nav-icon la la-picture-o"></i><span>Galleries</span></a></li>

How to use the package

This package relies heavily on the elFinder File Manager in Bakpack.

  • First create a gallery
  • Select some images or upload new ones
  • Save the gallery and edit it again
  • Now you can edit the captions for the selected images
  • Helper methods are now available to load the images using Glide.
  • image_url can be used where the images is from a browse field type so it may already include the disk path

Change log

Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.




Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email us instead of using the issue tracker.


  • Martin Nestorov - Web Developer @ Smarty Studio.
  • All Contributors


The SmartyStudio\GalleryCRUD is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.


An admin interface for Laravel Backpack to easily add, edit or remove Galleries.

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 59.2%Language:Blade 40.8%