concrete5 Cheat Sheet V8+
This is a collection of concrete5 cheat sheets, based on the C5 V8+ source code.
Contributions are welcome via issues and pull requests.
- Application (
) - Superglobals
- Pages (Collections)
- Files
- Users
- Topics
- Attributes
- Themes
- Single Pages
- Blocks
- Stacks
- Packages
- Express Entries
- Language
- Constants
- Configs
- Helpers
- General
- Number helper
- Text helper
- URL helper
- Array helper
- Arrays validation helper
- Numbers validation helper
- Strings validation helper
- JSON helper
- Ajax helper
- HTML helper
- Navigation helper
- Date helper
- Form helper
- Form (color picker) helper
- Form (date/time) helper
- Form (page selector) helper
- Form (user selector) helper
- Form (rating) helper
- Form (attribute) helper
- Form (typography) helper
- Concrete URL helper
- Asset library (file manager) helper
- Validation error helper
- User Interface helper
- Image helper
- List of all helper
- System Operations
$app = $this->app;
/** @var \Concrete\Core\Application\Application */
protected $app;
public function __construct(\Concrete\Core\Application\Application $app)
$this->app = $app;
public function myMethod()
$app = $this->app;
(create instances of custom classes with $app->make(\ClassName::class)
$app = \Concrete\Core\Support\Facade\Application::getFacadeApplication();
Direct access to PHP superglobals (that is, $_REQUEST
, $_POST
, $_GET
) should be avoided: concrete5 have a nicer way to work with them with the $request
- instead of
: use$request->query->get('key')
- instead of
: use$request->request->get('key')
- instead of
: use$request->get('key', $default = null)
- instead of
: use$request->server->get('key')
- instead of
: use$request->files->get('key')
For more options check \concrete\vendor\symfony\http-foundation\ParameterBag.php
$request = $this->request;
/** @var \Concrete\Core\Http\Request */
protected $request;
public function __construct(\Concrete\Core\Http\Request $request)
$this->request = $request;
public function myMethod()
$request = $this->request;
(create instances of custom classes with $app->make(\ClassName::class)
$request = $app->make(\Concrete\Core\Http\Request::class);
$page = \Page::getCurrentPage();
$page = \Page::getByID(1); //by ID
$page = \Page::getByPath('/path/to/page'); //by path
echo $page->getCollectionID();
echo $page->getCollectionName();
echo $page->getCollectionDescription();
echo $page->getCollectionDateAdded();
echo $page->getCollectionDatePublic();
echo $page->getCollectionUserID();
echo $page->getCollectionPath();
echo $page->getCollectionLink();
echo $page->getCollectionHandle()
echo $page->getCollectionParentID();
echo $page->getCollectionTypeID();
echo $page->getCollectionTypeHandle();
echo $page->getCollectionTypeName();
echo $page->getPageTypeID();
echo $page->getPageTypeHandle();
echo $page->getPageTypeName();
echo $page->getPageTypeObject();
echo $page->getPageTemplateID();
echo $page->getPageTemplateHandle();
echo $page->getPageTemplateObject();
echo $page->isSystemPage();
//get all page paths (locations)
foreach ($page->getPagePaths() as $path) {
echo $path->getPagePath();
echo $path->getPagePathID();
echo $path->isPagePathCanonical();
//Page Template
$pt = $page->getPageTemplateObject();
if (is_object($pt)) {
$ptID = $pt->getPageTemplateID(); //echo $ptID;
$ptName = $pt->getPageTemplateName(); //echo $ptName;
$ptHandle = $pt->getPageTemplateHandle(); //echo $ptHandle;
//Page Type
$pt = $page->getPageTypeObject();
if (is_object($pt)) {
$ptID = $pt->getPageTypeID(); //echo $ptID;
$ptName = $pt->getPageTypeName(); //echo $ptName;
$ptHandle = $pt->getPageTypeHandle(); //echo $ptHandle;
$attr = $page->getAttribute('attribute_handle');
//Option List: get options
foreach ((object) $attr as $option) {
$optionID = $option->getSelectAttributeOptionID(); //echo $optionID;
$optionValue = $option->getSelectAttributeOptionValue(); //echo $optionValue;
$attr = $page->getAttribute('thumbnail');
if ($attr) {
$attrURL = $attr->getURL(); //echo $attrURL);
$attrDownloadURL = $attr->getDownloadURL(); //echo $attrDownloadURL;
$attrForceDownloadURL = $attr->getForceDownloadURL(); //echo $attrForceDownloadURL;
$attrSize = $attr->getSize(); //echo $attrSize;
$attrExtension = $attr->getExtension(); //echo $attrExtension;
//image thumbnail
$ih = $app->make('helper/image');
$thumbSrc = $ih->getThumbnail($attr, 100, 100)->src; //echo $thumbSrc;
// get a list of attribute keys for which the page has values
$attrKeys = $page->getSetCollectionAttributes();
if (count($attrKeys)) {
foreach ($attrKeys as $key) {
// each $key is an instance of \Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Key\Key
echo $attrHandle = $key->getAttributeKeyHandle();
echo $attrName = $key->getAttributeKeyName();
$pageList = new PageList();
$pages = $pageList->getResults();
//echo count($pages);
foreach ((array)$pages as $page) {
echo $page->getCollectionID();
$pageList = new PageList();
$pagination = $pageList->getPagination();
$pages = $pagination->getCurrentPageResults();
//echo count($pages);
foreach ((array)$pages as $page) {
echo $page->getCollectionID().'-'.$page->getCollectionName().'<br/>';
//pagination buttons
echo $pagination->renderDefaultView(); //Outputs HTML for Bootstrap 3.
//pagination functions
//$pagination->setCurrentPage($_GET['ccm_paging_p'] ?? 1); //in case the result is not generated correctly based on current page number
echo $pagination->getTotalResults(); //total number of results
echo $pagination->getTotalPages(); //total number of pages
echo $pagination->hasNextPage(); //To determine whether paging is necessary
echo $pagination->hasPreviousPage(); //"
For custom markup check here
$pageList->filterByParentID($cParentID); //by parent ID
$pageList->filterByKeywords('foobar'); //by keyword
$pageList->filterByFulltextKeywords('foobar'); //more advanced search by keyword
$pageList->filterByPageTypeID($ctID); //by a page type ID
$pageList->filterByPageTypeHandle('blog_entry'); //by a page type handle
$pageList->filterByPageTypeHandle(['blog_entry', 'press_release']); //by page typeS
$pageList->filterByUserID($uID); //by user ID
$pageList->filterByIsApproved($cvIsApproved); //by is approved
$pageList->filterByIsAlias($ia); //by alias
$pageList->filterByDateAdded($date, $comparison = '='); //by date added
$pageList->filterByPublicDate($date, $comparison = '='); //by public date
$pageList->filterByDateLastModified($date, $comparison = '='); //by last modified date
$pageList->filterByNumberOfChildren($num, $comparison = '>'); //by number of children
//by attribute:
$pageList->filterByAttribute($column, $value, $comparison = '=');
$pageList->filterByAttributeHandle($value, $comparison = '='); //for 'attribute_handle' => filterByAttributeHandle/ 'is_featured' => filterByIsFeatured(TRUE);
// by attribute: checkbox(boolean)
$pageList->filterByAttribute('attribute_handle', TRUE);
$pageList->filterByAttribute('attribute_handle', FALSE);
//by attribute: string (text/text area/email/URL, Phone NUmber, etc)
$pageList->filterByAttribute('attribute_handle', 'cat'); //equal to 'cat'
$pageList->filterByAttribute('attribute_handle', '%'.'cat'.'%', 'LIKE'); //has 'cat' anywhere in the string
//by attribute: number
$pageList->filterByAttribute('attribute_handle', 5); //equal to 5
$pageList->filterByAttribute('attribute_handle', 5, '>='); //greater than or equal to 5
//by attribute: date/time
$pageList->filterByAttribute('attribute_handle', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $start)); //equal to $stat
$pageList->filterByAttribute('attribute_handle', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $start), '>='); //greater than or equal to $start
// by attribute: option list
//$pageList->filterBySelectAttribute($akHandle, $value); //legacy. not working
//for filter based on a single option:
$pageList->filterByAttribute('attribute_handle', $value1);
//for filter based on multiple options: It seems not working properly for array with multiple options. use manual method instead.
$pageList->filterByAttribute('attribute_handle', array($value1, $value2));
//have either $value1 OR $value2 value
$pageList->getQueryObject()->where("ak_attribute_handle LIKE '%\n".$value1."\n%'");
$pageList->getQueryObject()->orWhere("ak_attribute_handle LIKE '%\n".$value2."\n%'");
//have both $value1 AND $value2 values
$pageList->getQueryObject()->where("ak_attribute_handle LIKE '%\n".$value1."\n%'");
$pageList->getQueryObject()->andWhere("ak_attribute_handle LIKE '%\n".$value2."\n%'");
//by attribute: topics
//first get nodes:
//use \Concrete\Core\Tree\Node\Node as TreeNode;
$topicNode1 = TreeNode::getByID(1);
$topicNode2 = TreeNode::getByID(2);
$pageList->filterByAttribute('attribute_handle', array($topicNode1, $topicNode2));
//or send the nodeIDs directly
$pageList->filterByAttribute('attribute_handle', array(1,2));
//OR: Category
$topicCategory1 = TreeNode::getByID(1);
$pageList->filterByAttribute('attribute_handle', array($topicCategory1));
//or send the nodeIDs directly
$pageList->filterByAttribute('attribute_handle', array(1));
$pageList->sortBy('ak_attribute_handle', 'desc'); //by an attribute: 'ak_' + attribute_handle
//$parentPage = \Page::getByID(1);
$parentPage = \Page::getByPath('/blog');
$pageType = \PageType::getByHandle('blog_entry'); //dashboard/pages/types
$pageTemplate = \PageTemplate::getByHandle('blog_entry');//dashboard/pages/templates
$page = $parentPage->add(
'cName' => 'Hello All!',
'cDescription' => 'Just a quick blog post.',
'cHandle ' => 'hello-all',
//'cDatePublic' => '2019-01-02 20:21:22',
//'cDateCreated' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
//'pkgID ' => 1,
//'uID ' => 1,
'cName' => 'My new page name',
'cDescription' => 'My new page description',
//'cDatePublic' => '2019-01-02 20:21:22',
//'cDateCreated' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
//'pkgID' => 1,
//'uID' => 1,
//'pTemplateID' => 1,
//'cHandle' => 'new-handle',
//'cCacheFullPageContent' => FALSE,
//'cCacheFullPageContentOverrideLifetime' => FALSE,
//'cCacheFullPageContentLifetimeCustom' => FALSE,
$page->delete(); //delete it immediately
$page->moveToTrash(); //move to trash
$moveTo = \Page::getByPath('/archives');
$copyTo = \Page::getByPath('/archives');
//$page = \Page::getByID(1);
$page = \Page::getByPath('/blog');
$page = \Page::getByID(1); //by ID
$page->setAttribute('attribute_handle', 'value');
//multiple values (option list)
$page->setAttribute('attribute_handle', array('value1', 'value2'));
$page = \Page::getByID(1); //by ID
$page = \Page::getByID(1); //by ID
$attr = CollectionAttributeKey::getByID(1); //by ID
$attr = CollectionAttributeKey::getByHandle('attribute_handle'); //by handle
$attrID = $attr->getAttributeKeyID(); //echo $attrID;
$attrHandle = $attr->getAttributeKeyHandle(); //echo $attrHandle;
$attrName = $attr->getAttributeKeyName(); //echo $attrName;
//options of an 'Option List' attribute
$controller = $attr->getController();
$attrOptions = $controller->getOptions();
foreach ((object) $attrOptions as $attrOption) {
$attrOptionID = $attrOption->getSelectAttributeOptionID(); //echo $attrOptionID;
$attrOptionValue = $attrOption->getSelectAttributeOptionValue(); //echo $attrOptionValue;
//use Concrete\Core\Attribute\Type as AttributeType;
//use Concrete\Attribute\Select\Option as SelectAttributeTypeOption;
$attr = CollectionAttributeKey::getByHandle('attr_handle');
if (!is_object($attr)) {
$attr_type = AttributeType::getByHandle('text');
//$attr_type = AttributeType::getByHandle('textarea');
//$attr_type = AttributeType::getByHandle('boolean'); //Checkbox
//$attr_type = AttributeType::getByHandle('date_time');
//$attr_type = AttributeType::getByHandle('image_file');
//$attr_type = AttributeType::getByHandle('number');
//$attr_type = AttributeType::getByHandle('select'); //Option List
//$attr_type = AttributeType::getByHandle('telephone'); //Phone Number
//$attr_type = AttributeType::getByHandle('url');
//$attr_type = AttributeType::getByHandle('email');
//$attr_type = AttributeType::getByHandle('rating');
//$attr_type = AttributeType::getByHandle('topics');
//$attr_type = AttributeType::getByHandle('express'); //Express Entity
//$attr_type = AttributeType::getByHandle('calendar');
//$attr_type = AttributeType::getByHandle('calendar_event');
//$attr_type = AttributeType::getByHandle('page_selector');
//$attr_type = AttributeType::getByHandle('address'); //NOT available for collections
//$attr_type = AttributeType::getByHandle('social_links'); //NOT available for collections
$desc = array (
'akHandle' => 'attr_handle',
'akName'=> t('Attribute Name'),
//'asID' => $attrSetID, //attribute set ID: check 'Get a set/Create a set' on how to get $attrSetID
//'akIsSearchableIndexed' => TRUE, //Content included in search index. Default: FALSE
//'akIsSearchable' => FALSE, //Field available in advanced search. Default: TRUE
////text attribute (table: `atTextSettings`)
//'akTextPlaceholder' => 'placeholder', //Placeholder Text
////textarea attribute (table: `atTextareaSettings`)
//'akTextareaDisplayMode' => 'rich_text', //Input Format: 'text', 'rich_text'
////boolean attribute (table: `atBooleanSettings`)
//'akCheckedByDefault' => TRUE, //Default Value: TRUE, FALSE
//'akCheckboxLabel'=> t('Attribute Label'), //Label
////date_time attribute (table: `atDateTimeSettings`)
//'akUseNowIfEmpty' => TRUE, //Suggest the current date/time if empty: TRUE, FALSE
//'akDateDisplayMode' => 'date_time', //Ask User For: 'date_time', 'date', 'date_text', 'text'
//'akTextCustomFormat' => 'Y-m-d H:i:s', //Custom format: PHP date function values (
//'akTimeResolution' => 60, //Time Resolution: 1, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 300, 600, 900, 1800, 3600, 10800, 14400, 21600, 43200
////image_file attribute (table: `atFileSettings`)
//'akFileManagerMode' => 0, //Input Format: 0 (File Manager Selector), 5 (HTML Input)
////select attribute (table: `atSelectSettings`)
//'akSelectAllowMultipleValues' => FALSE, //Multiple Values: TRUE, FALSE
//'akDisplayMultipleValuesOnSelect' => FALSE, //Single Value: TRUE, FALSE
//'akHideNoneOption' => FALSE, //Hide None Option: TRUE, FALSE
//'akSelectAllowOtherValues' => FALSE, //User Submissions: TRUE, FALSE
//'akSelectOptionDisplayOrder' => 'display_asc', //Option Order: 'display_asc', 'alpha_asc', 'popularity_desc'
////Adding Options: check below this code block
////topic attribute (table: `atTopicSettings`)
//'topicTreeID' => $topicTreeID, //Topic Tree: find id here: /index.php/dashboard/system/attributes/topics OR in the table: `TopicTrees`
//'akTopicParentNodeID' => $topicParentNodeID, //Topic Default Parent Node: find id in the table: `TreeNodes`
//'akTopicAllowMultipleValues' => TRUE, //Allow multiple nodes to be chosen: TRUE, FALSE
////express entity attribute (table: `atExpressSettings`)
//'exEntityID' => $entityID, //Entity: find id in the table: `ExpressEntities`
////address attribute (table: `atAddressSettings`)
//'akDefaultCountry ' => '', //Available Countries
//'akHasCustomCountries ' => '', //Default Country
//'customCountries ' => '',
//'akGeolocateCountry ' => '', //Suggest the Country from the user IP address: TRUE, FALSE
$attr = CollectionAttributeKey::add( $attr_type, $desc, $pkg = null);
//add option to an 'option list' attribute
//$attrOption = SelectAttributeTypeOption::add($attr, 'Option 1'); //add options
//$attrOption = SelectAttributeTypeOption::add($attr, 'Option 2'); //"
//delete options of an 'option list' attribute
//use Concrete\Core\Attribute\Key\Category as AttributeKeyCategory;
$akc = AttributeKeyCategory::getByHandle('collection');
$attrSet = $akc->addSet('my_set', t('My Set'), $pkg = null, $locked = null);
$attrSetID = $attrSet->getAttributeSetID(); //echo $attrSetID;
$attrSetHandle = $attrSet->getAttributeSetHandle(); //echo $attrSetHandle;
$attrSetName = $attrSet->getAttributeSetName(); //echo $attrSetName;
$file = \File::getByID(1); //by ID
echo $file->getFileID(); //file ID
echo $file->getFileName(); //file name
echo $file->getURL(); //direct url
echo $file->getDownloadURL(); //tracked url
echo $file->getRelativePath();echo "<br><br>";
echo $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$file->getRelativePath();echo "<br><br>";
echo $file->getTitle();
echo $file->getDescription();
echo $file->getTags(); //string
print_r($file->getTagsList()); //array
echo $file->getSize();
echo $file->getFullSize();
echo $file->getExtension();
echo $file->getType();
echo $file->getMimeType();
echo $file->getDisplayType();
echo $file->getGenericTypeText();
echo $file->getAttribute('width');
echo $file->getAttribute('height');
echo $file->getAttribute('duration');
//file version
$fileVersion = $file->getApprovedVersion();
echo $file->getAttribute('width');
//first get the approved version of the file
$version = $file->getApprovedVersion();
$attrValues = $version->getAttributes();
if (count($attrValues)) {
foreach ($attrValues as $value) {
$key = $value->getAttributeKey();
echo $attrHandle = $key->getAttributeKeyHandle();
echo $attrName = $key->getAttributeKeyName();
$fileList = new FileList();
$files = $fileList->getResults();
//echo count($files);
foreach ((array)$files as $file) {
echo $file->getFileID();
$fileList = new FileList();
$pagination = $fileList->getPagination();
$files = $pagination->getCurrentPageResults();
//echo count($files);
foreach ((array)$files as $file) {
echo $file->getFileID().'-'.$file->getFileName().'<br/>';
//pagination buttons
echo $pagination->renderDefaultView(); //Outputs HTML for Bootstrap 3.
//pagination functions
//$pagination->setCurrentPage($_GET['ccm_paging_p'] ?? 1); //in case the result is not generated correctly based on current page number
echo $pagination->getTotalResults(); //total number of results
echo $pagination->getTotalPages(); //total number of files
echo $pagination->hasNextPage(); //To determine whether paging is necessary
echo $pagination->hasPreviousPage(); //"
For custom markup check here
$FileList->filterByType(\Concrete\Core\File\Type\Type::T_IMAGE); //by type (T_IMAGE, T_TEXT, T_AUDIO, T_DOCUMENT, T_APPLICATION, T_UNKNOWN)
$FileList->filterByExtension('png'); //by extension
$FileList->filterByKeywords('foobar'); //by keywords
$FileList->filterBySize(1024, 2048); //Only includes files that are between 1MB and 2MB in Size
$FileList->filterByAttribute('width', 200, '>='); //Only include files where "width" is 200 or greater.
$FileList->filterByDateAdded($date, $comparison = '='); //by date added
$FileList->filterByTags($tags); //by tags
if ($fileSet) $FileList->filterBySet($fileSet); //by set (check 'Get a file set' for how to get a set)
$FileList->filterByNoSet(); //files in No Sets
//use Concrete\Core\Tree\Node\Type\FileFolder;
//use Concrete\Core\File\FolderItemList;
$fileFolder = FileFolder::getNodeByName('Folder Name');
$fileList = new FolderItemList();
if ($fileFolder) {
$files = $fileList->getResults();
//echo count($files);
foreach ((array)$files as $file) {
$file = $file->getTreeNodeFileObject();
echo $file->getFileID();
$fileSet = FileSet::getByID(1); //by ID
$fileSet = FileSet::getByName('File Set Name'); //name
$folder = Node::getByID($folderID); //by ID
$folder = Node::getNodeByName('My Folder'); //by name, not working
$filePath = 'path/to/file/filename.jpg';
if (file_exists($filePath)) {
$importer = new \Concrete\Core\File\Importer();
$fileVersion = $importer->import($filePath, false); //echo get_class($fileVersion); //file version object
$file = $fileVersion->getFile(); //echo get_class($file); //file object
$file = File::getByID(1);
$file = File::getByID(1);
$file->setAttribute('attribute_handle', 'value');
$file = File::getByID(1);
$fileSet = Set::createAndGetSet('My File Set', Set::TYPE_PUBLIC);
$file = \File::getByID(1); // by ID
//use Concrete\Core\File\Filesystem;
$filesystem = new Filesystem();
$folder = $filesystem->getRootFolder();
$folderName = 'My Folder - '.time();
$folder = $filesystem->addFolder($folder, $folderName);
$file = \File::getByID(1); // by ID
$fileNode = $file->getFileNodeObject();
if (is_object($fileNode)) $fileNode->move($folder);
Same as Collections
. Just replace 'Collection' with 'File'.
Same as Collections
. Just replace 'Collection' with 'File'.
Same as Collections
. Just replace 'Collection' with 'File'.
$u = $app->make(\Concrete\Core\User\User::class);
if ($u->isRegistered()) {
print 'User is logged in.';
if ($u->isSuperUser()) {
print 'Yes, they are SuperUser!';
print $u->getUserID();
$groups = $u->getUserGroupObjects();
foreach($groups as $group) {
print $group->getGroupID();
print $group->getGroupName();
$user = User::getByUserID(1); //by ID
//User::getByUserID(3, true); // Now user 3 is logged in.
$userGroups = $user->getUserGroups(); //print_r($userGroups);
$userIsActive = $user->isActive(); //print_r($userIsActive);
$userIsSuperUser = $user->isSuperUser(); //print_r($userIsSuperUser);
$userLastOnline = $user->getLastOnline(); //print_r(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $userLastOnline));
$userUserName = $user->getUserName(); //print_r($userUserName);
$userIsRegistered = $user->isRegistered(); //print_r($userIsRegistered);
$userUserID = $user->getUserID(); //print_r($userUserID);
$userTimezone = $user->getUserTimezone(); //print_r($userTimezone);
$ui = UserInfo::getByID(1); //by ID
$ui = UserInfo::getByUserName('admin'); //by username
$ui = UserInfo::getByEmail(''); //by email
$uiIsActive = $ui->isActive(); //echo $uiIsActive;
$uiUserName = $ui->getUserName(); //echo $uiUserName;
$uiEmail = $ui->getUserEmail(); //echo $uiEmail;
$uiNumLogins = $ui->getNumLogins(); //echo $uiNumLogins;
$uiLastIPAddress = $ui->getLastIPAddress(); //echo $uiLastIPAddress;
$uiLastLogin = $ui->getLastLogin(); //echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $uiLastLogin);
$uiPreviousLogin = $ui->getPreviousLogin(); //echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $uiPreviousLogin);
$uiPublicProfileUrl = $ui->getUserPublicProfileUrl(); //echo $uiPublicProfileUrl;
$uiHasAvatar = $ui->hasAvatar(); //echo $uiHasAvatar;
$uiAvatar = $ui->getUserAvatar(); //echo $uiAvatar->getPath();
$uiAttr = $ui->getAttribute('attribute_handle'); //echo $uiAttr;
$userList = new UserList();
$users = $userList->getResults();
//echo count($users);
foreach ((array)$users as $user) {
echo $user->getUserID();
$userList = new UserList();
$pagination = $userList->getPagination();
$users = $pagination->getCurrentPageResults();
//echo count($users);
foreach ((array)$users as $user) {
echo $user->getUserID().'-'.$user->getUserName().'<br/>';
//pagination buttons
echo $pagination->renderDefaultView(); //Outputs HTML for Bootstrap 3.
//pagination functions
//$pagination->setCurrentPage($_GET['ccm_paging_p'] ?? 1); //in case the result is not generated correctly based on current page number
echo $pagination->getTotalResults(); //total number of results
echo $pagination->getTotalPages(); //total number of pages
echo $pagination->hasNextPage(); //To determine whether paging is necessary
echo $pagination->hasPreviousPage(); //"
$userList->filterByKeywords('andrew'); //by keywords (simple)
$userList->filterByFulltextKeywords('foobar'); //by keywords (advanced)
$userList->filterByUsername('foobar'); //by username
$userList->filterByFuzzyUsername('foobar'); //by username(fuzzy)
$userList->filterByDateAdded($date, $comparison = '='); //by date added
//by group
//OR send the group object
$group = \Group::getByName('Administrators');
$group = \Group::getByName('Administrators');
$userList->filterByGroup($group, false); //return all non-admins
$userList->filterByInAnyGroup($groups, $inGroups = true) //multiple group
//by attribute:
$userList->filterByAttribute($column, $value, $comparison = '=');
$userList->filterByAttributeHandle($value, $comparison = '='); //for 'attribute_handle' => filterByAttributeHandle/ 'is_featured' => filterByIsFeatured(TRUE);
// by attribute: checkbox(boolean)
$userList->filterByAttribute('attribute_handle', TRUE);
$userList->filterByAttribute('attribute_handle', FALSE);
//by attribute: string (text/text area/email/URL, Phone NUmber, etc)
$userList->filterByAttribute('attribute_handle', 'cat'); //equal to 'cat'
$userList->filterByAttribute('attribute_handle', '%'.'cat'.'%', 'LIKE'); //has 'cat' anywhere in the string
//by attribute: number
$userList->filterByAttribute('attribute_handle', 5); //equal to 5
$userList->filterByAttribute('attribute_handle', 5, '>='); //greater than or equal to 5
//by attribute: date/time
$userList->filterByAttribute('attribute_handle', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $start)); //equal to $stat
$userList->filterByAttribute('attribute_handle', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $start), '>='); //greater than or equal to $start
// by attribute: option list
//$userList->filterBySelectAttribute($akHandle, $value); //legacy. not working
//for filtering based on a single option:
$userList->filterByAttribute('attribute_handle', $value1);
//for filtering based on multiple options: It seems not working properly for array with multiple options. use manual method instead.
$userList->filterByAttribute('attribute_handle', array($value1, $value2));
//have either $value1 OR $value2 value
$userList->getQueryObject()->where("ak_attribute_handle LIKE '%\n".$value1."\n%'");
$userList->getQueryObject()->orWhere("ak_attribute_handle LIKE '%\n".$value2."\n%'");
//have both $value1 AND $value2 values
$userList->getQueryObject()->where("ak_attribute_handle LIKE '%\n".$value1."\n%'");
$userList->getQueryObject()->andWhere("ak_attribute_handle LIKE '%\n".$value2."\n%'");
//by attribute: topics
//first get nodes:
//use \Concrete\Core\Tree\Node\Node as TreeNode;
$topicNode1 = TreeNode::getByID(1);
$topicNode2 = TreeNode::getByID(2);
$userList->filterByAttribute('attribute_handle', array($topicNode1, $topicNode2));
//OR: Category
$topicCategory1 = TreeNode::getByID(1);
$userList->filterByAttribute('attribute_handle', array($topicCategory1));
$userList->sortByUserID(); //by ID asc
$userList->sortByUserName(); //by username asc
$userList->sortByDateAdded(); //by date added desc
$userList->sortBy('u.uID', 'desc'); //by ID desc
$userList->sortBy('u.uName', 'asc'); //by username desc
$userList->sortBy('u.uDateAdded', 'asc'); //by date added asc
$userList->sortBy('ak_attribute_handle', 'desc'); //by an attribute: 'ak_' + attribute_handle
$ui = \UserInfo::add(array(
'uName' => 'andrew',
'uEmail' => '',
'uPassword' => 'kittens',
//'uDefaultLanguage' => '', //an ISO language code for the user's default language
//'uIsValidated' => '', //whether the user is validated. 1 for validated, 0 for definitely unvalidated, and -1 for unknown (which is the default on sites that don't employ user validation
$ui = \UserInfo::getByID(10);
if ($ui) {
//'uName' => 'andrew',
//'uEmail' => '',
//'uPassword' => 'kittens',
//'uDefaultLanguage' => ''
//'uIsValidated' => '',
//'uTimezone' => 'America/Los_Angeles'
//'uHasAvatar' => '',
//'uPasswordConfirm' => '',
//change password
$ui = \UserInfo::getByID(10);
if ($ui) {
'uPassword' => 'newpass',
'uPasswordConfirm' => 'newpass']
$ui = \UserInfo::getByID(20);
if ($ui) {
$ui = \UserInfo::getByID(10);
if ($ui) {
$ui = UserInfo::getByID(1); //by ID
if ($ui) {
$ui->setAttribute('attribute_handle', 'value');
$ui = UserInfo::getByID(1); //by ID
if ($ui) {
Same as Collections
. Just replace 'Collection' with 'File'.
Same as Collections
. Just replace 'Collection' with 'File'.
Same as Collections
. Just replace 'Collection' with 'File'.
- Topic Tree
- Category
- Topic (Node)
- Category
//use \Concrete\Core\Tree\Type\Topic as TopicTree;
$topicTree = TopicTree::getByID(1); //by ID
$topicTree = TopicTree::getByName('Blog Entries'); //by name
if ($topicTree) echo $topicTree->getTreeName();
//use \Concrete\Core\Tree\Type\Topic as TopicTree;
$topicTrees = TopicTree::getList();
foreach ($topicTrees as $key => $topicTree) {
echo $topicTree->treeID;
echo $topicTree->topicTreeName;
echo $topicTree->treeDateAdded;
echo $topicTree->rootTreeNodeID;
//use \Concrete\Core\Tree\Type\Topic as TopicTree;
$root = $topicTree->getRootTreeNodeObject();
$children = $root->getChildNodes();
//use \Concrete\Core\Tree\Type\Topic as TopicTree;
//add a Topic Tree
$topicTree = TopicTree::add('Topic Tree Name');
//rename a Topic Tree
$topicTree->setTopicTreeName('New Topic Tree Name');
//use \Concrete\Core\Tree\Node\Node as TreeNode;
$topicCategory = TreeNode::getByID($catID);
$topicCategory = TreeNode::getNodeByName($catName); //not working (error)
//Topic (Node)
$topicNode = TreeNode::getByID($nodeID);
$topicNode = TreeNode::getNodeByName($nodeName); //not working (error)
//use Concrete\Core\Tree\Type\Topic as TopicTree;
//use Concrete\Core\Tree\Node\Node as TreeNode;
//use Concrete\Core\Tree\Node\Type\Topic as TopicTreeNode;
//use Concrete\Core\Attribute\Key\Category;
//get root Category
$topicCategory = TreeNode::getByID($topicTree->getRootTreeNodeObject()->treeNodeID);
//OR: Get anotehr category by its handle
//from -> not working (error)
$topicCategory = new Category();
$topicCategory->getByHandle('Another Category');
$topicCategory = TreeNode::getByID($catID);
$topicCategory = TreeNode::getNodeByName($catName); //not working (error)
//add a new topic (node)
$topicNode = TopicTreeNode::add('New Node', $topicCategory);
//add a new category
$topicCategory->add('New Category below seected $topicCategory', $topicCategory);
//use Concrete\Core\Attribute\Key\Category as AttributeKeyCategory;
$categories = AttributeKeyCategory::getList();
foreach ((array)$categories as $category) {
$categoryID = $category->getAttributeKeyCategoryID(); //echo $categoryID;
$categoryHandle = $category->getAttributeKeyCategoryHandle(); //echo $categoryHandle;
//use Concrete\Core\Attribute\Key\Category as AttributeKeyCategory;
$categoryID = 1;
$category = AttributeKeyCategory::getByID($categoryID);
if (is_object($category)) {
$sets = $category->getController()->getSetManager()->getAttributeSets();
foreach ((object) $sets as $set) {
$setID = $set->getAttributeSetID(); //echo $setID);
$setHandle = $set->getAttributeSetHandle(); //echo $setHandle;
$setName = $set->getAttributeSetDisplayName(); //echo $setName;
$attrSet = AttributeSet::getByID('attribute_set_id'); //by ID
$attrSet = AttributeSet::getByHandle('attribute_set_handle'); //by handle
$attrs = $attrSet->getAttributeKeys();
foreach($attrs as $attr) {
$attrID = $attr->getAttributeKeyID(); //echo $attrID;
$attrHandle = $attr->getAttributeKeyHandle(); //echo $attrHandle;
$attrName = $attr->getAttributeKeyName(); //echo $attrName;
//regular area
$a = new Area("Main");
//$a->enableGridContainer(); //enable grid container in area
//if ($c->isEditMode()); //do something
//if ($a->getTotalBlocksInArea($c) > 0); //do something
//global area
$a = new GlobalArea("Main");
$bt = BlockType::getByHandle('block_handle');
$bt->controller->field1 = 'field1';
$bt->render(); //render default template: view.php
//$bt->render('templates/my_template'); //render specific template: my_template.php
$eObj = Express::getObjectByHandle('marina');
if (!is_object($eObj)) {
$eObj = Express::buildObject('marina', 'marinas', 'Marina', $pkg = null);
////general checkboxes (HELP WANTED)
//use Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Key\Key;
//'Content included in search index' checkbox
//akIsSearchableIndexed --> setIsAttributeKeyContentIndexed()
//'Field available in advanced search' checkbox
//akIsSearchable--> setIsAttributeKeySearchable()
$settings = new \Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Key\Settings\TextSettings();
$settings->setPlaceholder('Enter Marina Name Here');
$eObj->addAttribute('text', 'Name', 'marina_name', $settings);
$settings = new \Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Key\Settings\TextareaSettings();
$settings->setMode('text'); //values: 'text', 'rich_text'
$eObj->addAttribute('textarea', 'Description', 'marina_description', $settings);
$settings = new \Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Key\Settings\BooleanSettings();
$settings->setCheckboxLabel('Checkbox Label');
$eObj->addAttribute('boolean', 'Active', 'marina_active', $settings);
$settings = new \Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Key\Settings\DateTimeSettings();
$settings->setTextCustomFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$eObj->addAttribute('date_time', 'Establishment', 'marina_establishment', $settings);
$settings = new \Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Key\Settings\ImageFileSettings();
$settings->setModeToFileManager(); //OR $settings->setModeToHtmlInput();
$eObj->addAttribute('image_file', 'Image', 'marina_image', $settings);
$eObj->addAttribute('number', 'Size', 'marina_size');
$eObj->addAttribute('select', 'Facilities', 'marina_facilities', $settings);
$settings = new \Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Key\Settings\SelectSettings();
$settings = new \Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Key\Settings\AddressSettings();
$eObj->addAttribute('address', 'Address', 'marina_address', $settings);
$eObj->addAttribute('telephone', 'Telephone', 'marina_telephone');
$eObj->addAttribute('url', 'Website', 'marina_website');
$eObj->addAttribute('email', 'Email', 'marina_email');
$eObj->addAttribute('rating', 'Rating', 'marina_rating');
$settings = new \Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Key\Settings\TopicsSettings();
$eObj->addAttribute('topics', 'District', 'marina_district', $settings);
$eObj->addAttribute('social_links', 'twitter', 'marina_twitter');
$settings = new \Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Key\Settings\ExpressSettings();
$eObj->addAttribute('express', 'Personnels', 'marina_personnels');
$eObj->addAttribute('calendar', 'Calendar', 'marina_calendar');
$eObj->addAttribute('calendar_event', 'Event', 'marina_event');
$eObj->addAttribute('page_selector', 'Info Page', 'marina_info_page');
//creating an Express Object Form
$form = $eObj->buildForm('Form');
->addAttributeKeyControl('marina_active') //...
->addTextControl('', 'This is just some basic explanatory text.')
->addAttributeKeyControl('marina_establishment') //...
$form = $form->save();
For more info on each method and its possible values check HERE
$marina = Express::buildObject('marina', 'marinas', 'Marina', $pkg);
$boat = Express::buildObject('boat', 'boats', 'Boat', $pkg);
$builder = $marina->buildAssociation();
$boat = $builder->save();
$marina = $marina->getEntity();
Databse Table: Config
configNamespace | configGroup | configItem | configValue |
my_package | front_end | show_header | 1 |
File: application\config\generated_overrides\configNamespace\configGroup.php
return array(
'configItem' => TRUE,
'configItem2' => 2,
'configItem3' => 'Hey!',
$packageObject = \Package::getByHandle('my_package');
//save config value
$packageObject->getConfig()->save('front_end.show_header', true);
//get config value
$showHeader = $packageObject->getConfig()->get('front_end.show_header');
//has config value
$hasShowHeader = $packageObject->getConfig()->has('front_end.show_header');
//set config value
//$packageObject->getConfig()->set('front_end.show_header'); //not working
//clear config value
//$packageObject->getConfig()->clear('front_end.show_header'); //not working
//save config value
$packageObject->getFileConfig()->save('front_end.show_header', true);
//get config value
$showHeader = $packageObject->getFileConfig()->get('front_end.show_header');
//has config value
$hasShowHeader = $packageObject->getFileConfig()->has('front_end.show_header');
//set config value
//$packageObject->getConfig()->set('front_end.show_header'); //not working
//clear config value
//$packageObject->getConfig()->clear('front_end.show_header'); //not working
$key = 'configNamespace::configGroup.configItem';
$value = '5';
$default = -1;
$configDatabase = \Core::make('config/database');
$configDatabase->save($key, $value);
$configDatabase->get($key, $default);
//$configDatabase->set($key, $value); //not working
//$configDatabase->clear($key); //not working
$configFile = \Core::make('config');
$configFile->save($key, $value);
$configFile->get($key, $default);
//$configFile->set($key, $value); //not working
//$configFile->clear($key); //not working
$key = 'configNamespace::configGroup.configItem';
$value = '5';
$default = -1;
\Config::save($key, $value);
\Config::get($key, $default);
//\Config::set($key, $value); //not working
//\Config::clear($key); //not working
//Translate text (simple form).
//Translate text (plural form).
t2($singular, $plural, $number);
//Translate text (simple form) with a context.
tc($context, $text);
//Security helper.
//Returns $string in CamelCase.
camelcase($string, $leaveSlashes = false);
//Returns CamelCase string as camel_case.
//Fills an object properties from an array.
array_to_object($o, $array);
//Dumps information about a variable in a way that can be used with Doctrine recursive objects.).
var_dump_safe($o, $echo = true, $maxDepth = true);
//Generate the PHPDoc for a set of defined variables.
output_vars(array $get_defined_vars, $valueOfThis = null, $return = false);
$nh = $app->make('helper/number');
$nh->flexround($value); //Rounds the value only out to its most significant digit.
$nh->trim($value); //Remove superfluous zeroes from a string containing a number.
$nh->isNumber($string); //Checks if a given string is valid representation of a number in the current locale.
$nh->isInteger($string); //Checks if a given string is valid representation of an integer in the current locale.
$nh->format($number, $precision = null); //Format a number with grouped thousands and localized decimal point/thousands separator.
$nh->unformat($string, $trim = true, $precision = null); //Parses a localized number representation and returns the number (or null if $string is not a valid number representation).
$nh->formatSize($size, $forceUnit = ''); //Formats a size (measured in bytes, KB, MB, ...).
$nh->getBytes($val); //Nice and elegant function for converting memory. Thanks to @lightness races in orbit on Stackoverflow.
$th = $app->make('helper/text');
$th->encodePath($path); //URL-encodes collection path.
$th->match($pattern, $value); //Determine if a given string matches a given pattern.
$th->lugSafeString($handle, $maxlength = 128); //Remove unsafe characters for URL slug.
$th->sanitize($string, $max_length = 0, $allowed = ''); //Strips tags and optionally reduces string to specified length.
$th->email($email); //Leaves only characters that are valid in email addresses (RFC).
$th->alphanum($string); //Leaves only characters that are alpha-numeric.
$th->entities($v); //always use in place of htmlentites(), so it works with different languages.
$th->decodeEntities($v); //Decodes html-encoded entities (for instance: from '>' to '>').
$th->specialchars($v); //A concrete5 specific version of htmlspecialchars(). Double encoding is OFF, and the character set is set to your site's.
$th->shorten($textStr, $numChars = 255, $tail = '…'); //An alias for shorten().
$th->shortText($textStr, $numChars = 255, $tail = '…'); //Like sanitize, but requiring a certain number characters, and assuming a tail.
$th->camelcase($string); //Takes a string and turns it into the CamelCase or StudlyCaps version.
$th->twitterAutolink($input, $newWindow = 0, $withSearch = 0); //automatically add hyperlinks to any twitter style @usernames in a string.
$th->makenice($input); //Runs a number of text functions, including autolink, nl2br, strip_tags. Assumes that you want simple text comments but with a few niceties.
$th->prettyStripTags($input, $allowedTags = null); //Runs strip_tags but ensures that spaces are kept between the stripped tags.
$th->autolink($input, $newWindow = false, $defaultProtocol = 'http://'); //Scans passed text and automatically hyperlinks any URL inside it.
$th->fnmatch($pattern, $string); //A wrapper for PHP's fnmatch() function, which some installations don't have.
$th->uncamelcase($string); //Takes a CamelCase string and turns it into camel_case.
$th->unhandle($string); //Takes a handle-based string like "blah_blah" or "blah-blah" or "blah/blah" and turns it into "Blah Blah".
$th->handle($handle, $leaveSlashes = false); //Takes a string and turns it into a handle.
$th->sanitizeFileSystem($handle); //Determines whether a string matches a particular pattern.
$th->urlify($handle, $max_length = null, $locale = '', $removeExcludedWords = true); //Takes text and returns it in the "lowercase-and-dashed-with-no-punctuation" format.
$th->asciify($text, $locale = ''); //Takes text and converts it to an ASCII-only string (characters with code between 32 and 127, plus \t, \n and \r).
$th->wordSafeShortText($textStr, $numChars = 255, $tail = '…'); //alias of shortenTextWord().
$th->shortenTextWord($textStr, $numChars = 255, $tail = '…'); //Shortens and sanitizes a string but only cuts at word boundaries.
$th->filterNonAlphaNum($val); //Strips out non-alpha-numeric characters.
$th->highlightSearch($value, $searchString); //Highlights a string within a string with the class ccm-highlight-search.
$th->formatXML($xml); //Formats a passed XML string nicely.
$th->appendXML(\SimpleXMLElement $root, \SimpleXMLElement $new); //Appends a SimpleXMLElement to a SimpleXMLElement.
$uh = $app->make('helper/url');
$uh->setVariable($variable, $value = false, $url = false); //
$uh->unsetVariable($variable, $url = false); //
$uh->buildQuery($url, $params); //
$uh->shortenURL($strURL); //Shortens a given url with the tiny url api.
$ah = $app->make('helper/array');
$ah->get(array $array, $keys, $default = null); //Fetches a value from an (multidimensional) array.
$ah->set(array $array, $keys, $value); //Sets a value in an (multidimensional) array, creating the arrays recursivly.
$ah->parseKeys($keys); //Turns the string keys into an array of keys.
$ah->flatten(array $array); //Takes a multidimensional array and flattens it.
$ah->subset($a, $b); //Returns whether $a is a proper subset of $b.
$avh = $app->make('helper/validation/arrays');
$avh->containsString($needle, $haystack = array(), $recurse = true); //Returns true if any string in the "haystack" contains the "needle".
$nvh = $app->make('helper/validation/numbers');
$nvh->integer($data, $min = null, $max = null); //Tests whether the passed item is an integer.
$nvh->number($data, $min = null, $max = null); //Tests whether the passed item is an integer or a floating point number.
$svh = $app->make('helper/validation/strings');
$svh->email($em, $testMXRecord = false, $strict = false); //@deprecated Use Concrete\Core\Validator\String\EmailValidator
$svh->alphanum($value, $allowSpaces = false, $allowDashes = false); //Returns true on whether the passed string is completely alpha-numeric, if the value is not a string or is an empty string false will be returned.
$svh->handle($handle); //Returns true if the passed string is a valid "handle" (e.g. only letters, numbers, or a _ symbol).
$svh->notempty($field); //Returns false if the string is empty (including trim()).
$svh->min($str, $length); //Returns true on whether the passed string is larger or equal to the passed length.
$svh->max($str, $length); //Returns true on whether the passed is smaller or equal to the passed length.
$svh->containsNumber($str); //Returns 0 if there are no numbers in the string, or returns the number of numbers in the string.
$svh->containsUpperCase($str); //Returns 0 if there are no upper case letters in the string, or returns the number of upper case letters in the string.
$svh->containsLowerCase($str); //Returns 0 if there are no lower case letters in the string, or returns the number of lower case letters in the string.
$svh->containsSymbol($str); //Returns 0 if there are no symbols in the string, or returns the number of symbols in the string.
$jh = $app->make('helper/json');
$jh->decode($string, $assoc = false); //Decodes a JSON string into a php variable.
$jh->encode($mixed); //Encodes a data structure into a JSON string.
$ah = $app->make('helper/json');
$ah->isAjaxRequest(Request $request); //Check if a request is an Ajax call.
$ah->sendResult($result); //Sends a result to the client and ends the execution.
$ah->sendError($error); //Sends an error to the client and ends the execution.
$hh = $app->make('helper/html');
$hh->css($file, $pkgHandle = null); //
$hh->javascript($file, $pkgHandle = null); //
$hh->noFollowHref($input); //Takes in a string, and adds rel="nofollow" to any a tags that contain an href attribute.
$nh = $app->make('helper/navigation');
$nh->getLinkToCollection($cObj); //Returns a link to a page. Note: this always returns a string.
$nh->getTrailToCollection($c); //Returns an array of collections as a breadcrumb to the current page.
$nh->getCollectionURL($cObj); //Returns the URL of a collection so that it can be clicked on.
$nh->getLogInOutLink(); //
$dh = $app->make('helper/date');
//$dh = $app->make('date');
$dh->toDB($value = 'now', $fromTimezone = 'system'); //Convert any date/time representation to a string that can be used in DB queries.
$dh->getOverridableNow($asTimestamp = false); //Return the date/time representation for now, that can be overridden by a custom request when viewing pages in a moment specified by administrators (custom request date/time).
$dh->date($mask, $timestamp = false, $toTimezone = 'system'); //Subsitute for the native date() function that adds localized date support.
$dh->getTimezoneName($timezoneID); //Retrieve the display name (localized) of a time zone given its PHP identifier.
$dh->getTimezones(); //Returns a keyed array of timezone identifiers (keys are the standard PHP timezone names, values are the localized timezone names).
$dh->getGroupedTimezones(); //Returns the list of timezones with translated names, grouped by region.
$dh->getTimezoneDisplayName($timezone); //Returns the display name of a timezone.
$dh->timeSince($posttime, $precise = false); //Describe the difference in time between now and a date/time in the past.
$dh->describeInterval($diff, $precise = false); //Returns the localized representation of a time interval specified as seconds.
$dh->getTimezoneID($timezone); //Returns the normalized timezone identifier.
$dh->getUserTimeZoneID(); //
$dh->getTimezone($timezone); //Returns a \DateTimeZone instance for a specified timezone identifier.
$dh->toDateTime($value = 'now', $toTimezone = 'system', $fromTimezone = 'system'); //Convert a date to a \DateTime instance.
$dh->getDeltaDays($from, $to, $timezone = 'user'); //Returns the difference in days between to dates.
$dh->formatDate($value = 'now', $format = 'short', $toTimezone = 'user'); //Render the date part of a date/time as a localized string.
$dh->formatTime($value = 'now', $withSeconds = false, $toTimezone = 'user'); //Render the time part of a date/time as a localized string.
$dh->formatDateTime($value = 'now', $longDate = false, $withSeconds = false, $toTimezone = 'user'); //Render both the date and time parts of a date/time as a localized string.
$dh->formatPrettyDate($value, $longDate = false, $toTimezone = 'user'); //Render the date part of a date/time as a localized string. If the day is yesterday we'll print 'Yesterday' (the same for today, tomorrow).
$dh->formatPrettyDateTime($value, $longDate = false, $withSeconds = false, $timezone = 'user'); //Render both the date and time parts of a date/time as a localized string. If the day is yesterday we'll print 'Yesterday' (the same for today, tomorrow).
$dh->formatCustom($format, $value = 'now', $toTimezone = 'user', $fromTimezone = 'system'); //Render a date/time as a localized string, by specifying a custom format.
$dh->getJQueryUIDatePickerFormat($relatedPHPFormat = ''); //Returns the format string for the jQueryUI DatePicker widget
$dh->getTimeFormat(); //Returns the time format (12 or 24).
$dh->getPHPDatePattern(); //
$dh->getPHPTimePattern(); //Get the PHP date format string for times.
$dh->getPHPDateTimePattern(); //Get the PHP date format string for dates/times.
$dh->getLocalDateTime($systemDateTime = 'now', $mask = null); //@deprecated
$dh->getSystemDateTime($userDateTime = 'now', $mask = null); //@deprecated
$dh->dateTimeFormatLocal($datetime, $mask); //@deprecated
$form = $app->make('helper/form'); //no need to initiate
$form->setRequest(Request $request); //Set the request instance.
$form->getRequest(); //
echo $form->action($action, $task = null); //Returns an action suitable for including in a form action property.
echo $form->submit($key, $value, $miscFields = [], $additionalClasses = ''); //Creates a submit button.
echo $form->button($key, $value, $miscFields = [], $additionalClasses = ''); //Creates a button.
echo $form->label($forFieldID, $innerHTML, $miscFields = []); //Creates a label tag.
echo $form->file($key, $miscFields = []); //Creates a file input element.
echo $form->hidden($key, $value = null, $miscFields = []); //Creates a hidden form field.
echo $form->checkbox($key, $value, $isChecked = false, $miscFields = []); //Generates a checkbox.
echo $form->textarea($key, $valueOrMiscFields = '', $miscFields = []); //Creates a textarea field.
echo $form->radio($key, $value, $checkedValueOrMiscFields = '', $miscFields = []); //Generates a radio button.
echo $form->getRequestValue($key); //Checks the request (first POST then GET) based on the key passed.
echo $form->text($key, $valueOrMiscFields = '', $miscFields = []); //Renders a text input field.
echo $form->number($key, $valueOrMiscFields = '', $miscFields = []); //Renders a number input field.
echo $form->email($key, $valueOrMiscFields = '', $miscFields = []); //Renders an email input field.
echo $form->telephone($key, $valueOrMiscFields = '', $miscFields = []); //Renders a telephone input field.
echo $form->url($key, $valueOrMiscFields = '', $miscFields = []); //Renders a URL input field.
echo $form->search($key, $valueOrMiscFields = '', $miscFields = []); //Renders a search input field.
echo $form->select($key, $optionValues, $valueOrMiscFields = '', $miscFields = []); //Renders a select field.
echo $form->selectCountry($key, $selectedCountryCode = '', array $configuration = [], array $miscFields = []); //Renders a select menu to choose a Country.
echo $form->selectMultiple($key, $optionValues, $defaultValues = false, $miscFields = []); //Renders a multiple select box.
echo $form->password($key, $valueOrMiscFields = '', $miscFields = []); //Renders a password input field.
echo $form->getAutocompletionDisabler(); //Generates HTML code that can be added at the beginning of a form to disable username/password autocompletion.
echo $form->processRequestValue($key, $type = 'post'); //Checks the request based on the key passed.
echo $form->inputType($key, $type, $valueOrMiscFields, $miscFields); //Internal function that creates an <input> element of type $type. Handles the messiness of evaluating $valueOrMiscFields. Assigns a default class of ccm-input-$type.
echo $form->parseMiscFields($defaultClass, $attributes); //Create an HTML fragment of attribute values, merging any CSS class names as necessary.
$cpfh = $app->make('helper/form/color');
echo $cpfh->output($inputName, $value = null, $options = array()); //Creates form fields and JavaScript includes to add a color picker widget.
//echo $cpfh->output('background-color', '#f00');
$dtfh = $app->make('helper/form/date_time');
$dtfh->translate($field, $arr = null, $asDateTime = false); //Takes a "field" and grabs all the corresponding disparate fields from $_POST and translates into a timestamp.
echo $dtfh->datetime($field, $value = null, $includeActivation = false, $calendarAutoStart = true, $classes = null, $timeResolution = 60, array $datePickerOptions = array()); //Creates form fields and JavaScript calendar includes for a particular item (date/time string representations will be converted from the user system-zone to the time-zone).
echo $dtfh->date($field, $value = null, $calendarAutoStart = true, array $datePickerOptions = array()); //Creates form fields and JavaScript calendar includes for a particular item but includes only calendar controls (no time, so no time-zone conversions will be applied).
echo $dtfh->selectNearestValue(array $values, $wantedValue); //hoose an array value nearest to a specified value. Useful when we work with time resolutions.
$psfh = $app->make('helper/form/page_selector');
echo $psfh->selectPage($fieldName, $cID = false); //Creates form fields and JavaScript page chooser for choosing a page. For use with inclusion in blocks.
echo $psfh->quickSelect($key, $cID = false, $args = array()); //
echo $psfh->selectMultipleFromSitemap($field, $pages = array(), $startingPoint = 'HOME_CID', $filters = array()); //
echo $psfh->selectFromSitemap($field, $page = null, $startingPoint = 'HOME_CID', SiteTree $siteTree = null, $filters = array()); //
$usfh = $app->make('helper/form/user_selector');
echo $usfh->selectUser($fieldName, $uID = false); //Build the HTML to be placed in a page to choose a user using a popup dialog.
echo $usfh->quickSelect($fieldName, $uID = false, $miscFields = []); //Build the HTML to be placed in a page to choose a user using a select with users pupulated dynamically with ajax requests.
echo $usfh->selectMultipleUsers($fieldName, $users = []); //Build the HTML to be placed in a page to choose multiple users using a popup dialog.
$rfh = $app->make('helper/form/rating');
echo $rfh->rating($prefix, $value = null, $includeJS = true); //
$afh = $app->make('helper/form/attribute');
$afh->setAttributeObject($obj); //
$afh->display($key, $required = false, $includeLabel = true, $template = 'composer'); //
//usage for page(collection) attributes
$afh = $app->make('helper/form/attribute');
$key = CollectionAttributeKey::getByHandle('page_attribute_handle'); //get attribute object
echo $afh->display($key);
//usage for file attributes
$afh = $app->make('helper/form/attribute');
$key = FileAttributeKey::getByHandle('file_attribute_handle'); //get attribute object
echo $afh->display($key);
//usage for userinfo attributes
$afh = $app->make('helper/form/attribute');
$key = UserAttributeKey::getByHandle('user_attribute_handle'); //get attribute object
echo $afh->display($key);
$tfh = $app->make('helper/form/typography');
$tfh = $app->make('helper/form/font');
echo $tfh->output($inputName, $value = array(), $options = array()); //Creates form fields and JavaScript includes to add a font picker widget.
$cuh = $app->make('helper/concrete/urls');
$cuh->getPackageIconURL($pkg); //Gets a full URL to an icon for a particular application.
$cuh->getPackageURL($pkg); //Get the package's URL.
$cuh->getToolsURL($tool, $pkgHandle = null); //Gets a URL to reference a script in the tools directory
$cuh->getBlockTypeIconURL($bt); //Gets a full URL to an icon for a particular block type.
$cuh->getBlockTypeAssetsURL($bt, $file = false); //Gets a full URL to the directory containing all of a block's items, including JavaScript, tools, icons, etc...
$cuh->getBlockTypeJavaScriptURL($bt); //Gets a full URL to a block's JavaScript file (if one exists).
$cuh->getBlockTypeToolsURL($bt); //@deprecated: Gets a full URL to a block's tools directory
$alh = $app->make('helper/concrete/asset_library');
$alh = $app->make('helper/concrete/file_manager');
$alh->file($inputID, $inputName, $chooseText, $preselectedFile = null, $args = []); //Sets up a form field to let users pick a file.
$alh->image($inputID, $inputName, $chooseText, $preselectedFile = null, $args = []); //Sets up a form field to let users pick an image file.
$alh->video($inputID, $inputName, $chooseText, $preselectedFile = null, $args = []); //Sets up a form field to let users pick a video file.
$alh->text($inputID, $inputName, $chooseText, $preselectedFile = null, $args = []); //Sets up a form field to let users pick a text file.
$alh->audio($inputID, $inputName, $chooseText, $preselectedFile = null, $args = []); //Sets up a form field to let users pick an audio file.
$alh->doc($inputID, $inputName, $chooseText, $preselectedFile = null, $args = []); //Sets up a form field to let users pick a document file.
$alh->app($inputID, $inputName, $chooseText, $preselectedFile = null, $args = []); //Sets up a form field to let users pick a application file.
$alh->fileOfType($type, $inputID, $inputName, $chooseText, $preselectedFile = null, $args = []); //Sets up a form field to let users pick a file of a specific type.
$errors = $app->make('error');
$errors = $app->make('helper/validation/error');
$errors->add($e, $fieldName = null, $fieldDisplayName = null); //Add an error message/object or exception to the internal error array (error messages are in plain text if not otherwise specified).
$errors->addHtml($e, $fieldName = null, $fieldDisplayName = null); //Add an error message/object or exception to the internal error array (error messages are in HTML if not otherwise specified).
$errors->getList(); //Get the list of errors contained in this error list.
$errors->has(); //Returns whether or not this error list has more than one error registered within it.
$errors->toText(); //Render this error list as a plain text.
$errors->containsField($field); //Does this list contain error associated to a field?
$errors->getMessage($field); //Get the error message (if any) associated to a field.
$errors->createResponse($errorCode = JsonResponse::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST); //Create a JSON response describing the errors in this list.
$uih = $app->make('helper/concrete/ui')
$uih->submit($text, $formID = false, $buttonAlign = 'right', $innerClass = null, $args = []); //Generates a submit button in the Concrete style.
$uih->button($text, $href, $buttonAlign = 'right', $innerClass = null, $args = []); //Generates a simple link button in the Concrete style.
$uih->buttonJs($text, $onclick, $buttonAlign = 'right', $innerClass = null, $args = []); //Generates a JavaScript function button in the Concrete style.
$uih->button_js($text, $onclick, $buttonAlign = 'right', $innerClass = null, $args = []); //"
$uih->buttons($buttons = null); //Outputs button text passed as arguments with a special Concrete wrapper for positioning
$uih->getQuickNavigationLinkHTML($c); //
$uih->showWhiteLabelMessage(); //
$uih->getToolbarLogoSRC(); //
$uih->showNewsflowOverlay(); //@deprecated The Newsflow Overlay feature has been removed
$uih->showHelpOverlay(); //Shall we show the introductive help overlay?
$uih->trackHelpOverlayDisplayed(); //
$uih->clearInterfaceItemsCache(); //Clears the Interface Items Cache (clears the session).
$uih->cacheInterfaceItems(); //Cache the interface items.
$uih->pagetabs($tabs); //
$uih->tabs($tabs, $jstabs = true, $callback = 'ccm_activateTabBar'); //
$uih->renderError($title, $error, $exception = false); //
$uih->buildErrorResponse($title, $error, $exception = false); //
$uih->notify($arguments); //
$ih = $app->make('helper/image');
$ih->getStorageLocation(); //
$ih->setStorageLocation(StorageLocationInterface $storageLocation); //
$ih->setJpegCompression($level); //
$ih->getJpegCompression(); //
$ih->setPngCompression($level); //
$ih->getPngCompression(); //
$ih->setThumbnailsFormat($thumbnailsFormat); //
$ih->getThumbnailsFormat(); //
$ih->create($mixed, $savePath, $width, $height, $fit = false, $format = false); //
$ih->returnThumbnailObjectFromResolver($obj, $maxWidth, $maxHeight, $crop = false); //Checks thumbnail resolver for filename, schedule for creation via ajax if necessary.
$ih->checkForThumbnailAndCreateIfNecessary($obj, $maxWidth, $maxHeight, $crop = false); //Checks filesystem for thumbnail and if file doesn't exist will create it immediately. concrete5's default behavior from the beginning up to 8.1.
$ih->processThumbnail($async, $obj, $maxWidth, $maxHeight, $crop); //
$ih->getThumbnail($obj, $maxWidth, $maxHeight, $crop = false); //
$ih->outputThumbnail($mixed, $maxWidth, $maxHeight, $alt = null, $return = false, $crop = false); //
'app' instanceof Concrete\Core\Application\Application,
'Concrete\Core\Application\Application' instanceof Concrete\Core\Application\Application,
'Illuminate\Container\Container' instanceof Concrete\Core\Application\Application,
'authentication/community' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Authentication\Type\Community\Service\Community,
'authentication/facebook' instanceof \OAuth\OAuth2\Service\Facebook,
'authentication/google' instanceof \OAuth\OAuth2\Service\Google,
'authentication/twitter' instanceof \OAuth\OAuth1\Service\Twitter,
'cache' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Cache\Level\ObjectCache,
'cache/expensive' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Cache\Level\ExpensiveCache,
'cache/request' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Cache\Level\RequestCache,
'captcha' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Captcha\Service,
'helper/validation/captcha' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Captcha\Service,
'Concrete\Core\Config\Repository\Repository' instanceof \config,
'Concrete\Core\Database\Driver\DriverManager' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Database\Driver\DriverManager,
'Concrete\Core\Http\Request' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Http\Request,
'Concrete\Core\Routing\Router' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Routing\Router,
'Concrete\Core\Routing\RouterInterface' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Routing\Router,
'Concrete\Core\Session\SessionFactoryInterface' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Session\SessionFactory,
'Concrete\Core\Session\SessionValidatorInterface' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Session\SessionValidator,
'config' instanceof Concrete\Core\Config\Repository\Repository,
'config/database' instanceof Concrete\Core\Config\Repository\Repository,
'Illuminate\Config\Repository' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Config\Repository\Repository,
'cookie' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Cookie\CookieJar,
'database' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Database\DatabaseManager,
'Concrete\Core\Database\DatabaseManager' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Database\DatabaseManager,
'database/orm' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Database\DatabaseManagerORM,
'Concrete\Core\Database\DatabaseManagerORM' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Database\DatabaseManagerORM,
'database/structure' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Database\DatabaseStructureManager,
'date' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Localization\Service\Date,
'helper/date' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Localization\Service\Date,
'device/manager' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Device\DeviceManager,
'director' instanceof \Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher,
'Doctrine\DBAL\Connection' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Database\Connection\Connection,
'Concrete\Core\Database\Connection\Connection' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Database\Connection\Connection,
'Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager' instanceof \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface,
'Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface' instanceof \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager,
'editor' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Editor\RedactorEditor,
'editor/image' instanceof \Concrete\Core\ImageEditor\ImageEditor,
'editor/image/core' instanceof \Concrete\Core\ImageEditor\ImageEditor,
'editor/image/extension/factory' instanceof \Concrete\Core\ImageEditor\ExtensionFactory,
'error' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Error\Error,
'helper/validation/error' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Error\Error,
'help' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Application\Service\UserInterface\Help,
'helper/concrete/ui/help' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Application\Service\UserInterface\Help,
'help/block_type' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Application\Service\UserInterface\Help\BlockTypeManager,
'help/core' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Application\Service\UserInterface\Help\CoreManager,
'help/dashboard' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Application\Service\UserInterface\Help\DashboardManager,
'help/panel' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Application\Service\UserInterface\Help\PanelManager,
'helper/ajax' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Http\Service\Ajax,
'helper/arrays' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Utility\Service\Arrays,
'helper/concrete/avatar' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Application\Service\Avatar,
'helper/concrete/composer' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Application\Service\Composer,
'helper/concrete/dashboard' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Application\Service\Dashboard,
'helper/concrete/dashboard/sitemap' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Application\Service\Dashboard\Sitemap,
'helper/concrete/file' instanceof \Concrete\Core\File\Service\Application,
'helper/concrete/file_manager' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Application\Service\FileManager,
'helper/concrete/asset_library' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Application\Service\FileManager,
'helper/concrete/ui' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Application\Service\UserInterface,
'helper/concrete/ui/menu' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Application\Service\UserInterface\Menu,
'helper/concrete/upgrade' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Application\Service\Upgrade,
'helper/concrete/urls' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Application\Service\Urls,
'helper/concrete/user' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Application\Service\User,
'helper/concrete/validation' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Application\Service\Validation,
'helper/encryption' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Encryption\EncryptionService,
'helper/feed' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Feed\FeedService,
'helper/file' instanceof \Concrete\Core\File\Service\File,
'helper/form' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Form\Service\Form,
'helper/form/attribute' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Form\Service\Widget\Attribute,
'helper/form/color' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Form\Service\Widget\Color,
'helper/form/date_time' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Form\Service\Widget\DateTime,
'helper/form/font' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Form\Service\Widget\Typography,
'helper/form/typography' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Form\Service\Widget\Typography,
'helper/form/page_selector' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Form\Service\Widget\PageSelector,
'helper/form/rating' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Form\Service\Widget\Rating,
'helper/form/user_selector' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Form\Service\Widget\UserSelector,
'helper/html' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Html\Service\Html,
'helper/image' instanceof \Concrete\Core\File\Image\BasicThumbnailer,
'image/thumbnailer' instanceof \Concrete\Core\File\Image\BasicThumbnailer,
'helper/json' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Http\Service\Json,
'helper/lightbox' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Html\Service\Lightbox,
'helper/mime' instanceof \Concrete\Core\File\Service\Mime,
'helper/navigation' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Html\Service\Navigation,
'helper/number' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Utility\Service\Number,
'helper/pagination' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Legacy\Pagination,
'helper/rating' instanceof \Concrete\Attribute\Rating\Service,
'helper/security' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Validation\SanitizeService,
'helper/seo' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Html\Service\Seo,
'helper/text' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Utility\Service\Text,
'helper/url' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Utility\Service\Url,
'helper/validation/antispam' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Antispam\Service,
'helper/validation/banned_words' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Validation\BannedWord\Service,
'helper/validation/file' instanceof \Concrete\Core\File\ValidationService,
'helper/validation/form' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Form\Service\Validation,
'helper/validation/identifier' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Utility\Service\Identifier,
'helper/validation/numbers' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Utility\Service\Validation\Numbers,
'helper/validation/strings' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Utility\Service\Validation\Strings,
'helper/xml' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Utility\Service\Xml,
'html/image' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Html\Image,
'helper/zip' instanceof \Concrete\Core\File\Service\Zip,
'image/gd' instanceof \Imagine\Gd\Imagine,
'image/imagick' instanceof \Imagine\Imagick\Imagine,
'import/value_inspector' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\ValueInspector\ValueInspector,
'import/value_inspector/core' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\ValueInspector\ValueInspector,
'ip' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Permission\IPService,
'helper/validation/ip' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Permission\IPService,
'localization/countries' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Localization\Service\CountryList,
'helper/lists/countries' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Localization\Service\CountryList,
'helper/localization/countries' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Localization\Service\CountryList,
'lists/countries' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Localization\Service\CountryList,
'localization/languages' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Localization\Service\LanguageList,
'localization/states_provinces' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Localization\Service\StatesProvincesList,
'helper/lists/states_provinces' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Localization\Service\StatesProvincesList,
'helper/localization/states_provinces' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Localization\Service\StatesProvincesList,
'lists/states_provinces' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Localization\Service\StatesProvincesList,
'log' instanceof Concrete\Core\Logging\Logger,
'Concrete\Core\Logging\Logger' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Logging\Logger,
'Psr\Log\LoggerInterface' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Logging\Logger,
'mail' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Mail\Service,
'helper/mail' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Mail\Service,
'manager/area_layout_preset_provider' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Area\Layout\Preset\Provider\Manager,
'manager/grid_framework' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\GridFramework\Manager,
'manager/page_type/validator' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Page\Type\Validator\Manager,
'manager/view/pagination' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Search\Pagination\View\Manager,
'multilingual/detector' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Multilingual\Service\Detector,
'multilingual/extractor' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Multilingual\Service\Extractor,
'multilingual/interface/flag' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Multilingual\Service\UserInterface\Flag,
'oauth/factory/extractor' instanceof \OAuth\UserData\ExtractorFactory,
'oauth/factory/service' instanceof \OAuth\ServiceFactory,
'session' instanceof \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Session,
'Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Session' instanceof \session,
'token' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Validation\CSRF\Token,
'helper/validation/token' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Validation\CSRF\Token,
'url/canonical' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Url\UrlImmutable,
'url/canonical/resolver' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Url\Resolver\CanonicalUrlResolver,
'Concrete\Core\Url\Resolver\CanonicalUrlResolver' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Url\Resolver\CanonicalUrlResolver,
'url/manager' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Url\Resolver\Manager\ResolverManager,
'Concrete\Core\Url\Resolver\Manager\ResolverManager' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Url\Resolver\Manager\ResolverManager,
'Concrete\Core\Url\Resolver\Manager\ResolverManagerInterface' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Url\Resolver\Manager\ResolverManager,
'url/resolver/page' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Url\Resolver\PageUrlResolver,
'Concrete\Core\Url\Resolver\PageUrlResolver' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Url\Resolver\PageUrlResolver,
'url/resolver/path' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Url\Resolver\PathUrlResolver,
'Concrete\Core\Url\Resolver\PathUrlResolver' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Url\Resolver\PathUrlResolver,
'url/resolver/route' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Url\Resolver\RouteUrlResolver,
'Concrete\Core\Url\Resolver\RouterUrlResolver' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Url\Resolver\RouterUrlResolver,
'user.avatar' instanceof \Concrete\Core\User\Avatar\AvatarService,
'Concrete\Core\User\Avatar\AvatarServiceInterface' instanceof \Concrete\Core\User\Avatar\AvatarService,
'user.registration' instanceof \Concrete\Core\User\RegistrationService,
'Concrete\Core\User\RegistrationServiceInterface' instanceof \Concrete\Core\User\RegistrationService,
'validator/password' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Validator\ValidatorManager,
'\Concrete\Core\Validator\ValidatorManagerInterface' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Validator\ValidatorManager,
//database connection
$db = $app->make(\Concrete\Core\Database\Connection\Connection::class);
//prepare any query
$statement = $db->executeQuery('SELECT * FROM `myTable` WHERE `id`>?;', array(0));
//echo $statement->rowCount(); //number of SELECTed/UPDATEd/DELETEd rows
//echo $statement->getSqlQuery(); //prepared SQL //not working
//iterate through rows
$rows = $statement->fetchAll(); //print_r($rows);
foreach ($rows as $row) {
while ($row = $statement->fetch()) {
//Prepares and executes an SQL query and returns the FIRST row of the result as an associative array.
$row = $db->fetchAssoc('SELECT * FROM `myTable` WHERE `id` = ?;', array(1)); //print_r($row);
//Prepares and executes an SQL query and returns the result as an associative array.
$rows = $db->fetchAll('SELECT `name` FROM `myTable`;'); //print_r($rows);
//Prepares and executes an SQL query and returns the value of a single column of the first row of the result.
$column = $db->fetchColumn('SELECT `name` FROM `myTable` WHERE id = ?;', array($id)); //echo $column;
$statement = $db->executeQuery('INSERT INTO `myTable` (`name`, `url`) VALUES (?, ?);', array('Name 1', 'URL 1'));
//echo $db->lastInsertId(); //last inserted id
//echo $statement->rowCount(); //number of affected rows
$statement = $db->executeQuery('UPDATE `myTable` SET name = ? WHERE `id` = ?;', array('new name', 1));
//echo $statement->rowCount(); //number of affected rows
$statement = $db->executeQuery('DELETE FROM `myTable` WHERE `id` = ?;', array(1));
//echo $statement->rowCount(); //number of affected rows
For more check here
//new database connection info in /appilication/config/database.php
return array(
'default-connection' => 'concrete',
'connections' => array(
'concrete' => array(
'driver' => 'c5_pdo_mysql',
'server' => 'localhost',
'database' => 'database',
'username' => 'username',
'password' => 'password',
'charset' => 'utf8',
'pricing' => array(
'driver' => 'c5_pdo_mysql',
'server' => '',
'database' => 'pricing_db',
'username' => 'username',
'password' => 'password',
'charset' => 'utf8',
$dbPricing = $app->make('database')->connection('pricing');
$url = URL::to('/path/to/somewhere'); //http://ursite/index.php/path/to/somewhere
//use Log;
Log::addInfo('This is an informative message.');
Log::addWarning('Uh oh.');
Log::addAlert('Red alert!');
Log::addNotice('A notice error.');
//see logs at /dashboard/reports/logs
$environment = $app->environment(); //echo $environment;