mmuellersoppart / ClosedWorld00001

Simple World Simulation 00001

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ClosedWorld #00001

One of the simplest worlds imagineable.

Each color pixel represents a species. The food chain is circular. In a world with 3 colors the law would be... 1 eats 2 and 2 eats 3 and 3 eats 1.

How to run.

  1. Place a single world (image) in the world directory. Be sure the extension is included in the name "world1.png"

e.g. ./world/world1.png

  1. Rev up REPL
  2. activate the environment
pkg> activate .

to get pkg> hit the key ']'.


  1. julia> include("closedworld00001.jl)
  2. julia> closedworld.runworld(num_iterations)

or Pluto

  1. julia> import Pluto
  2. julia>
  3. from Pluto, open closedworld00001pluto.jl

After the instructions, a folder named output should appear with the state of the world for each iteration.


Simple World Simulation 00001


Language:Julia 100.0%