mmosc / flights

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Flights DB and SFO analysis

The scope of this repo is twofold

  • Create a DB containing information about flights in 2019
  • Use these data to perform an analysis of the delayed departures in San Francisco.


Data are obtained from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics. This website allows to download data for a specific year and month, and to select the required information.

We focus on data from 2019 and download the complete set of info for each month.

Each month corresponds to a .csv file that is stored in the folder ./data/all with a name corresponding to the month. E.g. ./data/all/5.csv corresponds to May 2019.


In addition to the data files, there are six files:

  1. create_db.ipynb loads the data and stores them into the DB.
  2. sfo_db.ipynb creates the table needed for the analysis on San Francisco airport
  3. analysis.ipynb the actual analysis
  4. not included in this repo, but needed for execution. Contains information about host, db, user, password needed to connect to the DB.
  5. contains the sql queries needed for creating the DB.
  6. test.ipynb some queries to test the created DB.

Database Schema

The Database schema consists of a star schema, in which however not all of the periferic tables are dimension tables. The database contains the following tables

Fact Tables

  1. flights

Dimenson Tables


  2. airlines

  1. dates


  1. dep_perfs
  1. arr_perfs
  1. summaries
  1. gate_info
  • columns: all the remaining columns in the .csv files

The Entity Relation Diagram is as follows alt text

The diagram is generated using Visual Paradigm. Primary keys are in bold font. I did not manage to do-undo italics to distinguish numerical entries...

ETL Pipeline

An identifier key for each flight is created by appending the month to the number of the entry in the .csv file. E.g. the 42nd flight in May will be uniquely identified by the key 5_42.

Data are loaded from the .csv files into a staging table containing all the information. This is done by executing the function insert_csv. These are then divided into each table by executing the function fill_star_tables, which iterates through the queries in the list insert_queries.



  • Execute the section Intro to create the key identifier and rename the columns to names that are not ambiguous for SQL.
  • create the INSERT queries

DB creation

  • Run create_database to create the DB and get a cursor and a connection to it


  • create the staging table by executing create_table
  • load data in the staging table. This is done by iterating over the .csv files in the data folder and executing the function insert_csv on each of them

DB filling

  • execute drop_star_tables to drop previously created tables
  • execute create_star_tables to create the tables of the star schema DB
  • execute fill_star_tables to copy the data from the staging tables to the tables of the star schema


Example queries for each of the tables can be found in the test.ipynb file. As an example, the query

SELECT tail_num, origin_airport_id FROM flights
WHERE cancelled = 1

should return

tail_num origin_airport_id
N123NN 13830

San Francisco Data

To get the table needed for the analysis on flights from SFO we need to execute the file sfo_db.ipynb. This file consists of the following steps:

  • substitutes all the NaN in the delays with zeros
  • creates a table that only selects the flights departing from SFO and restricts to the columns that are relevant from our analysis

San Francisco Delays

The analysis on flight delays from SFO is performed in the file analysis.ipynb. This consists of two parts. First I focus on how often each type of delay occurs. For this analysis, the data are selected from the sfo table. The query executed is

SELECT op_unique_carrier,
    COUNT(carrier_delay) AS totalflights,
    COUNT(NULLIF(carrier_delay,0)) AS carrier,
    COUNT(NULLIF(weather_delay,0)) AS weather,
    COUNT(NULLIF(nas_delay,0)) AS nas,
    COUNT(NULLIF(security_delay,0)) AS security,
    COUNT(NULLIF(late_aircraft_delay,0)) AS late_aircraft
FROM sfo
GROUP BY CUBE(op_unique_carrier);

which counts the number of occurrencies of each type of delay, both for each of the carriers and in total. This data is then stored into a pandas dataframe and converted into percentages, into a new dataframe containing the following columns:

  • totalflights: how many of the total flights from SFO are operated from this company
  • carrier: how many of the delays of the carrier are due to carrier delays
  • weather: how many of the delays of the carrier are due to weather
  • nas: how many of the delays of the carrier are due to NAS
  • security: how many of the delays of the carrier are due to security
  • late_aircraft: how many of the delays of the carrier are due to late aircraft
  • totaldelays: how many of the total delays are from this specific carrier
  • delayed_to_total: how many of the flights of this carrier are delayed

In order to compare companies, we display two heatmaps:

  • the first one showing the percentages of causes of delays, for each company and overall
  • the second one showing the totalflights and the totaldelays for each carrier And also some pie plots and bar charts.

Part two of the analysis consists of a comparison of the American Airlines data from the ones collected among all carriers, and focuses on the delay causes that are imputable to the carrier, i.e. carrier_delay and late_aircraft_delay. For each of the two delays, we plot the distribution of delay minutes, for both AA and in general, and also display some statistically relevant figures:

  • median
  • mean
  • max
  • standard deviation



Language:Jupyter Notebook 92.7%Language:Python 7.3%