mmoron / todolist

Simple todo app with complicated backend ;-)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This project is a testbed for different technologies I'd like to play with. Its aim is to create a microservice based web app hosted in docker via kubernetes. It is not (and is not meant to be) production ready and secure. Current plan includes:

  • microfrontend in react
  • apollo graphql client
  • graphql webapi
  • event sourcing based backend with Kafka
  • CQRS
  • microservices in .netcore mvc, node and (not selected yet) functional language
  • and more... ;-)

Everything should be independently deployable.

How to get started:

  1. initialize git submodules - git submodule init followed by `git submodule update

  2. make sure you have a running kubernetes cluster you can use (on Windows docker for windows with kubernetes turned on will do)

  3. webapi requires a kafka cluster for todos storage. Create a secrets.json file in webapi\src\GraphQLApi folder and add configuration for it:

  "KafkaSecrets": {
    "TodosTopicName": "[name of topic with todos]",
    "Username": "[username]",
    "Password": "[password]",
    "BootstrapServers": "[comma delimited list of kafka bootstrap servers"

Also change names of kafka topics in kafka-topics.json.

I plan to add a local kafka cluster to kubernetes, but it is not done for now

  1. install skaffold ( or tilt (

  2. run skaffold dev or tilt up and wait for cluster to start

  3. website should be available at localhost:8080

  4. graphql webapi should be available at localhost:8081. You can play with it on localhost:8081/playground. Try adding a new todo:

mutation {
  addTodo(input: { text: "test" }) {
    todo {

and this query:

  todos {

hot reloading should be working so whenever you change code, respective service should be recompiled instantly without building new docker conatiner.


Simple todo app with complicated backend ;-)


Language:C# 52.5%Language:TypeScript 33.6%Language:HTML 6.2%Language:Dockerfile 4.4%Language:CSS 3.4%