mminovv / vim-config

Nice vim config for front-end development

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Vim config for web development


  • Only one file, you don't need to run any installation script.
  • Integration with Typescript/Javascript
  • Integration with Git.
  • Integration with grep/ack.
  • Automatic syntax and codestyle checks.
  • Show code coverage if available.
  • Smart autocomplet.
  • Tweeks for easier navigation.
  • Snippets.
  • Fully documented.
  • Spellchecker is enabled by default.
  • Optimized for web development.
  • Quick Tab navigation, recent files list, fuzzy search, and other (see the full list of features).


In Vim there is the leader key, which is by default \ , but you can change it in any time.

Action Hotkey
▶ File operations
Recent Files List leader m
Show current file in NERDtree in a split leader f
▶ JShint/CSSlint navigation
Show error window leader ll
Go to the next line with error/warning ]
Go to the previous line with error/warning [
▶ Advanced Typescript/Javascript features
Go to type definition/declaration leader td
Show all references to variable under coursor leader gr
Show type of variable under cursor leader gt
Show docs for entity under cursor leader gd
Smart rename an entity under coursor and all refs to it leader rr
▶ Code completion
Next completion item tab
Previous completion item shift+tab
Undo autocompletion ctrl+e
Expand snippet Enter
▶ Integration with Git
Git blame on the current line or all selected line leader b
Git status leader gst
Git add/checkout file leader gw
Git diff leader gd
Git commit leader gc
Git commit all leader gca
Git commit -a --amend leader gcf
▶ Spellcheck
Show suggestions z=
Add word under the cursor as a good word zg
▶ Splits
Move between splits leader w
Move to the top split shift + arrow up
Move to the bottom split shift + arrow down
Move to the the right split shift + arrow right
Move to the the left split shift + arrow left
Make split bigger vertically shift + ctrl + arrow up
Make split smaller vertically shift + ctrl + arrow down
Make split bigger horizontally shift + ctrl + arrow right
Make split smaller horizontally shift + ctrl + arrow left
▶ Other
Toggle comment on the current line gcc
Toggle comments gc in visual mode, or gc + motion
Change surrounding symbols (like [ or ") cs (what)(to what)
Toggle folding space
Toggle insert mode leader p
Yanking history with Quick navigation leader h
Replace leader s
ESC j+k (simultaneously)
Quick tab navigation leader '

Color scheme

I use color scheme “Solarized”, the light version is enabled by default. If you want the dark one, you have to change the following lines:

" Setting up light color scheme
set background=light

" set highlighting for colorcolumn
highlight ColorColumn ctermbg=lightGrey

to those:

" Setting up light color scheme
set background=dark

" set highlighting for colorcolumn
highlight ColorColumn ctermbg=darkGrey

Full features list

Easy installation

You just need to place .vimrc in your home directory, and that's all. All plugins and dependencies will install automatically upon first vim launch.


Folding is disabled by default, but you may fold any part of JS code according to the syntax with just Space key.

Remember your last editing sessions

When you open file, which you used editted last, vim will open it on the exact same line.

Vertical ruler

There is a vertical line indicating 80 character limit, it can be seen on the screenshot above.

Smart search

Vim’s built-in search ignores case by default, but if you use mixed lower/upper-case in the search pattern, it'll be case-sensitive.

Quick plugin install — Neobundle

It's a bundler, which helps to install other bundles. It's quite smart and works better then vundle.

Color Scheme — Solarized

A popular light/dark color scheme.


Snippets — Ultisnips & vim-snippets

Neosnippet is a snippet engine itself, and Vim-snippets — it’s default snippets collection.

This config features snippets, which can be autocompleted by tab аnd expanded by Enter. Here is a full list of snippets.

Smart panels — Unite

Provides features like:

  • Recent files list (with help of neomru).
  • Quick tab navigation.
  • Yank/History.

On-the-go Syntax checker — Syntastic

This plugin integrates many spellchekers and syntax checkers and shows you errors when saving or opening a file.

By default this config use npm-packets jshint and css-lint to check js and css files on the fly.

Advanced file-system navigation — NERDTree

Imroved file-system navigation. Looks pretty much like the standard one but with some cool features like tree navigation, bookmarks, and some more.

Improved status line — Airline

Nice and good loking status bar for vim, nicely integrated with syntastic and fugitive.

Good keyword completion system — YouCompleteMe

Smart and mighty autocompletion.

Integration with git — Fugitive

Provides full integration wit git.

Show Code coverage — Forked version of Coverage.vim

If you have code coverage report for you project located in '.coverage/coverage-final.json' or 'coverage/coverage-final.json' the covered lines would be highlighted.

Advanced typescript integration — YouCompleteMe && Typesript compiler

Provides advanced javascript features - like contextaware typescript autocompletion, immediately show type errors and semantic errors, adwanced navigation ability etc

Advanced javascript integration — YouCompleteMe && Tern for Vim

Provides advanced javascript features - like context aware javascript code completion, variable rename, Find variable references, and Go to variable.

Improved syntax higlighting

Improved editing

  • DelimitMate — provides automatic closing of quotes, parenthesis, brackets, etc., also has some other related features that will make your time in insert mode a little bit easier.
  • tcomment — tcomment provides easy-to-use, file-type sensible comments for Vim. It can handle embedded syntax.
  • surround is all about “surroundings”: parentheses, brackets, quotes, XML tags, and more. The plugin provides keystrokes to easily delete, change and add such surroundings in pairs.
  • MatchTag — highlights the matching HTML tag when the cursor is positioned on a tag. It works in much the same way as the MatchParen plugin.


To install just clone the repo, and place symlink to .vimrc in your home directory. E.g.:

 git clone && ln -s ~/vim-config/.vimrc ~/

NPM is required for some features.

Pro Tips

If you want to make some changes, just fork the repo. If these changes will be helpfull to others, don't forget to share it through a pull request :).


Nice vim config for front-end development


Language:Vim Script 100.0%