mmccaff / vagrant-ethereum-dev

Provision a dev environment for playing with Ethereum and smart contracts.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Uses Vagrant to build an Ubuntu 16.04 development environment for playing with Ethereum and smart contracts. See the Vagrantfile and for more details.

Obviously, you'll need to have Vagrant installed and a hypervisor such as Virtualbox.

To use it

git clone
cd vagrant-ethereum-dev
(Change the static ip of to something else in the Vagrantfile if that address is taken.)
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
solc, truffle, ganache-cli, geth, (...)  will be available to you... have fun!

The Vagrantfile is configured to map /home/vagrant/contracts in the guest vm to ../contracts on your host. If you want to play with Web3, the guest is running nginx as a web server on port 80 and maps /var/www/html to ../web on your host.

Why I made this

I initially made this to setup an environment that'd allow me to follow along with this blog post:

A collection of other eth dev links

A collection of links about creating ERC20 tokens


  • Consider setting memory and cpu resources in Vagrantfile


Provision a dev environment for playing with Ethereum and smart contracts.


Language:Shell 100.0%