mmarschall / chef-handler-flowdock

A Chef handler that collects exception and report handler data and reports it to Flowdock, a web-based team inbox and chat tool.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A Chef Exception Handler for Flowdock.

Cookbook Install

  1. Create a Flowdock account.
  2. Create a Flowdock flow.
  3. Retrieve your Flowdock API Token.
  4. Download the chef_handler Cookbook.
  5. Given you've retrieved your Flowdock API Token as API_TOKEN, add a Recipe similar to the example below:
include_recipe 'chef_handler'

gem_package('chef-handler-flowdock'){action :nothing}.run_action(:install)

chef_handler 'Chef::Handler::FlowdockHandler' do
  action :enable
  attributes :api_token => "API_TOKEN",
             :from => {:name => "YOUR_NAME", :address => "YOUR_EMAIL"}
  source File.join(Gem::Specification.find{|s| == 'chef-handler-flowdock'}.gem_dir,
    'lib', 'chef', 'handler', 'flowdock_handler.rb')

See also: Enable Chef Handler with LWRP

Manual Install

  1. Create a Flowdock account.
  2. Create a Flowdock flow.
  3. Retrieve your Flowdock API Token.
  4. Install the chef-handler-flowdock Gem on your node:
gem install chef-handler-flowdock
  1. Given you've retrieved your Flowdock API Token as API_TOKEN, add it to your /etc/chef/client.rb on your node:
require '/var/chef/handlers/flowdock_handler'
exception_handlers << => "API_TOKEN")


Matthias Marschall


Copyright 2012 Matthias Marschall (


Apache License 2.0


A Chef handler that collects exception and report handler data and reports it to Flowdock, a web-based team inbox and chat tool.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Ruby NaN%