mlnrDev / BotListHandler

a library which handles discord bot lists stats updating for you

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

BotListHandler has been discontinued as of September 2nd, 2023. I lost interest in Java a long time ago and somewhat recently, in bot lists as well.


This handler can be used in 3 ways:

  • standalone (updating the stats yourself)
  • using JDA
  • using Javacord

Getting the handler

Replace %VERSION_xyz% with the latest release tag:

  • version_core
  • version_jda
  • version_javacord


  • core: the core module of the handler, required and bundled with every module (however it's recommended to declare the dependency separately for independent updates)
  • jda: the jda module of the handler, use this if you intend to get the data from a JDA bot
  • javacord: the javacord module of the handler, use this if you intend to get the data from a Javacord bot


repositories {

dependencies {
  // required (bundled with every module, see the Modules section)
  implementation group: 'dev.mlnr', name: 'BotListHandler-core', version: '%VERSION_core%'
  // optional
  implementation group: 'dev.mlnr', name: 'BotListHandler-jda', version: '%VERSION_jda%'
  implementation group: 'dev.mlnr', name: 'BotListHandler-javacord', version: '%VERSION_javacord%'


    <!--required (bundled with every module, see the Modules section)-->


Using the addBotList method:

BotListHandler botListHandler = new BLHBuilder().addBotList(BotList.TOP_GG, "top_gg_token")
  .addBotList(BotList.DSERVICES, "dservices_token")

Using the constructor:

Map<BotList, String> botLists = new EnumMap<>(BotList.class);
botLists.put(BotList.DBL, "dbl_token");
botLists.put(BotList.DEL, "del_token");

BotListHandler botListHandler = new BLHBuilder(botLists).build();

Using the setBotLists method:

Map<BotList, String> botLists = new EnumMap<>(BotList.class);
botLists.put(BotList.DISCORDS, "discords_token");
botLists.put(BotList.DBOTS_GG, "dbots_gg_token");

BotListHandler botListHandler = new BLHBuilder().setBotLists(botLists).build();

You can store the BotListHandler instance to add bot lists or hotswap invalid tokens at runtime.


There are 3 ways to use BotListHandler:


botListHandler.updateAllStats(botId, serverCount);

Event based

// JDA
BLHJDAListener jdaListener = new BLHJDAListener(botListHandler);
JDA jda = JDABuilder.create("token", intents)
jda.awaitReady(); // optional, but if you want to update the stats after a ReadyEvent, it's required

// Javacord
BLHJavacordListener javacordListener = new BLHJavacordListener(botListHandler);
new DiscordApiBuilder().setToken(token)

Automatic stats posting (recommended)

// JDA - supports sharding
JDA jda = JDABuilder.create("token", intents)
jda.awaitReady(); // optional

BLHJDAUpdater jdaUpdater = new BLHJDAUpdater(jda);
BotListHandler botListHandler = new BLHBuilder(jdaUpdater, botLists)
  .setAutoPostDelay(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES).build();

// Javacord - supports sharding. async approach - call join() after login() to block
new DiscordApiBuilder().setToken(token)
        .thenAccept(discordApi -> {
            BLHJavacordUpdater javacordUpdater = new BLHJavacordUpdater(discordApi);
            new BLHBuilder(javacordUpdater, botLists)
                    .setAutoPostDelay(3, TimeUnit.MINUTES).build();

// your own updater
MyUpdater myUpdater = new MyUpdater(); // this class has to implement IBLHUpdater
BotListHandler botListHandler = new BLHBuilder(myUpdater, botLists)
  .setAutoPostDelay(1, TimeUnit.HOURS).build();

Your own updater for automatic stats posting

Creating your own updater for automatic stats posting is simple. All you have to do is to have your updater class implement IBLHUpdater and then provide values in the overriden methods.

Currently supported bot lists


Please visit the wiki for troubleshooting steps. If the wiki doesn't contain the problem you're having, open a new issue.


a library which handles discord bot lists stats updating for you


Language:Java 100.0%