mlearnx / Machine-Learning-1

My Attempt In The World Of ML/DL....

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Machine Learning & Deep Learning


Loose path:

  1. Math
  2. Programming
  3. Machine Learning concepts
  4. Specializations


Understanding Math is pivotal. You can never be a good Machine Learning Scientist by skipping the Math.

  1. Probability & Statistics Basic Probability and Stats will be helpful in understanding ML algorithms like Naive Bayes.

  2. Statistics 101 - Udacity Taught by the founder of GoogleX it's full of exercises in Python so you won't get bored.

  3. MIT 18.06 Linear Algebra Prof. Strang is terrific! Not only he'll make you fall in love in Linear Algebra but you'll learn important concepts like SVD and matrix algebra. You might wanna grab this PDF as well. Be sure to also solve the exam question papers from here: link

  4. MIT Single Variable Calculus This is my personal favorite book, use it for SVC + MVC link Amazing course but it gets quite tedious in the middle, you might wanna skim some geometry, but the key is to understand how optimization works. Be sure to solve questions from here: link

  5. MIT Multi Variable Calculus Understanding vector calculus is necessary for algorithms like SVM, you might wanna skim some parts which are purely theoretical. Be sure to solve questions from here: link

  6. (Optional) Stanford Convex Optimization WARNING: Do this course only if you're very good at math. Convex Optimization will teach you numerous functions used in Machine Learning. But this course is extremely heavy on Math!

  7. The Book Probability Theory: The Logic of Science is very promising

Introduction to Programming & Algorithms

Introduction to Machine Learning

  1. Machine Learning by Andrew Ng A must do course, best course of Introduction to Machine Learning so far, light on Math and focuses more on concepts.

  2. Amazing Course Highly Recommended - A must do course, best course of Introduction to Machine Learning so far, light on Math and focuses more on concepts and is In Python and is supported by an International community of 15k+ Members..

Complete one out of two:

  1. Machine Learning A-Z Introductory course on ML focusing on not only Python but also R, one of the best sellers on Udemy.

  2. Introduction to Machine Learning - Udacity Sebastian Thrun does an awesome job explaining various approaches in ML. It gets a little boring in the middle but overall it's very good.

Introduction to Machine Learning (Crash-Course By Berkeley and others)

  1. Machine Learning Crash Course: Part 1 The basics of machine learning - regression, cost functions, and gradient descent.

  2. Machine Learning Crash Course: Part 2 Perceptrons, logistic regression, and SVMs

  3. Machine Learning Crash Course: Part 3 Neural networks

  4. Machine Learning Crash Course: Part 4 - The Bias-Variance Dilemma The Bias Variance Dilemma

  5. Machine Learning Crash Course: Part 5 - Decision Trees and Ensemble Models Decision Trees

  6. Logistic Regression Vs Decision Trees Vs SVM: Part I

  7. Logistic Regression Vs Decision Trees Vs SVM: Part II

Applied Machine Learning

Two quick courses on applying the theory you learnt. They're short so I recommend doing both of them.

  1. Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp

  2. Machine Learning with Python - Hands On!


Bonus Material

General Neural Network References:

Books/Guides on Deep/Machine Learning: (all excellent)




Hacker’s Guide to Neural Nets by karpathy(My Favourite)


  1. Youtube Playlist on “Deep Learning”, t from Oxford U. by Nando de Freitas

  2. Andrew Ng’s online course on ML at Stanford comes highly recommended

  3. Stanford Tutorial:

Concepts in NN/Deep Learning:

  1. Backpropagation, chapter 2 especially

  2. Chris Olah on backprop

  3. Karpathy on backprop

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) (which mostly feature LSTM nowadays):

  1. Karpathy post

  2. Karpathy talk

  3. Excellent annotated Char-NN in Keras tutorial

  4. Andrew Trask post/tutorial

  5. Denny Britz post

  6. Class notes/tutorial (long!)

  7. CS class notes (short)

  8. Excellent post by Ross Goodwin RNNs

  9. Great List of references;

  10. RNN in TensorFlow

  11. Theano tutorial

  12. Batch Normalization to the hidden-to-hidden transitions of our RNNs

  13. RNN From Scratch in Python

Traditional RNNs suffer from vanishing/exploding gradient. Hence LSTM & others…

Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM):

  1. Tutorial

  2. Chris Olah post

  3. Zach Lipton post, “Demystifying LSTM” (with Tutorial theano code)

  4. Demo: Lightweight Theano-LSTM

  5. Massive 33-page review article by Lipton et al

  6. LSTM tutorial in Tensorflow

  7. Stateful LSTM in Keras for time-series prediction

  8. Much-need Docs on stateful LSTM in Keras

  9. Tensorflow sequence prediction

  10. LSTM Forward And Backward Pass Understanding(Very Good!!)

  11. Understanding LSTM's(Pretty Awesome!)

  12. Nice Question On Stack On LSTM and Non Time Related Feats

Attention Is All Your Need's

  1. Attention Is All You Need - Paper

  2. Issues In Keras Github explaining Attention (Very Very Important to read!)

  3. LSTM Attention in Keras

  4. Visualizing Attention In Keras

  5. Wild ML Attention Explanation

  6. Distll Attention Explanation

  7. Git Repo Implemetating Attention in keras

Time Series Analysis (Py and R)

  1. Time Series Handbook , a must read for theoretical understanding, it's light

Awesome Blogs Explaining Decision Trees-:slight_smile:

  1. Data Aspirant Blogspot

  2. Scikit Learn Doc's

  3. Data Aspirant Blogpost

  4. Analytics Vidhya Blogpost

  5. Amazing Visual Explanation Of Decision Trees

Hope it’s Useful...

Thanks For Passing By!!!


My Attempt In The World Of ML/DL....

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