mle86 / dotfiles

My personal dotfile repo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This is my personal dotfiles repository.


cd ~  && git clone .dotfiles/  && .dotfiles/

Run to start the installation process. Every installation step asks for manual confirmation and every prompt default is 'no', so it's safe to run the installation script and hit Enter a few times just to see what it would do.

If you just want to copy the bin/ scripts to /usr/local/bin/, run It will ask about every bin/ script file, always defaulting to 'no'. will also install some of my other GitHub projects by cloning them into /usr/local/src and running make && make install on them.

This is my ~/bin/ directory. It contains small shell and Perl scripts.

  • countdown:
    A Perl script for console countdowns. Takes an interval argument like "5m 20s". Uses notify-send to send a desktop notification when the time is up.
    Syntax: countdown INTERVAL [NAME]

  • ds:
    This is a prettier variant of "du -sh * | sort". All it does is list the current directory's contents, summarize their sizes, and sort by size (smallest first). Also, the K/M/G/T suffixes will be colored differently, indentation will line up nicely, directories will be colored blue in the output, and backup files (*~, *.bak, *.bkup, *.swp) will be colored dark grey. Really useful to get an overview about which directories are hogging the hard disk space now.
    Syntax: ds [DIRECTORY=.]

  • fn:
    This is an abbreviation for "find . (-name $1 -or -name $2 -or …)". It can also handle additional find options (after a single comma).
    Syntax: fn [-i] PATTERN... [, FINDOPTS...]
    The -i option causes find to use the -iname option (instead of -name) for all pattern arguments, i.e. it makes the process case-insensitive.

  • g:
    An abbreviation for "grep --line-number --with-filename --ignore-case --color=always". Also, it allows for simple entry of multiple grep patterns. Since it is just a grep wrapper, it will read stdin if no FILENAMEs are given (or if one of them is -).

    • g [GREPOPTION...] PATTERN [FILENAME...] (This will search for the PATTERN in the FILENAMEs, or in stdin.)
    • g [GREPOPTION...] PATTERN... , [FILENAME...] (This will search for any of the PATTERNs in the FILENAMEs, or in stdin.)
  • git-color-annotate:
    This is a git-annotate variant which has colorized output.
    If stdout is a tty, this script will launch the less pager. Syntax:

    • git color-annotate [ANNOTATE-OPTIONS] filename
      Works like git-annotate, but has colorized output. This mode is chosen if there are any cmdline arguments, which are all passed to a real git-annotate child process.
    • git color-annotate < input
      Works as colorizing filter for existing git-annotate output. This mode is chosen if there are no cmdline arguments and if stdin is a file or a pipe (but not a tty).
  • hx:
    This is a simple syntax highlighter for log files. It supports filename arguments but defaults to reading stdin. It mostly colorizes its input; the only actual change it does is adding a “●” prefix to every output line to make reading long log lines easier.

  • keep-n-files:
    This will remove the oldest files in DIR so that only N files remain. Alternatively, it can take a list of FILENAMEs, in which case it will delete the oldest of them until only N files remain. If there's less than N files present, nothing will be deleted.

    • keep-n-files [-n] N DIR
    • keep-n-files [-n] N FILENAME...
  • nocmt:
    A simple grep abbreviation to filter shell scripts and similar files: It will remove all empty lines, all whitespace-only lines, and all lines whose first non-whitespace symbol is a hash (#). Like grep, it can take one or multiple filenames, or it'll simply read stdin.
    Syntax: nocmt [FILENAME...]

  • params:
    This might be useful to debug other shell scripts which do a lot of argument processing or are involved with $IFS magic. It will simply show a numbered list of its command line arguments, one line each, all of them enclosed in colored square brackets to avoid spacing ambiguity.
    Syntax: params [ARGUMENT...]

  • reify:
    This Perl script converts symlinks to actual files by copying their link destination. Symlinked directories will be copied recursively.
    Syntax: reify [-dqv] FILENAME...

    • -d, --flat: Directories won't be copied recursively, but filled with symlinks to the original directories' contents.
    • -q, --quiet: Ignore non-symlink files, don't report mode/ownership problems.
    • -v, --verbose: Report every copied file.
  • rest:
    A tiny curl wrapper for REST API tests. Also see the rest_auth and rest_header aliases in
    Has colored output (HTTP headers: dark grey; HTTP status: 2xx green, 4xx red, 5xx purple, 3xx/1xx yellow, else red bg). Only the response body goes to stdout, everything else (error messages or HTTP status and headers) goes to stderr, so the response body can be redirected or piped to, say, jq . without any syntax issues.

  • ts:
    Prints the current UNIX timestamp.
    This only reason for this not to be a one-line shell alias is that it can be run with watch.

Some of the less-boring aliases and functions in .bash_aliases

  • keep: IGNOREEOF=99
    This causes the bash shell to ignore Ctrl-D logouts.

  • c99: gcc -O -std=c99 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic

  • ga: git add -p

  • gd: git diff --diff-algorithm=minimal

  • gdc: git diff --diff-algorithm=minimal --cached

  • tf: A tail -n0 -f abbreviation.
    Syntax: tf [LOGFILE=/var/log/syslog]...

  • todo: Greps all files in the current directory for "TODO". Greps in other directories instead if there are any directory arguments. Also greps all plain files which are given as arguments.
    Syntax: todo [TARGET=.]...

  • grepf: A combination of find -name and grep. Uses the ~/bin/g script.
    Example: grepf '*.php' '<? ' to find all usages of the obsolete short opening tag.

  • dx: A docker exec shortcut.
    (Without any arguments, it lists the currently-running containers (docker ps).)

  • T: Creates a new file from a template in ~/.templates/, then opens it with vim.
    Existing files will simply be opened, not overwritten.
    Syntax: T []

The REST API toolkit aliases in

  • rest_auth: Sets HTTP Basic Auth data for rest calls. Writes to the $MY_REST_AUTH_DATA env var (which is not exactly well-hidden), so it will last until the current shell is closed.

    • rest_auth USERNAME:PASSWORD (to set)
    • rest_auth (to view)
    • rest_auth - (to clear)
  • rest_header: Sets HTTP Basic Auth data for rest calls. Operates on the $MY_REST_HEADER_$n and $MY_REST_HEADER_VALUE_$n env vars, so the effect will last until the current shell is closed.

    • rest_header HEADERNAME HEADERVALUE (to set/overwrite one header)
    • rest_header HEADERNAME (to clear one header)
    • rest_header (to view all set headers)

This directory contains shell functions I use in this and some other projects. They are collected here so I don't lose/forget them. Most projects will still use them through copy&paste, though, because including this whole repo as a submodule just for one or two shell functions would be excessive.

The directory contains its own README file.


My personal dotfile repo


Language:Shell 60.5%Language:Perl 33.3%Language:Vim Script 6.1%Language:C 0.1%Language:PHP 0.0%