mlavin / worker-example

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Worker Example

Test Suite

Code style: black

Sample worker ETL process. This pulls example resources from a remote URL and processes them in parallel with workers with basic validation and retry logic. Each successfully processed resource is written into the output.json file.

Local Setup

Running locally requires that you have Python 3.8 and git installed. First, you should clone this repository

# Clone repo
git clone
# Navigate into the cloned project
cd worker-example

Next, you'll need to install the Python requirements. It's recommended to install the dependencies into a local virtual environment.

# Create a new virtual environment
python3.8 -m venv env
# Activate env
source env/bin/activate
# Install project dependencies
make install

With everything installed you can now run the worker process:



The worker process has some configuration options which can be set through environment variables.

  • WORKERS: Concurrency for the processing workers (default 10)
  • INPUT: Input URL for the ingestion
  • PROCESSING_TIME: Max processing time for each worker in seconds (default 5)
  • DELAY_TIME: Max delay time for a resource to be handed to a worker (default 5)
  • FAILURE_RATE: Random failure rate of the processing (default 25.0%)
  • MAX_ATTEMPTS: Max processsing attempts to process a resource (default 3)

These can be set when running via:

WORKERS=25 MAX_ATTEMPS=2 python3.8

See the Config class in for more details/implementation on the process configuration.


The test suite is run using pytest. With all of the dependencies installed you can run the test suite via

make test

This will discover the tests written in the tests/ directory and report the test coverage both in the terminal and as HTML in a generated htmlcov directory.


The Resource class defines the expected resource structure and validation logic. The ProcessedResouce class is a small wrapper used for current work in progress. Along with those definitions, process_resource contains the main processing logic. The worker coroutines are spawned to work through the queue of resource items feeding them to process_resource and handling the retry logic. writer feeds off the output queue to update the output.json. The main function glues this all together by creating the queues, spawning the workers and writer, fetching the input URL and populating the input work queue.

The requirements are defined in which is used to generate pinned requirements using pip-tools. Similarly for the testing requirements which are defined in and pinned in dev.txt. If you want to bump the requirements to the latest releases without any other updates/additions you can rebuild them via:

make requirements.txt

You should not modifiy requirements.txt and dev.txt directly and they should always be generated by pip-tools.


There is minimal validation of the incoming resources. This consists of checking for the existance of the expected keys and that the creation_date is a valid date value.

Currently there is no graceful shutdown of the worker when stopped/killed in the middle of a run. output.json is written as the items are processed but items which are currently in the middle of processing will not be given the chance to finish.



Language:Python 97.0%Language:Makefile 3.0%