Gives an example Gulpfile for a frontend project using ReactJS, BrowserSync, and others.
This will also automatically bundle all libs into a separate js from your main.js for faster dev recompilations.
Most useful tasks included:
- clean - ... cleans the dist folder.. Who'da thought?
- dist - distributes all the static files, compiles sass files and bundles javascript files
- serve (default) - runs the dist command and then starts up browser sync with the files from the dist directory. Starts watching the files and auto compiles/redistributes the files and reloads browser.
$ npm install
This will download all the depedencies, copy the default developer config file and create the symlinks for any scss vendors for the project.
Since we create symlinks in the postinstall.js, you need to run this in an administrator terminal on Windows. Or if you still don't have the ability to create symlinks, copy the vendor folders manually.
View/edit scripts/postinstall.js for any scss vendors.
To distribute all the files and start browsersync for development mode, you can just run gulp
To distribute all the files for production, add --production
to your command.
$ gulp dist --production
Any command can be productionified by adding
The production build will also replace all occurences of .css
, .js
with .min.css
and .min.js
(respectively) in html files.
#Project Layout
|--- index.html
|--- css/
| |--- main.css
|--- fonts/
|--- imgs/
|--- js/
| |--- libs.js
| |--- main.js
| index.html
| js/
| |--- main.js // Entry point for browserify
| scss/
| |--- main.scss // Entry point for scss
| |--- components/
| | |--- _person.scss
| |--- helpers/
| | |--- _animations.scss
| | |--- _mixins.scss
| | |--- _variables.scss
| |--- layout/
| | |--- _content.scss
| | |--- _footer.scss
| | |--- _header.scss
| |--- pages/
| | |--- _home.scss
| |--- vendors/ // Contains symlinks to any external css/scss folder
| | |--- bootstrap/
| | |--- font-awesome/
| | |--- react-buttons/
| | |--- react-dd-menu/