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Raft Lab

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COMP385 Lab 3: Raft

Important: This README and the Raft paper are your lifelines for this lab

This document is long, but it contains a huge amount of tips, guidance, and advice for being succesful with this lab.

Similarly, the starting code is also expansive (~3700 lines) but by reading through it and understanding how functions are calling one another, you will have a much clearer picture of how the code fits together.

For what it's worth, my most recent reference solution is ~4000 lines of code, including logging and comments. That's a delta of ~300 lines of code. Also, the code complexity is rather low--it does not even contain a nested loop. The challenge of this lab is not in devising sophisticated algorithms, but rather, capturing an already-sophisticated algorithm exactly and safely, in a highly concurrent and nondeterministic environment.

Getting started

Before you begin, clone this repository to your local computer. Welcome to the next three weeks of your life.

$ git clone[your github repo]

The very first thing you should do is create and switch over to a branch.

git checkout -b [your branch name]

Raft overview

In this lab, you will implement Raft--the consensus and replicated state machine layer from this paper.

This replicated state machine protocol can be used as a foundational primitive for building more sophisticated systems.

Raft is used to ensure that a sequence of inputs (commands) to a collection of replicated state machines is consistent and each state machine agrees upon the sequence of inputs, and whether or not the inputs have been applied.

Raft does this by organizing client inputs into a sequence (called the log). A designated leader process ensures that all Raft follower processes agree on the content and order of entries in their logs. When the leader has determined that all followers have the same view of their log, the leader then allows followers (and itself) to apply/commit the entries in the log to their underlying state machines.

Since Raft only requires a majority of servers to agree on the contents of the log before committing it, it can continue to operate even when a minority of servers are down.

Raft also has a mechanism to elect a new leader if the leader were to fail.

Outline of lab

Before you begin this lab, you should re-read the Raft paper (up to section 6). This lab will ask you to implement a Go process that acts as a Raft server and communicates with Raft peer processes.

The Raft website has an illustration of how Raft works that allows you to experiment with it. As linked from the Raft site, there is also another animation that illustrates how Raft works at a high level.

The lab begins by having you implement the leader election component of Raft (Part 1). After ensuring that you can reliably elect a leader, you will implement reliable log replication when processes can be network partitioned (Part 2), followed by reliable replication when processes can crash (Part 3). Part 4 simulates unreliable network conditions.

The Raft implementation is heavily scaffolded; you will be asked to follow a particular design and implement particular functions. That being said, there is some freedom in their implementation and exact specifications.

Additionally, the Raft algorithm has some subtleties, so the main challenge will be in implementing the algorithm exactly as described. You can view this lab as implementing the boxes from page 5 in the paper. You should refer to that page often, as it is the source of truth for the Raft implementation.

Tour of lab code

The code for this lab looks like this:

├── ---------- This document
├── common ------------- Utilities used RPC and Raft code
│   └── common.go ------ "
├── raft --------------- The main Raft package
│   ├── common.go ------ Utilities used in Raft
│   ├── common_test.go - Unit tests for utilities
│   ├── persister.go --- Persistence layer for Raft
│   ├── raft.go -------- Raft implementation (main source file)
│   ├── raft_api.go ---- Raft API
│   ├── raft_core.go --- Raft interface definition
│   ├── raft_lib.go ---- Raft utility functions
│   ├── raft_test.go --- Main tests for lab
│   └── test_config.go - Helper for main tests
└── rpc ---------------- RPC library used in lab
    ├── rpc.go --------- "
    └── rpc_test.go ---- RPC library tests

The main files to pay attention to are the ones that begin with raft. You should open and read these files to get a sense of the general outline of code for the lab.

  • raft_core.go: This is the interface of Raft used by clients. It defines the Raft structure that you will be implementing functions for, included its ephemeral and persistent state. Do not modify this file (other than to add logging, if desired).

  • raft_api.go: This defines Raft's RPC interface as well as the structs with which is communicates with its underlying state machine. Do not modify this file (other than to add logging, if desired).

  • raft.go: This is the main implementation file for a Raft server. Inside, you will find the functions that you have to implement for the lab, some of which are partially implemented. The description of the various parts of the lab will illustrate certain parts of this file.

  • raft_test.go: This is the main set of tests for this lab.

    This file contains a large amount of tests of two flavors:

    • Integration tests. These tests create several Raft processes and validate that the system can or cannot reach consensus when the network is perturbed in various ways. They also validate leader election and log consistency between Raft processes. Note that these tests can sometimes run for a long period of time.

    • Unit tests. These tests test individual functions. Currently, only part 2 has a set of unit tests. You should examine them before you begin part 1, as if you get stuck on part 1 it will be helpful to introduce your own tests.

    Each suite of tests has a suffix: Part1, P2Unit, Part2, Part3, and Part4. Use the -run flag to select a particular suite. If you add unit tests for part 1, you may want to use P1Unit as a suffix.

  • raft_lib.go: This file contains the RPC implementations to call RPCs on other Raft servers. These allow you to inject responses in tests, if desired. Do not modify this file (other than to add logging, if desired).

General outline of this Raft implementation

There are two perspectives from which we can look at this lab's implementation of Raft: that of the client that wants to use Raft to send commands to a state machine, and that of the implementer of Raft (you).

  • From the client's perspective, the client calls the function CreateRaft in raft_core.go. This creates and starts a Raft server that is then able to accept commands to commit to the state machine. Please read the documentation for this function (and the others) in the source file. The comments are more detailed than this description.

    Then, when the client wants to send a command to the state machine, they call Start (raft_core.go) on the Raft instance with their given command. When called on the leader, this function writes the command to the leader's log at a particular index with the current term. Then Raft will try to replicate that command to a quorum of the other Raft instances.

    The client can continue to send commands. When the client wants to shut down a Raft server, they call Stop. This shuts down the server.

  • From your perspective as the programmer of the Raft server, the server is roughly organized as follows.

    The main Raft struct (raft_core.go) contains all of the persistent and ephemeral (not persisted) state for the Raft server. These are the elements described in the State box on page 5 of the paper.

    The Raft struct also contains implementation details: the server's id, RPC endpoints for its peers, a reference to a tool for persisting its state, a channel to send messages to its state machine, etc. A key component of the state is its deadline. This field is the timer that the Raft servers use for leader election timeouts.

    When the Raft process starts, it starts two background threads (using PeriodicThread in raft/common.go).

    One periodic thread is the election thread: it checks whether or not it is time to start an election (e.g., if it hasn't received a heartbeat from the leader before its deadline).

    The other periodic thread is the leader thread. It performs leadership duties: sending heartbeats with empty or new log entries to append, updating its current commitIndex, etc.

    Both of these are called periodic threads because they periodically invoke functions (electOnce and leadOnce in raft.go). These functions perform their duties and then exit. The functions are called every $n$ milliseconds until the client calls Stop.

    These functions perform the main work of the Rules for Servers box on page 5 of the paper.

    raft.go also contains the functions for handling incoming RPCs from other instances of Raft (AppendEntries and RequestVote). These will implement the AppendEntries RPC and RequestVote RPC boxes from the paper.


  • Tests: When you test your implementation, you will use the given test suite. Descriptions of integration tests for each part of the lab are given in the corresponding part of the writeup. You should also spend some time reading the documentation for tests in raft_test.go.

    You may want to write unit tests to help you if you get stuck with Part 1. Part 2 has unit tests you can use as a template.

    You are free to modify the tests to print debug information, however I will run your code against the default integration tests, so don't make functional changes to them.

  • Logging: You should use glog for debug logging for the lab. Refer to lab 2's writeup to refresh your memory of logging. We are using logging vs. printf in this lab because you will likely want to log a lot when you are debugging, and almost nothing when the system is operating normally.

    By default the tests are run with no output. If you want to enable logging to the console, you should run your test with the -test.v flag. This enables output from both the integration tests as well as glog.{Infof,Warningf,Errorf}.

    However, use verbose logging! You will want to have log statements that you can enable/disable when you are debugging particularly subtle or rare race conditions. Use glog.V(level).Infof(...) to log at a particular level. Then, when you run the tests, you can set the maximum level you will log with the -vlevel n flag.

    For example:

    go test raft/raft -run Part1 -vlevel 4 -test.v

    This will run the test enabling all log levels less than or equal to 4. Anything logged glog.V(5).Infof(...) would not be logged.

    There are already examples of this style of logging in raft.go, raft_core.go, and in rpc.go. The latter examples use a very high log level, so that that they will probably not be logged by your code, but can be seen if you run with vlevel above 11 (e.g., with go test raft/rpc -test.v -v 13--note the different flag, sorry).

  • The lab uses a local RPC implementation so that it can be instrumented in the integration tests. The performance of this RPC implementation should be fine for almost any machine, but it contains a benchmark, should you be concerned that your computer is too slow (this affects timing, which Raft relies on). You can run the benchmark here:

    go test raft/rpc -bench Network

    The source code for rpc_test.go contains the timing numbers from the computer where I wrote/ran the reference implementation (~15us/RPC).

    Some of the tests in this lab take a long time to run (the entire suite should take about 2-5 minutes depending on your computer). If you implement Raft inefficiently, they will take longer. Run the benchmark before you blame your computer for being slow.

  • Since many parts of Raft depending on timing, coordination, and synchronization between servers, the tests will necessarily be nondeterministic. You will want to run tests many times for each part of the lab (I will do this as well). The -count flag allows you to specify the number of times to run a test. When a run fails, Go moves on to the next run. If you want it to stop (so that you can inspect output), use -failfast. This stops Go whenever there is a failure.

    For example:

    go test raft/raft -run Part1 -test.v -vlevel 1 -count 10 -failfast

    This will run Part 1 tests with verbose logging level 1. Each test will be run 10 times, and the test suite will immediately stop when a test fails.

  • The Raft algorithm is subtle. It is very important to follow the algorithm described in the paper exactly. For example, in the AppendEntries receiver implementation, the paper describes:

    1. Reply false if term < currentTerm (§5.1)

    2. Reply false if log doesn’t contain an entry at prevLogIndex whose term matches prevLogTerm (§5.3)

    3. If an existing entry conflicts with a new one (same index but different terms), delete the existing entry and all that follow it (§5.3)

    This means that if term < currentTerm the receiver should reply false and not modify its state (the RPC is stale--from a previous term--and not from the current leader).

    It also means that if the entry at prevLogIndex does not match the term of prevLogTerm, the receiver should reply false and not modify its log.

    Also, condition 3 only applies when there is a mismatch in the logs that the receiver is appending (i.e., it is going to return true). And note that it truncates only when there is a mismatch!

    If there is no mismatch, all entries that follow the entries that the leader sent must be kept. This could be an old RPC!

  • Another important pitfall is that a heartbeat from the leader (empty Entries on the RPC) must also perform the checks in the AppendEntries section (i.e., returning false if necessary)!

  • Also pay attention to the section in Rules for Servers that describes rules for all servers; these are actions that need to be done on any RPC request or response!

  • If you get stuck on Part 1 and are having trouble debugging, write unit tests for your functions. There are good patterns for how to do this in the unit tests for Part 2 (those named P2Unit).

  • Note that methods have been marked with REQUIRES and EXCLUDES annotations. These annotations describe whether the method must be called while is held/locked, or if they cannot be held while is locked. This is inspired by C++ mutex annotations, which can be enforced by the compiler and are a standard practice in large C++ codebases (including at Google, which introduced them).

  • Make sure you read the comments and the tests. I cannot stress this enough. It is very important that you build a general sense of how everything is supposed to fit together and how the tests are exercising the system.

  • Debug logging will be very helpful for you in finding errors in your code. Make sure to log important events. Then, when you find something unexpected in your logs, add more logging to inspect the state of your server so you can see when things change.

  • Make sure to restart the timer resetTimer only when you need to: when getting an AppendEntries RPC from the current leader, when you start an election, when you grant a vote to another peer, or periodically if the process is the leader.

  • Try not to treat heartbeat messages as special (either on the follower or on the leader). If you write your code so that it handles the heartbeat case (no entries to send) and the append case (when there are entries to send) the same, your code will be much simpler.

  • Along those lines, remember that you can slice Go lists. list[i:] returns the slice that starts at i and goes to the end of the list (empty if i == len(list)). list[:i] returns the slice that starts at the beginning of the list and goes up to (but doesn't include) i.

  • If you find a particular test is flaky or you want to focus specifically on it, you can always use the full name of the test for the -run flag to run only that test.


Part 1

In this part of the lab you will implement leader election. Specifically, you should implement:

  • The rules for an election timeout: the follower becomes a candidate for a new term ("Candidate" in "Rules for Servers" in the paper). See leadOnce.

  • Deciding the appropriate arguments for other servers when sending a RequestVote RPC (sendBallots in raft.go), as well as handling the response (in sendBallot) from the receiver (when the server can become leader).

  • Implementing the RequestVote handler and the rules for granting votes. The handler that will be called is RequestVote in raft.go.

  • Implementing the heartbeat RPCs by deciding the appropriate arguments (in sendAppendEntries) and handling the responses (sendAppendEntry).

  • Implementing the AppendEntries handler and the rules for extending the election timeout. The handler that will be called is AppendEntries in raft.go.


  • Make sure you read and understand the comments in the raft.go file.

  • Notice that the actual sending of RPCs and handling the responses are in goroutines: sendBallots calls go sendBallot(p, args), which starts a background thread. Similarly sendAppendEntries does the same thing for appendEntries.

  • Likewise the RPC handlers RequestVote and AppendEntries will be called by different threads.

  • You will need to make sure that you acquire and release mutexes in these functions. Some functions are called already with the mutex held. These are marked with a REQUIRED tag. Functions that will acquire the mutex are marked with EXCLUDED (adding these annotations is a general practice to help write code that doesn't deadlock).

    You do not need to do any fine-grained locking. It is fine for most parts of the lab to just Lock the mutex and defer

  • To run the tests for this part of the lab, run the following. Recall you can add -vlevel if you use verbose logging.

    go test raft/raft -run Part1 -test.v

    Your solution should probably finish in less than 10 seconds (if you are close in performance to the reference computer). If not, later parts of the lab may be slow or time out.

  • This part of the lab is tricky, as it will be the first step in the implementation and navigating the lab's code. However, the bulk of the work in the lab is in part 2. Start early. If you are stuck and don't know what to do next, come see me.

Part 1 tests overview

  • TestElectionNoFailurePart1: Validate that three servers can elect an initial leader.

    1. Start 3 servers.
    2. Check that a leader is elected (getLeader).
    3. Wait for some period of time and validate that all servers agree on the current term (validateTerms).
    4. Wait for some time and validate that the term hasn't moved on, since there has been no failure.
    5. Validate the leader hasn't changed..
  • TestElectionWithFailurePart1: Validate that if a leader is disconnected, a new leader is elected (in a new term).

    With three servers:

    1. Wait for a leader to be elected.
    2. Disconnect the leader.
    3. Wait for a new leader to be elected.
    4. Rejoin the old leader.
    5. Validate that the new leader remains the leader.
    6. Remove the new leader and another process (now only one server in network).
    7. Validate there is no leader.
    8. Add back a single process.
    9. Validate that a new leader is elected.
    10. Rejoin the last remaining process.
    11. Validate that the leader remains the same.

Part 2

In this section of the lab, you will add log replication. Your leader process will now have its log appended to by the code in Start (raft_core.go).

  • When the leader sends AppendEntries RPCs, it will now have to populate the arguments correctly when there are logs to send.

  • Similarly the leader will now need to handle the RPC responses and update its matchIndex and nextIndex lists correctly in sendAppendEntry.

  • Followers will need to only grant votes in the RequestVote RPC handler if the candidate's log is at least as ahead of the follower (section 5.4.1 of the paper, last two paragraphs).

  • Followers will also need to implement rules for appending to their own logs, including how to handle conflict.

  • The leader needs to implement updateCommitIndex, which implements the last step of the "Leaders" section under "Rules for All Servers."

  • You need to implement commit, which is called periodically to apply commands to the state machine.

  • Later in this section, you will need to implement the optimization described in section 5.3 of the paper and in the raft_api.go file.

    This optimization instructs followers to set the NextIndex field of the AppendEntries RPC response to be the first index it stores for the conflicting term.

    There is a three-part set of unit tests in 2PUnit that illustrates the correct follower behavior:



  • Start by implementing basic behavior. The integration tests for this part are increasingly more complex. It may be helpful to only run a test or two at a time as you implement more of the protocol. For example, the test TestReconcileLongLogsPart2 requires the NextIndex optimization, but earlier tests do not (implementing the nextIndex - 1 behavior described earlier in the paper is good enough).

  • Take advantage of the unit tests! If the unit tests pass, you should have the handlers and RPC requests correct. If they don't, the integration tests are unlikely to pass.

  • When you are done with this section, all of the part 2 integration tests should pass:

    go test raft/raft -run Part2 -test.v

    Note: Some of these tests take some time! However, your implementation should pass the entire test suite in about a minute or less.

    You should also make sure that your tests for Part 1 continue to pass as well!

  • This is by far the most challenging section of the lab. Once you have this right, Part 3 and part 4 should be less work. Make sure you start this early and come to me if you are stuck!

Part 2 unit tests

There are a handful of unit tests for this part of the lab that will help you ensure that your implementation has the correct behavior. They use NextIndex in the AppendEntries response, however, so you will need to either modify them or do that optimization.

You should also feel free to add more. Notice that I do not have unit tests for RequestVote, whereas if you are having trouble with elections, you may want to add some.

To run the unit tests, run the following:

go test raft/raft -run P2Unit -test.v

The test names are descriptive of their function; they have comments that describe what they test, as well.


Part 2 integration tests overview

To run the integration tests, run:

go test raft/raft -run Part2 -test.v
  • TestConsensusNoFailurePart2: Validate that servers can run consensus in the absence of failures.

    With 5 servers, repeat 3 times:

    1. Validate that logs are initially empty at the index.
    2. Run one round of consensus and validate that the index is the expected initial index.
    3. Validate that all 5 servers agree on the index.
  • TestConsensusWithQuorumPart2: Validate that consensus can be reached with a quorum of servers.

    With three servers:

    1. Run consensus once with all servers.
    2. Disconnect a follower.
    3. Run consensus with 2 servers a few times.
    4. Reconnect the follower.
    5. Validate that consensus can be reached with all servers.

    Note that the agreement watch thread does log validation, so the reconnected server's logs are validated in the last consensus run.

  • TestConsensusWithoutQuorumPart2: Validate that consensus can't be run when there isn't a quorum of servers.

    1. Run an initial consensus.
    2. Disconnect 3/5 servers.
    3. Attempt to run consensus.
    4. Validate that it doesn't succeed.
    5. Reconnect servers.
    6. Validate that consensus can now be reached.
  • TestConcurrentConsensusPart2: Validate that multiple commands can be committed by the same leader, in parallel. With 3 servers, the test tries 5 times to commit many commands in parallel in the same term.

    1. Get the current leader.
    2. Start 5 threads that call Start() on the leader in parallel.
    3. Validate that all commands were committed in the same term.
  • TestPartitionReconnectPart2: Validate that a paritioned leader abandons failed log entries. With three servers:

    1. Get one round of consensus.
    2. Disconnect the leader.
    3. Start rounds of consensus on the old, disconnected leader. These should later be discarded.
    4. Run a round with the new leader of the connected majority.
    5. Disconnect the new leader, and reconnect the old leader.
    6. Run one round of consensus.
    7. Reconnect all.
    8. Run one round of consensus.
    9. Validate that the committed entries is the correct number.

    The final commits should be the commits from (1), (4), (6), and (8).

  • TestReconcileLongLogsPart2: Validate that a process with long tail of inconsistent log entries is able to catch up once it rejoins the system.

    Without loss of generality number the servers 0-4.

    1. Get an initial agreement with all servers.
    2. Partition the leader, say 0, and another process, say 1, by disconnecting 2, 3, and 4. Send a lot of commands to 0 that can't be committed by only two processes.
    3. Disconnect 0 and 1.
    4. Rejoin 2-4, and allow them to commit a lot of successful commands. Now, 0 and 1 have a long tail of uncommitted entries, while the current quorum have a long tail of committed entries.
    5. Disconnect 2 and submit a lot of new entries to 3 and 4. Now 3 and 4 have a long tail of uncommitted messages.
    6. Disconnect 3 and 4 and bring 0, 1, and 2 back. Send a lot of successful commands to this group. 0 and 1 will have to catch up to 2's successful entries.
    7. Bring all up. 3 and 4 have will have to catch up.
    8. Run one last round with all servers. At this point they all must have caught up and discarded uncommitted entries.
  • TestRpcEfficiencyPart2: Validate that the solution is RPC-efficient; that is, it doesn't send unnecessarily many RPCs.

    With 3 servers:

    1. Validate that it doesn't require >~30 RPCs to elect an initial leader.
    2. Try to get a stable count of RPCs required to reach agreement a few times.
    3. With each try, get the count of RPCs sent at the start. Then, run consensus a few times.
    4. Wait for consensus to finish and validate the total RPC count. If the term moved on at any point, try again to get a stable count, since an election would skew the RPC count.
    5. If this passes, validate that RPCs in an idle steady-state are not too frequent.

Part 3

This part of the lab ensures that your implementation behaves correctly when processes can crash and recover.

Notice that CreateRaft reads the Raft server's state from disk when creating it. This means that you have to persist the state whenever the state that must be persisted is changed. These are the fields currentTerm, votedFor, and log[] (from page 5 in the paper).

Specifically, you will need to write the functions that persist and recover data:

  • persist should use the encoding/gob library to encode the Raft state to a byte buffer and then write this buffer with WritePersistentState.

    buff := new(bytes.Buffer)
    e := gob.NewEncoder(buff)
    data := buff.Bytes()
  • recoverState should use a corresponding decoder to decode the Raft state.

    buff := bytes.NewBuffer(data)
    d := gob.NewDecoder(buff)
  • Finally, you must make sure that your implementation calls persist whenever the state that must be persisted changes.


  • This part of the lab is fairly straightfoward, but it is easy to miss places where state changes. Make sure that you are thorough.

  • When you are done, the tests for this section should pass. You should also make sure that all previous tests pass!

    go test raft/raft -run Part3 -test.v

    This should take about a minute.

Part 3 test overview

  • TestBasicPersistencePart3: Validates that crashing and restarting servers does not affect the system's ability to reach consensus with consistent logs. Tries different permutations of crashing servers.

    With three servers:

    1. Get agreement (log length 1).
    2. Crash all servers.
    3. Bring them up and get another agreement (log length 2).
    4. Crash the leader and bring it back up.
    5. Get agreement (log length 3).
    6. Crash the leader.
    7. Get agreement w/ 2 servers (log length 4).
    8. Bring old leader back up and wait for it to catch up (validating log indices).
    9. Crash a follower.
    10. Get agreement (log length 5).
    11. Bring follower back up.
    12. Get agreement (log length 6).

    Note that the log consistency checks that are part of the testConfig.agree function ensure that the crashed and recovered followers have consistent logs.

  • TestRecoveryWithLaggingFollowersPart3: Validate that processes that lag catch up when an ahead follower recovers and rejoins.

    With 5 servers, repeat the following five times. Without loss of generality assume the servers are numbered 0-4.

    1. Get agreement with all, assume 0 is the leader in this round.
    2. Crash 1 and 2.
    3. Get agreement with 0, 3, and 4.
    4. Crash 0, 3, and 4.
    5. Recover 1 and 2.
    6. Wait for 1 and 2 to potentially establish a leader.
    7. Recover 3 (which is ahead of 1 and 2).
    8. Get agreement with 3, 1, and 2 (requiring 1 and 2 to catch up).
    9. Recover 0 and 4, which will have to catch up on the next round of consensus.
    10. After this has repeated 5 times, get one last agreement to ensure 0 and 4 are caught up.
  • TestFigure8Part3: Validate the scenarios described in Figure 8 of the Raft paper. Test specifically the difference between 8 (d) and 8 (e), where the leader is not able to replicate a log entry from its term before failing vs. being able to replicate a log entry from its term.

    With 5 servers, we will repeat the following many times:

    1. Each iteration calls Start() on a leader, if there is one.
    2. Crash it quickly with probability 90% (which may result in it not committing the command).
    3. Or crash it after a while with probability 10% (which most likely results in the command being committed).
    4. If the number of alive servers isn't enough to form a majority, start a new server.

    Note that if reliable is false, the test will be run with unreliable mode turned on, allowing for dropped RPCs and long reorderings.

Part 4

If, at this point, your implementation has passed previous parts of the lab (and is correct), it should pass this part as well. This part adds unreliable networks to the mix: messages will be delayed and some will be lost.

You can see how the unreliable network is simulated in the dispatch function of rpc.go, if desired (look at the unreliable flag).

The tests for this section should take a minute or less.

go test raft/raft -run Part4 -test.v

Part 4 test overview

  • TestUnreliablePart4: Validate that consensus proceeds with a faulty network.

    With 5 servers:

    1. Run consensus many times (250 times), with many threads running concurrently.
    2. Wait for all threads to finish.
    3. Do one more round for a consistency check.
  • TestUnreliableFigure8Part4: This is the same as TestFigure8Part3 except with the introduction of a faulty network.

Before you turn this in

  • Make sure you are pushing a branch and creating a pull request. Do not push to the main branch!

  • Run gofmt on your code or have GoLand do this for you. Do not turn in code that is not indented correctly.

  • I will give 1-2 points of extra credit for clean, well documented code. In particular:

    • If code is not being executed (i.e., is commented out), it should not be committed.
    • TODO comments should be addressed, and therefore they should be removed (unless you still have work to do).
    • Comments should be at a high enough level that they are descriptive and explain how the code is working, not explaining what the code is (you should assume everyone who reads your code understands the programming language).
    • Variable names should be descriptive and accurate, even if they are short. For example, using mi and ni for match/next index, respectively, is short, but still descriptive.
    • It is covered above, but make sure that you are using the correct amount of indentation. Also do not use excessive whitespace or no whitespace. Use blank lines to break up "paragraphs" of code within a function.

Congratulations! You are done!

You've implemented an incredibly subtle distributed algorithm. Give yourself a high five.

If you're on campus this summer, come see me and I'll give you a high five too.


Raft Lab


Language:Go 100.0%