mkvoya / linux-kernel-coding-style.el

[WIP] Make Emacs works great with linux kernel development

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


THIS PROJECT IS UNDER DEVELOPMENT, after all things done, I'll push it to melpa

Linux Kernel Coding Style for emacs.

License GPLv2 MELPA MELPA Stable


I always wonder why thre's no any officialy linux kernel coding style implementation in emacs, the linux style defined in cc-styles.el are not the suitable style for editing linux kernel.

This plugin is based on Linux Kernel Coding Style documentation, some of codes are taken from 9: You've mad a mess of it.

Hope we can really has an easy setup for linux kernel development on Emacs :)


If you have melpa and emacs24 installed, simply type:

M-x package-install linux-kernel-coding-style

And add the following to your .emacs

(require 'linux-kernel-coding-style)


[WIP] Make Emacs works great with linux kernel development


Language:Emacs Lisp 100.0%