mkristian / war-pack

pack a warfile for rack based projects using ruby-maven

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packing war files of rack applications



will use ./Gemfile to install the gems and will pack a war-file in ./pkg

for help and about parameter info, see

war-pack help pack


for permanent customization (instead of using parameters) and for further customization dump a Mavenfile (which is a ruby DSL of pom.xml from

war-pack dump

there you can further manipulate include patterns as needed. war-pack will use it when present. to tell war-pack to not use the Mavenfile you need to add --mavenfile= to trigger to use the default.


the packing is restricted to rack based applications. rails is based on rack as well !

regarding bundler things work OK as long as the application does not depend on the auto-require feature of bundler and has no runtime dependency to bundler itself, i.e. if the application works with

 bundle install --standalone
 GEM_PATH=not_existing ruby -r./bundle/bundler/setup.rb -S rackup

standard directory layout

├── lib # ruby app
├── public # public resources

after the first run it look slightly different:

├── lib # ruby app
├── public
│   └── WEB-INF
│       ├── classes # contains jruby.home and the installed gems
│       ├── init.rb # can be used to customize ENV
│       └── web-pack.xml # packed as web.xml, can be customized
├── pkg # work directory, can be deleted any time

what works and what does not work

the list is limited to what I have installed locally (any PR to add others to servlet containers is welcome).

tomcat-7, tomcat-8

deployment as war-file without unpacking just does never finsih deployment, so it just does not work

deployment when the war-file gets unpacked works as is.

works with jetty-run and tomcat-run gems

jetty-7, jetty-8, jetty-9

deployment as war-file without unpacking produces lots of error with the packed jar-files from WEB-INF/lib, i.e. does not work

deployment when the war-file gets unpacked works as is.

works with jetty-run and tomcat-run gems


some jruby versions needs to explicitly require the bouncy-castle jars see public/WEB-INF/init.rb.

deployment as war-file without unpacking needs to add these default gems to the Gemfile (bundler might not install depending on the jruby version and its default gems):

gem 'jruby-openssl', :platform => :jruby
gem 'krypt', :platform => :jruby

as well in public/WEB-INF/init.rb those gems needs to be activated explicitly with:

gem 'jruby-openssl'
gem 'krypt'

the gem-maven-plugin used for packing here does installs those declared gems as needed. with this in place deploment of packed warfiles works.

deployment when the war-file gets unpacked works as is.

jboss wildfly-8

deployment as war-file without unpacking needs to set GEM_PATH to WEB-INF/classes, see public/WEB-INF/init.rb.

deployment when the war-file gets unpacked works as is.


deployment as war-file always leads to unpacking it (could not find an option to avoid that), i.e. it works as is.

others servlet containers

not tested. also war-files part of an ear-file is not tested !

in general running packed war-files is more likely to have problems then the unpacking deployment.

notes on how things are done

jruby finds gems if they are installed in the root of the classpath, i.e.

export GEM_HOME=rubygems
export GEM_PATH=rubygems
gem install mygem
GEM_PATH=none_existing java -cp jruby-complete.jar:rubygems org.jruby.Main -S gem list

that will list your mygem as installed gem, even though the GEM_PATH points to a directory without any gems !!!

this fact is used by the packing that it installes the gems of the application in WEB-INF/classes, then there is in general no need to specify gem.path for jruby-rack (exception is jboss when deploying packed war-files).

further the classpath is also part of the LOAD_PATH, so putting all the files under ./lib into the WEB-INF/classes directory, makes them accessible without further manipulation of the LOAD_PATH.

since the default gems became part of jruby-stdlib.jar there are also some packed jars inside that jruby-stdlib.jar. especially when deployment as packed war-file takes place it sounds like asking for problems to load a jar-file from jar-file from war-file. to decrease the amount of trouble the complete jruby-stdlib.jar will be unpacked into WEB-INF/classes and not added to WEB-INF/lib (that move helped websphere to work when the war gets unpacked on deployment).

the default place to install gems with jruby is JRUBY_HOME/lib/ruby/gems/shared, but that did not work as expected. so WEB-INF/classes is the better choice since it works for the tested servlet containers.

summarizing the technical details:

GEM_PATH contains WEB-INF/classes as implicit default
JRUBY_HOME is WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/jruby.home
LOAD_PATH contains WEB-INF/classes as implicit default


probably, but some other time ;)


  1. fork it
  2. create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. create new Pull Request


bug-reports and pull request are most welcome. otherwise

enjoy :)


pack a warfile for rack based projects using ruby-maven

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 100.0%