mkrcke / Business-Analytics-and-Data-Science-WS-18-19

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Code Submission Date: 12.02.2019

Paper Submission Date: 18.03.2019

Input: BADS_WS1819_known BADS_WS1819_unknown

  1. Data Prep
  • all values to.lowercase to prevent distinction of same values.
  • order_item_id is a unique identifier of order item. doesn't matter REMOVE
  • order_date and delivery_date should be coerced into a date diff variable
  • item_id is a factor. lots of small values - maybe discretize into frequency of purchase.
  • item_size factor. probably not relevant on it's own REMOVE
  • item_color probably not relevant on it's own REMOVE
  • brand_id is a factor. some different in test / training, test set should be scaled down. see item_id note
  • item_price numeric, but in test set there are higher values. handle 0 values
  • user_id is a factor. see item_id note
  • user_title is a factor but high class imbalance, follows same distribution and appears to be decent signal
  • user_dob is date of birth. consider discretizing and removing bad values (impute?)
  • user_state is a factor. follows same distribution and appears to be decent signal
  • user_reg_date is a date. consider changing to "length of account" and "time between open and order"
  • basic colors (e.g. black, white, navy) are correlating with lower return probability, bc uncertainty regarding color is reduced
  • basic sizes (m) are correlating with lower return probability, bc uncertainty regarding color is reduced
  • "trends" --> products with a high purchase rate
  1. Transforming Variables
  2. Building a model
  3. Model Assessment

Additional Modeling Challenge: Use a genetic algorithm to minimize costs directly using a linear classifier.
