mkorkmaz / DontHateMeBot

A simple Twitter Mention Service script written in Python.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

DontHateMeBot: Twitter Mention Service

Scrutinizer Code Quality Build Status

A simple Twitter Mention Service script written in Python.

###Tags #python, #python3, #twiter, #streamingapi, #firehose #bot


Install the latest versions of required packages

$ pip3 install -r pip.install

Don't forget to create a new twitter app at ( If you haven't yet.

You will need Twitter api_key, api_secret, access_token and access_token_secret. You can find and/or create them at "Keys and Access Tokens" tab of your Twitter app details page.


Copy config.sample.ini to same folder with as config.ini and change variables.

This script uses Twitter's Firehose API. One Firehose service can serve for up to 400 keywords. But I don't recommend to use more than 9-10 keywords. If you chose a common keyword as a filter, use one dedicated service for it.

For each keywords in congif.ini, add responses respectively.

Server Configuration Recommendation

I personally use mostly Ubuntu Server. For the Firehose service I recommend you to use any VPS server has 1 CPU and 512MB RAM or 1 CPU and 1GB RAM. Since this service does not support multi-threading more than 2 CPU core would be useless.

Twitter allows one Firehose connection per IP address. This means you can use only one Firehose service for one server. [CitationNeeded].

Use more than one servers has small resources than one server has more resources if you need.

Read more details on Twitter's Streaming Documentation's connection page.


$ python3 ./

Ubuntu Upstart Service

Create a configuration file at /etc/init/tw_firehose.conf with following contents. Change the file path according to your setup.

description "DontHateMeBot"

start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [!2345]

setuid nobody
setgid nogroup

exec python3 /home/userhome/

Service management

sudo service tw_firehose start|stop|restart

Ubuntu Systemd Service

Create a configuration file at /etc/systemd/system/firehose.service with following contents. Change the file path according to your setup.


ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /home/userhome/


Service management

sudo systemctl start|stop|restart firehose 


Don't use this script to abuse random people on the internet. I do not accept any responsibility or liability if someone abuses people on the internet using this script


A simple Twitter Mention Service script written in Python.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%