mkol5222 / appsec-demo

Check Point CloudGuard AppSec demo environment

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Check Point CloudGuard AppSec demo

This is a simple docker-compose environment for deploy a Check Point AppSec embedded nano-agent demo.
It will deploy three containers, an NGINX reverse proxy, an agent-container (the nano-agent) and the OWASP JuiceShop app.

You will have two ways to access the stack:

  • Port 80: Protected by AppSec
  • Port 3000: Direct to JuiceShop (unprotected)


  • Clone the repository
  • From a machine with docker and docker-compose installed, run:
    export TOKEN=<your agent token>
    docker-compose up
    Insert awesome demo here :)
    docker-compose down


The NGINX config requires you to provide a host header otherwise you'll get a 404. The host header (eg, entry in your host file) should be juiceshop.local There are two ways to run docker compose: docker-compose and docker compose. Using docker compose (with a space, not a hyphen) is 'experimental' from a Docker perspective and seems to decide on its own value for IPC configuration and breaks this setup. Use docker-compose please :).


Check Point CloudGuard AppSec demo environment


Language:Dockerfile 100.0%