mkobaly / ansible

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Scratchpad repository to get familiar with Ansible. To get started I was working with Consul to setup a new cluster.


  • Ensure you can ssh into each server first

  • strugggled getting some tasks run. Passing -K to command line allowed me to pass password but not sure this is best practice

  • was unable to get role working that was part of site.yml (brianshumate.consul)

  • in hosts you need to ensure ethernet name correct (type one of the 3 below commands)

    ip addr or ifconfig or ip link

Downloading custom galaxy roles

Place all of the roles wanted in a file (roles.yml) and execute below command

sudo ansible-galaxy install -r roles.yml

Installing a playbook

  • test.yml is the file containing the role(s) we want
  • hosts file lists out the servers participating

Note: hosts file must have section matching what is defined in consul.yml file

ansible-playbook -i hosts consul.yml -K  
