mkmksto / neovim_config

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

My Neovim Config


  • option 1 (best dev experience and easiest): just use the deb image and install using either sudo apt install <deb file> or dpk install .... something
  • option 2: download the appimage then copy the binary to one of the $PATHs
  • periodically run checkhealth
  • location nvim ~/.config/nvim/


  • nvim >= 0.9.1 (used 0.8.3 previously)
  • git

OS-level dependencies

  • ripgrep rg
  • fd for finding files
  • fzf

(For a nice development environment)

  • lazygit
  • delta for lazygit and git diff viewers
  • nerd fonts
  • nvm for node version management
  • virtualenv
  • pnpm
  • bat (telescope file previews)
  • glow (md file previews)
  • install locate
  • fd

Configuration (i.e. things you might need to do manually after installing)

  • for DAP, you might have to manually type the location of some of the adapters, e.g. for python
    • see dap.adapters.python under debugging.lua
  • make sure your folder structure matches the repos the plugins will be setting up (e.g. telescope repo, telescope searching for notes, etc.)
  • also check folder structure against projections-nvim.lua and telescope.
  • install your DAP adapters and ensure the paths match the locations @ debugging.lua

Common issues

  • Installing black, isort and pylint can sometimes result in unable to create python3 venv environment. Check this stackoverflow post

  • ;5u appearing when i try to exit a terminal: this happens when you press Ctrl+Enter (sometimes i forget that i'm actually holding ctrl because of ctrl+space zsh autocomplete)

  • pylint false positives about import error: probably has to do with NULL LS being confused about which pylint installation to use, when pylint is installed from mason, it attempts to use that, and as a result, it may try to resolve import dependencies from where the global mason pylint package is installed.

    • FIX: under mason.lua, comment out the part where pylint is under null_ls's ensure_installed packages
    • then simply install pylint inside the venv of your project (seems to work lol idk why)

some mason/null ls packages failing to install

check that you have unzip installed (particularly for WSL) spawn: unzip failed with exit code..... unzip not executable

Windows/WSL (check notes md files)


  • install zsh first
  • main installation video
  • chsh -s $(which zsh) to change the default shell
  • remaps for windows terminal to enable common keymaps. (like s-space and c-s-p)

Other things you'll need to config/install manually

  • search how to sync clipboard with windows if using WSL
  • comment using c-/ not working
  • markdown preview (not opening browser if using WSL- prob because the browser is hardcoded to a linux path)

Windows Setup

  • config is located at $Appdata/Local/nvim (create a folder is none yet)
  • mklink /D link "D:\path\to\neovim\config" (create symlink from your neovim config (in this case, located @ drive D, to where the neovim config should be located(at the appdata folder) ))
  • install fzf, rg, fd
  • install zig using chocolatey (, without gcc or zig, treesitter fails to install things.

Remaps (Windows Neovim (WSL))

To enable shift+space as your escape key for the windows terminal

            "command": {
	        "action" : "sendInput",
	    	"input": "\u001b"
            "keys": "shift+space"

To enable ctrl+shift+p to open telescope key maps

  1. remap windows terminal's command palette to ctrl+alt+p
  2. remove this line inside the JSON file
            "command": "unbound",
            "keys": "ctrl+shift+p"
  1. add this line
  "command": {
    "action": "sendInput",
    "input": "\u001b[80;5u"
  "keys": "ctrl+shift+p"

Note: you can't write \x1b, apparently it's not valid JSON, you have to use /u001b source



Language:Lua 100.0%