- Client Live Deployment Link :
- Server Live Deployment Link :
- GitHub Repository Link :
This project is a backend system designed to support a travel tips and destination guides platform. It is built with Node.js and TypeScript and follows a modular structure, enabling efficient handling of various features such as user authentication, post management, and file uploads. The backend is structured to provide RESTful API endpoints for travel-related insights, comments, and more. It integrates services like payments and user management and supports robust database operations with reusable query builders and middleware for security and efficiency.
- User Management: Create, update user accounts with role-based access control.
- Authentication: Secure user authentication using JWT for login, registration, change password, reset password and token management
- Post, Payment and Insight: Both user and admin has the dashboard for valuable insights
- Sign up a new user. - POST
- Log in a user. - POST
- Change a user's password. - POST
- reset user's password. - Post
- refresh token for session
- Create a new user (TODO: add file upload for user registration). - GET
- Retrieve all users (Admin only). - GET
- Retrieve current user information (Authenticated users only). - GET
- Retrieve a user by ID. - DELETE
- Delete a user by ID (Admin only). - PATCH
- Update the profile of the authenticated user. - PATCH
- Update the user's profile picture. - PATCH
- Toggle a user's status (Admin only). - PATCH
- Toggle a user's role (Admin only). - POST
- Mark a user as verified (User only, requires payment validation). - POST
- Grant premium access to a user (User only, requires payment validation). - PATCH
- Follow or unfollow a user (User only). - GET
- Check if the authenticated user follows a target user. - POST
- Retrieve the user's followers and following lists.
- Create a new post with file upload (Authenticated user only). - GET
- Retrieve all posts. - GET
- Retrieve all posts created by a specific user. - GET
- Retrieve a single post by ID. - PATCH
- Update a post by ID (Authenticated user only). - DELETE
- Delete a post by ID (Authenticated user or Admin). - PATCH
- Upvote a post (Authenticated user only). - PATCH
- Downvote a post (Authenticated user only).
- Upgrade a user to premium. - POST
- Mark a user as verified. - GET
- Retrieve all payment histories (Admin only). - GET
- Retrieve the payment history of the authenticated user. - POST
- Update the payment status by payment ID (Admin only).
- Retrieve insights for the authenticated user. - GET
- Retrieve insights for the admin (Admin only). - GET
- Retrieve a monthly overview for charts (Admin only).
To get the project up and running locally, follow these steps:
before running the application, please include .env file root of your project. below is given instructions of it.
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/mkmasudrana806/Travel-Tips-And-Destination-Guides-Backend
cd Travel-Tips-And-Destination-Guides-Backend
- Install Dependencies:
npm install
- Build the project:
- Start the development server:
npm start
Create a .env file in the root of the project and add your variables:
# this is not main `.evn` file. it just example file
# must include .env file at root directory of your project.
# app port
# your local or remote database url
# user default password
#becrypt salt rounds
# node environment
NODE_ENVIRONMENT=development #make production before deployment
# jwt token
# nodemailer user and password
NODE_MAILER_USER= #your email address
NODE_MAILER_PASSWORD= #your api key password (collect from gmail security->two factor authentication and create a app key)
# reset password ui link
RESET_PASSWORD_UI_LINK=http://localhost:5173 #your reset password frontend ui link
CLOUDINARY_NAME= #your cloudinary name
CLOUDINARY_API_KEY= #your cloudinary api key
CLOUDINARY_SECRET_KEY= #your cloudinary secret key
#amar pay
PAYMENT_VERIFY_URL= https://sandbox.aamarpay.com/api/v1/trxcheck/request.php
- Node.js
- TypeScript
- Express.js
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- Zod Validation
- bcrypt
- Stripe
- Cloudinar
- Nodemailer
- Multer
builders/ a query builder class including some methods like search, filter, limit, pagination, fileds limiting
errors/ all errors handler methods like CastError, duplicate entry error, zod errors, mongoose validation error
interface/ contains error.ts file, which contains error types and index.ts contains Request interface
middlewares/ auth, globalErrorHandler, notFound, validateRequest middlewares
modules/ contains all models like user, auth, posts, payment, insights and comments. each module contains routes, controller, service, validation, constants, model and utils files
routes/ Centralized route management for the API.
utils/ Utility functions and helpers like appError, catchAsync, sendResponse.
app.ts The main entry point of the application.
server.ts Application database connection and server configuration
When retrieving data, if the database collection is empty or no matching data is found, return the message: "No data found."
"success": false,
"statusCode": 404,
"message": "No Data Found",
Implement proper error handling throughout the application. Use global error handling middleware
to catch and handle errors, providing appropriate error responses with error messages.
Error Response Object Should include the following properties:
- success → false
- message → Error Type → Validation Error, Cast Error, Duplicate Entry
- errorMessages
- stack
Sample Error Response
"success": false,
"message": "E11000 duplicate key error collection: univerity-management.students index: email_1 dup key: { email: \\"user2@gmail.com\\" }",
"errorMessages": [
"path": "",
"message": "E11000 duplicate key error collection: univerity-management.students index: email_1 dup key: { email: \\"user2@gmail.com\\" }"
"stack": "MongoServerError: E11000 duplicate key error collection: univerity-management.students index: email_1 dup key: { email: \\"user2@gmail.com\\" }\\n at H:\\\\next-level-development\\\\university-management-auth-service\\\\node_modules\\\\mongodb\\\\src\\\\operations\\\\insert.ts:85:25\\n at H:\\\\next-level-development\\\\university-management-auth-service\\\\node_modules\\\\mongodb\\\\src\\\\cmap\\\\connection_pool.ts:574:11\\n at H:\\\\next-level-development\\\\university-writeOrBuffer (node:internal/streams/writable:391:12)"
Implement a global "Not Found" handler for unmatched routes. When a route is not found, respond with a generic message: "Not Found.”
"success": false,
"statusCode": 404,
"message": "Not Found"
Implement an Authentication Middleware to authenticate your application. Ensures that only user and admin can access their own accessible routes.
"success": false,
"statusCode": 401,
"message": "You have no access to this route"
The API employs Zod for input validation, ensuring data consistency. When validation fails, a 400 Bad Request status code is returned, accompanied by detailed error messages specifying the erroneous fields and reasons.