mklabs / mincerize

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A set of scripts working together with Mincer, providing an easy way to compile and replace JS or CSS files based on an HTML file (or template) as well as a development server.


Top level command

Usage: mincerize [options] [command]


     Parse and outputs the list of matching assets from an HTML file

     Compiles and produces Mincer manifest from an HTML file

     Start an asset pipeline development server

  help [cmd]
     display help for [cmd]


  -h, --help  output usage information


A development server based on Mincer with file watching utility and livereload.

  • Automatically watch any file within one of Mincer's include paths
  • Integration with Bower (bower_components added as an include paths)
  • Livereload event when a file changes
  • Development friendly error, based on and inspired by Play framework.

Usage: mincerize-serve [options]


  -h, --help                output usage information
  -M, --mount <mountpoint>  Specify the mount point for the Asset Pipeline(default: assets)
  -p, --port <port>         Specify the port to listen on (default: 3000)
  -I, --include <path>      Adds the directory to the Mincer load path
  -i, --ignore <ignore>     Ignores the given string from assets to compile
  -w, --watch               Turn on watching of files in include paths to trigger a LiveReload event


Clone the repo locally and cd into the examples folder.

$ git clone
$ npm install
$ cd examples/mincer && bower install
$ mincerize serve


This command takes an HTML file and returns a list of matching assets, JS or CSS file.

Usage: mincerize-html [options]


  -h, --help                output usage information
  -i, --ignore <ignore>     Ignore assets matching the provided pattern
  -f, --filename <filname>  Define the name of the input file
  --css                     Only output stylesheets
  --js                      Only output javascript


$ mincerize html --filename ./examples/todo-backbone/index.html


This command takes an HTML file, and:

  1. Figure out the assets
  2. Pass each asset through mincer, with --output option set (manifest generation)
  3. Replace each reference in input HTML to the new, revved, one
  4. Outputs the result to stdout

Usage: mincerize-build [options]


    -h, --help                output usage information
    -d, --debug               Turn on debugging info
    -p, --prefix <prefix>     Extracts asset relative path based on this prefix
    -I, --include <path>      Adds the directory to the Mincer load path. Comma separated list of values
    -i, --ignore <ignore>     Ignores the given string from assets to compile (relative to input file). Comma separated list of values
    -o, --output <directory>  Build assets into the provided directory
    -f, --filename <filname>  Define the name of the input file
    -c, --compress            Turn on compression for JS / CSS (using uglify / csswring)
    -s, --sourcemap           Turn on sourcemap generation


    $ mincer-build -I ./bower_components -I ./app/assets/ -o build -f index.html
    $ mincer-build --ignore googleapi -f index.html


$ mincerize build -f examples/todo-backbone/index.html -I bower_components > new.html



Language:JavaScript 82.3%Language:CSS 16.0%Language:Makefile 1.5%Language:CoffeeScript 0.1%Language:Ruby 0.1%