mkirchner / libfbi

fast box intersection in arbitrary dimensions

Repository from Github https://github.commkirchner/libfbiRepository from Github https://github.commkirchner/libfbi

                                 libfbi README

1. Summary
libfbi is a header-only, C++ template library for fast box intersection queries
in an arbitrary number of dimensions.

2. Installation
libfbi comes as an installation package and installs its headers via make install into standard
include directories (i.e. /usr/local/include on POSIX systems).
libfbi is a C++ header-only template library; there are no precompiled files.
Either compiler support for variadic templates (gcc 4.4, clang 2.9) or installed Boost headers(1.30) are required.
Additional details can be found in the doc/ subdirectory, ./INSTALL.txt and in the online documentation at

3. Documentation
libfbi uses doxygen for source documentation and examples. The precompiled 
documentation is installed if you install an installation package. If you
downloaded a source distribution, build the 'doc' target to build the
documentation. Cutting edge online documentation is always available from


fast box intersection in arbitrary dimensions



Language:C++ 90.8%Language:CMake 6.1%Language:Python 1.7%Language:Shell 1.3%