mkirby / resilia-api

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Resilia Notification Viewer

A simple react notification viewer that populates a dropdown with all users. When a user is selected, that's users notifications are rendered below.

Ruby on Rails Backend: Repo

React Frontend: Repo

  • Clone down and open the Ruby on Rails resilia-api backend repo
  • Run bundle install
  • Create the postgresql server and populate it with data
    • rails db:create
    • rails db:migrate
    • rails db:seed
  • Start the server by running rails s. Clone down and open the React resilia-notification-viewer Frontend
  • Run npm install
  • Run npm start



  • ruby '2.6.4'
  • gem "active_model_serializers", "~> 0.10.12"

Prompt Requirements

  • frontend should request notifications from an API
  • notifications should be housed in a persistent store
  • persistent store that can survive the API server restarting
  • notification objects contain arbitrary domain data along with attributes that allow it to
  • function as a “notification” a user is intended to receive



Language:Ruby 99.2%Language:HTML 0.8%