M. Kachuee, K. Kärkkäinen, O. Goldstein, S. Darabi, M. Sarrafzadeh,
Generative Imputation and Stochastic Prediction,
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), 2020.
- train.py: main entry point of the program, used to run different experiments
- utils.py: a set of utility functions
- test_cifar.sh: a simple script to run GI experiment for the CIFAR-10 dataset
- README.md: this readme file
- environment.py: conda environment settings
- data.py: load and preprocessing for different datasets
- otherwork/: source code from other work (with some modifications to integrate)
- models/: pytorch model architectures and modules
- imputers/: training process for different imputers
Note: as shown in the example below, always fix the hash seed. We use python hashing to fingerprint samples.
python3 train.py --exp "ENS_EPS2000" --dataset cifar10 --data_dir ~/Database/Image/ \
--objective bce --lr_d 0.0005 --lr_g 0.0005 --lr_patience 0.25 \
--missing_type mcar_rect --missing_rate 0.20 --hint_rate 0.0 --alpha 0.0 \
--device cuda:0 --epoches 2000 --eval_freq 0.05 --batch_size 64 \
--train_predictor --n_samples 128 --aug_noise_std 0.0 \
--result_dir ./run_outputs/ --dump_ens