mkabischev / lodge

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Logde Project

Lodge is key-value in-memory storage with hashes support. Logde use simple text protocol very similar to memcached one. You connect connect and send commands using telnet or nc.

Available commands:

Command Description Example
SET Sets value to key SET key1 0 3\r\foo\r\n
GET Reads value GET foo
HSET Sets value to hash HSET key1 field1 5\r\n hello\r\n
HGET Reads value from hash HGET key1 field1
HGETALL Reads all values from hash HGETALL key1
DELETE Deletes key DELETE key1
KEYS Returns all available keys KEYS
EXPIRE Set ttl for key EXPIRE foo 100
AUTH Authenticates user AUTH username password

Some examples.

Let`s set value hello for key foo with ttl 100 seconds.

$ printf "SET foo 100 5\r\nhello\r\n" | nc localhost 20000

5 is value size.

Now let`s retrieve this value.

$ echo "GET foo" | nc localhost 20000
VALUES # marker that response contains values
1 # number of values in response
5 # first value length
hello # first value itself


Logde has no dependencies, so it can be easily build with:

go install

Running tests

go test ./...

Some tests takes additional time for expires logic checking, you can skip them:

go test -test.short ./...


There are some benchmarks for storages:

go test -bench=Storage -benchmem -run=NONE ./...

BenchmarkStorageMemorySet-8      3000000               416 ns/op              40 B/op          2 allocs/op
BenchmarkStorageBucketSet-8      5000000               260 ns/op              45 B/op          2 allocs/op
BenchmarkLStorageRUSet-8         3000000               379 ns/op              45 B/op          2 allocs/op
BenchmarkStorageMemoryGet-8     30000000                70.0 ns/op             7 B/op          1 allocs/op
BenchmarkStorageBucketGet-8     10000000               143 ns/op               7 B/op          1 allocs/op
BenchmarkLStorageRUGet-8        10000000               182 ns/op               7 B/op          1 allocs/op
BenchmarkStorageMemoryCombine-8 10000000               286 ns/op              15 B/op          1 allocs/op
BenchmarkStorageBucketCombine-8 10000000               180 ns/op              15 B/op          1 allocs/op
BenchmarkStorageLRUCombine-8     5000000               280 ns/op              16 B/op          1 allocs/op

For set command the fastest is BucketStorage with lru buckets. For get command BucketStorage is 2 time slower then simple storage, but in combine mode (80% gets & 20% sets) fastest is still BucketStorage.

Note: 1 of allocs in each benchmark is converting from i to string, so Set commands use only 1 alloc and get use zero allocs.


lodge [-bind= [-buckets=100 [-bucket_size=10000 [-users=/path/to/httpasswd/file]]]

buckets - number of buckets bucket_size - number of elements in each bucket users - if flag is passed, then for all connections first command must be

AUTH username password

Using client

config := client.DefaultConfig()
config.Username = "test"
config.Password = "password"

client := client.New(config)
client.Set("foo", "bar", 5)
val, _ := client.Get("foo")



Language:Go 100.0%