mk-fg / waterfox

Various extensions and hacks that I use with Mozilla Firefox browser forks like Waterfox

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Various extensions and hacks that I use with Mozilla Firefox Browser forks like Waterfox.

Note that while Firefox is an okay modern browser, I wouldn't recommend using it in its original form, since same as vanilla Chrome/Chromium, it comes loaded with various adware and malware, due to commercial interests of parent org (Mozilla). Would suggest using stripped-down forks like Waterfox instead, or Ungoogled Chromium in case of Chrome/Chromium.

One important feature of such forks is that they allow tinkering with browser extensions freely, instead of forcing them to be installed only from "official" place as-is, locked-down with mandatory centralized signing.

Extensions and tweaks for them

Any of these can be zipped into xpi like this:

% cd new-tab
% zip -r ~/Downloads/new-tab.xpi *
And then installed by simply opening (Ctrl+O) that file in waterfox.
This won't work in official FF due to hardcoded mandatory extension signing.

All *.local addon patches are usually just a bunch of overlay/replacement files, which can be used to replace ones in original .xpi archive.

Simple new-tab homepage with some non-eye-burning background image and JS checks for some parameters in arkenfox/user.js or similar must-have settings preset, as well as testing AppArmor or similar confinement (via nativeMessaging call).

I install user.js preset as vendor.js, so it'd be easy to diff or override via user.js as necessary, but if waterfox screws up loading that, it might not be immediately obvious, and same for LSM profiles, hence these simple checks in every new tab, where problem would be immediately obvious.

Main purpose though is to just make new tabs non-white, as whoever thought that white screen is an acceptable default was (or is) probably blind (by now) :)

Tabs will still momentarily flash white on opening though, which can be fixed by something like this in userContent.css:

@-moz-document url-prefix(about:blank) {
  body { background-color:#18343f !important; }

None of this would affect browser-start page btw, which can be changed via + browser.startup.homepage in user.js, with latter being set to something like "moz-extension://a1ae59a3-e618-4e86-441f-7202f3acf593/init.html", with extension UUID there from about:debugging or such.

Also, userChrome.css can be used to set bg color of that browser-start page:

.browserContainer { background-color: #18343f !important; }

Not sure if it has to be this complicated to just have browser display something you want in all tabs (and not blind you), but that's what seem to work atm (as of 2019, and still works for me in 2021, but maybe not all-necessary anymore).

fs-access-check binary for confinement-test should be built from fs_access_check.c (see comments at the top there) and installed along with fs_access_check.json manifest for nativeMessaging API calls to work - required since FF (rightfully) blocks any direct file:// access from extensions.

Forces Accept-Language and navigator.language(s) header/js values to identify browser as using english locale, despite privacy.resistFingerprinting setting (from e.g. arkenfox/user.js) which hides this data.

Helps to avoid sites presenting themselves in inconsistent languages based on IP or whatever else by default.

There is languageswitch addon which allows to change this lang on-the-fly, but it doesn't work well with privacy.resistFingerprinting (e.g. only modifies header, but does not add it), and is a lot more heavyweight than 10 JS lines here.

Adds button/hotkey (default - Alt+C) to flush all cache, cookies, localStorage, sessionStorage, indexedDB, serviceWorkers and pluginData - i.e. all tracking stuff that sites store in browser.

Alternative to Ctrl + Shift + Delete firefox hotkey, but without prompting/checkboxes, and also clearing sessionStorage in all tabs.

It does not clear downloads/history, passwords and form autocomplete data that is (almost entirely) used in the browser UI, not by websites.

Does not ask any questions or limits its scope in any way.
Useful to log out of everything, like closing/reopening private browser window.

Looking at other similar extensions, haven't found one that does good-enough cleanup, which seem to be pretty much this:

browser.browsingData.remove({}, { cache: true, cookies: true,
    indexedDB: true, localStorage: true, serviceWorkers: true, ... })
  .then(res => browser.tabs.query({}))
  .then(tabs => tabs.forEach(
    tab => browser.tabs.executeScript(, {code: 'sessionStorage.clear()'}) ))

Most of them limit scope to list of domains derived from active tab, ignore some stuff like localStorage, cache, indexedDB, or don't bother clearing sessionStorage in tabs.

Issues 2s notification popup on success, and does console.error() on any failure.

Available on AMO as well:

Opens corresponding bookmarks or runs bookmarklets from Bookmark Toolbar (even when hidden) on Alt-F1, Alt-F2, etc keys, configurable via the usual "Manage Extension Shortcuts".

Same idea as bookmark-toolbar-shortcut addon, but with support for javascript:... bookmarklets (see Bookmarklets to deal with annoying designs post for some good examples), proper error handling/indication (via popup notification), and an updated manifest to include all permissions required for that.

This addon plus bookmarklets.js below provide an easy to tweak and use harness to run small javascript snippets in context of arbitrary pages on-demand, and can easily replace most of ad-hoc "tweak/style page contents" addons.

Shows tiny colored h3/h2/spdy/old protocol icon in the URL bar on the right.

Checks for HTTP version in "HTTP/x 200 OK" status line first, and then also X-Firefox-{HTTP3,SPDY} headers (not sure why those exist), setting the indicator icon in the tab's URL bar accordingly.

Can try it out on e.g. page. Page reload (F5) might be needed for FF to pickup/remember alt-svc header and start using QUIC connection for it.

Protocol icons are tiny png files next to the script, which can be easily recolored for specific theme background using ImageMagick command-line tools, for example, to make all icons red:

% cd http-version-icon
% mogrify -channel R -evaluate set 65535 \
    -channel G -evaluate set 0 -channel B -evaluate set 0 *.png
% zip http-version-icon.xpi *.{png,js,json}

This works by setting red (R) color-channel value to max and G/B to 0 for all pixels in all icon files, producing #FF0000 bright-red result. Note that ImageMagick uses 0-65535 16b channels, not 0-255 8b ones like in hex notation.

To make a "mogrify" command for any other color values, following lines can be used in the python REPL (pops-up when running python w/o arguments):

>>> c = 17, 234, 120 ; n = (2**16 - 1) / 255
>>> print(' '.join( f'-channel {c} -evaluate set {v}'
      for c,v in zip('RGB', (round(n*c) for c in c)) ))

That will print mogrify-opts for rgb(17,234,120) color. Use e.g. c = b'\x11\xEA\x78' to easily specify R,G,B channel values from a hexadecimal notation like #11EA78 instead.

Icons' tweak for proxy-toggle addon, replacing black ones with green/red ones, depending on whether proxy is enabled/disabled (note - red=enabled).

Useful with any dark background theme, which makes default all-black icons nearly invisible, plus color-coding is nice.

Misc helpers

Various useful helper tools, data and configuration snippets.

Simple liteweight HTTP stub daemon to serve redirects, translating requests with encoded search queries to proper URLs.

Intended to work around Firefox search plugins' limitation of not allowing non-encoded search queries, so any URL-building via search keywords is limited to GET/POST keywords only.

This workaround is to run simple redirector httpd on localhost, so that e.g. gh mk-fg/waterfox query in url bar would translate to localhost:8080/github-repo/mk-fg%2Fwaterfox (note how query gets url-escaped) and that'd redirect to (this repo on github), undoing the query url-escaping in this simple case.

Any kind of more complex shortcut-expanding and URL-making logic can be added here later as well, limited only by imagination and convenience, potentially turning firefox search bar into some kind of command line.

Written in OCaml to be simple, but relatively fast (native binary) and not too heavy on memory use (~1M), unlike more typical scripts.

Can be compiled with:

% ocamlopt -o redirector -O2 unix.cmxa str.cmxa
% strip redirector

Run with -h/--help for info on command-line options.

Supports systemd socket-activation mode to only start on-demand and exit after specified timeout of inactivity, to avoid hanging around if rarely used (see ff-redirector.socket + .service in mk-fg/de-setup repo for unit examples).

Strict URL-scheme-dispatcher binary for browser or similar link-clicky app.

Intended to be assigned as a handler for e.g. "magnet:" and all other URL-schemes, to run some specific compiled-in app, depending on scheme in passed URL, kinda like xdg-open.

It's especially handy to have single app for all of them with AppArmor and similar containers, where each external binary would have to be whitelisted. This one can be assigned with no confinement there, and be reasonably relied upon to only run list of apps that were compiled-in, with URL as the only arg.

To assign handler app to a protocol in firefox, first add protocol scheme via about:config or user.js:

user_pref("network.protocol-handler.expose.magnet", false);
Now upon clicking that protocol link, FF will ask to specify handler app.
(can be changed later under "Preferences - General - Applications")

Build this handler-wrapper with full list of all necessary handlers, e.g. "mytorrent" for "magnet:" and "/opt/bin/mail-client" for "mailto:" in this example:

% gcc -O2 \
  -Dh=magnet:mytorrent:mailto:/opt/bin/mail-client \
  -o url-handler url-handler.c
% strip url-handler

(there's also an extra -Ddebug option to build it with "verbose mode" and print additional info on scheme-matching process)

Assign produced binary as a handler for clicked link, and it will run e.g. /opt/bin/mail-client for all "mailto:" links from now on.

Being compiled C code, it is a very fast (<1ms) and light wrapper (15K with glibc).

Random bookmarklets collected from somewhere or ad-hoc made to fix some local issue.

These are basically simple UserJS scripts that run on-demand (via button) in page context to tweak styles or layout, without the hassle of being tied to specific domains or always running there, potentially slowing stuff down or breaking things.

Great for a trivial in-page automation ops like "remove all images", "clear all position=fixed elements" or "make text black/selectable/etc", and very easy to make and edit on-the-fly for whatever comes to mind.

Other bookmarklet collections that I've come across and borrowed from:

Links to some external stuff I also use

  • arkenfox/user.js - to disable misfeatures that creep into firefox over time.

  • ff-cli - command-line script to interact with firefox(-ish).

    Allows to do things like list open tabs, bookmarks, compress/decompress .mozlz4 files (e.g. search.json.mozlz4) and such.

  • AppArmor profile - always nice to have for complex apps like browsers.

    More restricted than common distro defaults, with no access to /home outside of xdg junk dirs, profile and ~/Downloads, no access to devices, as well as many other limitations for stuff I don't use myself.

  • Local Waterfox Arch Linux PKGBUILD

    Builds it from .tar.gz release archive, not the humongous and slow git checkout.
    Can have some local patches/tweaks.
  • ca-certificates-whitelist-filter - tool to cleanup garbage certs from Web-PKI list of root CAs, which is all but like 6-10 CAs used for everything (at least as of i2023).

  • cgrc - systemd-run wrapper for apps that can use some cgroup-limits, like browsers.

    Has a bunch of extra functionality on top of systemd-run and generally usable with just a slice + command name, instead of like 20 common/mandatory options needed with raw systemd-run interface.

  • nbrpc - replacement for selective proxy enablement to route around various censorshit.

Links to other outdated stuff

Mostly scripts and such that I've used with pre-Quantum Firefox, which allowed much more customization and had many other diffs in general.

  • ff_backup - browser state tracking script, to auto-commit it into git by cron.

    For pre-57 firefox only, dumps opened tabs and data for a bunch of old addons.
    Generally useful for tab-hoarding and extensions with complex configurations/states.
  • firefox-homepage-generator - old firefox homepage generator.

    Uses profile bookmarks and places dbs plus some other local data to produce custom internet-index page with a bunch of links to browse.

    Python2-based, also for old pre-58 FF versions.

  • convergence - fork of abandoned Convergence addon by Moxie Marlinspike.

    Alternative mechanism for TLS cert validation, which uses distributed "network perspectives" instead of centralized "certificate authorities".

    "Notaries" (perspective-servers) must all agree on same cert signature for IP/host + SNI, which is then cached in local sqlite db (for preformance/privacy) and re-validated only when changed.

    Did maintain working client/server setup of it for a few years and used it myself.

    Was pretty good idea with absolutely terrible commercial CAs back in the day, but less needed now with Certificate Transparency efforts and Let's Encrypt, both mitigating main issues with such centralized model somewhat.

    See Certificate Pinner addon for a modern, simpler and a bit more manual opt-in solution for this task, or ca-certificates-whitelist-filter tool to also do it system-wide.


Various extensions and hacks that I use with Mozilla Firefox browser forks like Waterfox

License:Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License


Language:JavaScript 42.0%Language:OCaml 35.9%Language:C 18.9%Language:HTML 3.2%