mjzffr / firefox-media-tests

[This repo is DEPRECATED. All code has been moved to mozilla-central on hg.mozilla.org.] Marionette Python tests for media playback in Mozilla Firefox.

Home Page:https://wiki.mozilla.org/Auto-tools/Projects/Platform_Quality/External_Media_Tests

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

firefox-media-tests (deprecated repo)

All code is now on mozilla-central. Details here: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Auto-tools/Projects/Platform_Quality/External_Media_Tests

Marionette Python tests for media playback in Mozilla Firefox. MediaTestCase uses Firefox Puppeteer library.


The instructions below assume you have a copy of the project in some/path/firefox-media-tests and they refer to this path as $PROJECT_HOME.

  • Create a virtualenv called foo.

    $ virtualenv foo
    $ source foo/bin/activate #or `foo\Scripts\activate` on Windows
  • Install firefox-media-tests in development mode. (To get an environment that is closer to what is actually used in Mozilla's automation jobs, run pip install -r requirements.txt first.)

    $ python setup.py develop

Now firefox-media-tests should be a recognized command. Try firefox-media-tests --help to see if it works.

Running the Tests

Note: see the section about pf-jenkins for more information about running the tests in an automation environment.

In the examples below, $FF_PATH is a path to a recent Firefox binary.

This runs all the tests listed in $PROJECT_HOME/firefox_media_tests/manifest.ini:

$ firefox-media-tests --binary $FF_PATH

You can also run all the tests at a particular path:

$ firefox-media-tests --binary $FF_PATH some/path/foo

Or you can run the tests that are listed in a manifest file of your choice.

$ firefox-media-tests --binary $FF_PATH some/other/path/manifest.ini

By default, the urls listed in firefox_media_tests/urls/default.ini are used for the tests, but you can also supply your own ini file of urls:

$ firefox-media-tests --binary $FF_PATH --urls some/other/path/my_urls.ini

Running EME tests

In order to run EME tests, you must use a Firefox profile that has logged into the EME provider and saved the credentials. You must also use a custom .ini file for urls to the provider's content and indicate which test to run, like above. Ex:

$ firefox-media-tests --binary $FF_PATH some/path/tests.ini --profile custom_profile --urls some/path/provider-urls.ini

Running tests in a way that provides information about a crash

What if Firefox crashes during a test run? You want to know why! To report useful crash data, the test runner needs access to a "minidump_stackwalk" binary and a "symbols.zip" file.

  1. Download a minidump_stackwalk binary for your platform (save it whereever). Get it from http://hg.mozilla.org/build/tools/file/tip/breakpad/.

  2. Make minidump_stackwalk executable

    $ chmod +x path/to/minidump_stackwalk
  3. Create an environment variable called MINIDUMP_STACKWALK that points to that local path

    $ export MINIDUMP_STACKWALK=path/to/minidump_stackwalk
  4. Download the crashreporter-symbols.zip file for the Firefox build you are testing and extract it. Example: ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/tinderbox-builds/mozilla-aurora-win32/1427442016/firefox-38.0a2.en-US.win32.crashreporter-symbols.zip

  5. Run the tests with a --symbols-path flag

 $ firefox-media-tests --binary $FF_PATH --symbols-path path/to/example/firefox-38.0a2.en-US.win32.crashreporter-symbols

To check whether the above setup is working for you, trigger a (silly) Firefox crash while the tests are running. One way to do this is with the crashme add-on -- you can add it to Firefox even while the tests are running. Another way:

  1. Find the process id (PID) of the Firefox process being used by the tests.
 $ ps x | grep 'Firefox'
  1. Kill the Firefox process with SIGABRT.
# 1234 is an example of a PID
 $ kill -6 1234

Somewhere in the output produced by firefox-media-tests, you should see something like:

0:12.68 CRASH: MainThread pid:1234. Test:test_basic_playback.py TestVideoPlayback.test_playback_starts.
Minidump anaylsed:False.
Signature:[@ XUL + 0x2a65900]
Crash dump filename:
Operating system: Mac OS X
                  10.10.2 14C1514
CPU: amd64
     family 6 model 69 stepping 1
     4 CPUs

Crash address: 0x104616900

Setting up for network shaping tests (browsermobproxy)

  1. Download the browsermob proxy zip file from http://bmp.lightbody.net/. The most current version as of this writing is browsermob-proxy-2.1.0-beta-2-bin.zip.
  2. Unpack the .zip file.
  3. Verify that you can launch browsermobproxy on your machine by running <browsermob>/bin/browsermob-proxy on your machine. I had to do a lot of work to install and use a java that browsermobproxy would like.
  4. Import the certificate into your Firefox profile. Select Preferences->Advanced->Certificates->View Certificates->Import... Navigate to /ssl-support and select cybervilliansCA.cer. Select all of the checkboxes.
  5. Tell marionette where browsermobproxy is and what port to start it on. Add the following command-line parameters to your firefox-media-tests command line:

--browsermob-script /bin/browsermob-proxy --browsermob-port 999 --profile 

On Windows, use browsermob-proxy.bat.

You can then call browsermob to shape the network. You can find an example in firefox_media_tests/playback/test_playback_limiting_bandwidth.py. Another example can be found at https://dxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/testing/marionette/client/marionette/tests/unit/test_browsermobproxy.py.

A warning about video URLs

The ini files in firefox_media_tests/urls may contain URLs pulled from Firefox crash or bug data. Automated tests don't care about video content, but you might: visit these at your own risk and be aware that they may be NSFW. We do not intend to ever moderate or filter these URLs.

Writing a test

Write your test in a new or existing test_*.py file under $PROJECT_HOME/firefox_media_tests. Add it to the appropriate manifest.ini file(s) as well. Look in media_utils for useful video-playback functions.

The pf-jenkins Branch - soon-to-be deprecated

Note that firefox-media-tests is being moved into mozilla-central some time in December 2015 or January 2016, after which the pf-jenkins branch will be deprecated.

This branch contains additional code to automate test runs in a Jenkins instance maintained as part of the Platform Quality project at Mozilla.

The main point of interest is run_media_tests.py, which is a mozharness script that runs the specified tests and reports results to Treeherder. The script also sets up a virtual environment for the tests, controls logging, sets up a Firefox binary to test, sets up crash-reporter symbols, etc. Look for all_actions in the source for a full summary.

To run run_media_tests.py, you must at least download mozharness and set the following environment variable:

export MOZHARNESS_HOME=path/to/mozharness/directory

There's more documentation in run_media_tests.py itself and you can display the usage as follows:

python run_media_tests.py --help

Keep in mind that, by default, run_media_tests.py will create and activate a virtual environment for you, so make sure to deactivate any current virtual environment before you run the script.

(Optional!) Reporting results to Treeherder requires credentials for the project/repo you want to submit to (e.g. mozilla-central) as well as credentials for whereever you will upload logs (an S3 bucket). Look at config/treeherder_submission.py to learn more.

The easiest way to turn off all the Treeherder stuff is to just add the --no-treeherding option.


  • This runs just the tests in test_example.py using a Firefox installer that you've previously downloaded, printing debug-level logs and not submitting anything to Treeherder.

python run_media_tests.py --installer-path=temp/firefox-41.0a1.en-US.mac64.dmg --tests=firefox_media_tests/playback/test_example.py --no-download-and-extract --no-treeherding --log-level=debug

* This does the same as above, except it runs all default tests and it _does_ submit to Treeherder. Custom job name/symbol to display on Treeherder are also specified.
python run_media_tests.py --installer-path=temp/firefox-41.0a1.en-US.mac64.dmg --no-download-and-extract -c config/treeherder_submission.py --log-level=debug --job-symbol=t --job-name='Testing 123'
  • This runs all the default tests but using custom media urls (medium1-60.ini). It downloads and sets up the Firefox installer and crash-reporter symbols at the specified urls. It submits the results to Treeherder. If the tests have no output for more than 4000 seconds, the firefox-media-test subprocess will be interrupted and the script will continue from there.
    python run_media_tests.py --installer-url <some_url> --symbols-url <some_url> --test-timeout 4000 --media-urls ./firefox_media_tests/urls/youtube/medium1-60.ini -c config/treeherder_submission.py


This software is licensed under the Mozilla Public License v. 2.0.


[This repo is DEPRECATED. All code has been moved to mozilla-central on hg.mozilla.org.] Marionette Python tests for media playback in Mozilla Firefox.


License:Mozilla Public License 2.0


Language:Python 97.4%Language:HTML 2.6%