mjwillson / matrix-api

Experimental Matrix / Vector API for Clojure supporting multiple implementations

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Experimental N-dimensional Array / Matrix / Vector API for Clojure.

Like NumPy, but with more parentheses.

The idea is to provide a common abstraction for matrix maths in Clojure, independent of underlying implementations. If it works, there would be an option to propose this library to be part of Clojure contrib as core.matrix.

Key objectives:

  • Provide a clear, standard API / abstraction for matrix and vector maths in Clojure
  • Enable support for different underlying implementations
  • Provide a base layer for other projects (e.g. Incanter)
  • Maintain good performance where possible

Example implementations we might want to support:

  • Parallel Colt
  • JBLAS / clatrix
  • Vectorz
  • Apache Commons maths
  • javax.vecmath (part of Java3D)
  • Simple matrices constructed from Clojure vectors
  • EJML
  • and probably many more....

Build Status

WARNING: Subject to change

This API is experimental / subject to rapid change.

If you build anything on top of it, don't be surprised if it breaks with the next release. You have been warned.

Getting started

Right now the code base is primarily intended for people working on the API + implementation.

You can include the latest released version by adding it as a leiningen or Maven dependency from Clojars, but be aware that this is probably out of data compared to the latest master branch.


All contributions / ideas welcome!

If you wish to contribute code, please ensure you have a Clojure Contributors Agreement signed and on file. For more information see:

Also see relevant discussions:


Experimental Matrix / Vector API for Clojure supporting multiple implementations
