mjlyons / testing-react-notes

Mike's notes for testing react apps

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Testing React


Jest Commands

jest —coverage jest —watch

Jest lint


  • no-large-snapshots: set a limit for snapshot size to not cram too much into a single test


[ ] https://blog.kentcdodds.com/but-really-what-is-a-javascript-mock-10d060966f7d

  • jest.mock(importpath, mockedThing)
  • simulate time passing: jest.userFakeTimers(), jest.runAllTimers()

Expect commands:

  • expect() docs
  • expect(element.textContent).toMatch(/.../) - regex on text without tags
  • validate dates: expect.toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(), expect.toBeLessThanOrEqual()


  • allow anything that's a string (rather than a particular string): expect.any(String)


  • “\.module\.css”: ‘identity-obj-proxy’
    • Accessing a property returns the name of that property
  • “\.css”: require.resolve($MODULE_PATH)
    • Mock an import
    • Could use for graphql
  • setupTestFrameworkScriptFile: require.resolve($MODULE_PATH)
    • Run before tests
  • collectCoverageFrom: whitelist of files to check coverage
  • coverageThreshold: test fails if total coverage drops below X% (use 2% points lower than current avgs)
  • modulePaths: configure what can be imported by name (rather than relative paths)


[ ] Blogpost: Effective snapshot testing

  • jest.config.js: snapshotSerializers: define alternate snapshot serialization logic
    • jest-glamor-react: serialize CSS-in-JS (if using Glamor)


  • github
  • wait: async fn that resolves once cb does not throw error (similar to selenium's await())
  • renderWithRouter(): specify URL for integration tests
  • createMemoryHistory(): mock browser history
  • getByText() finds element by text content
  • getByLabelText() finds element by corresponding label text content
  • getByTestId(): finds element matching attr data-testid
  • render vs renderIntoDocument: whether want to trigger document-generated events
    • submitButton.click -> triggers submit event
    • node.click() triggers click (not DOM-initiated)
  • afterEach(cleanup): removes component from DOM (including container), unmount removes component from DOM but not container


  • to run: npx cypress open
  • config file: cypress.json
  • cypress-testing-library (like react-testing-library -- getByText(), etc.)
  • "command": a tracked "step" in the test
  • js devtools console shows command/visited-node
  • cleanup at start of test in case you need to debug test at end
  • npm-run-all --parallel: runs multiple npm scripts in parallel (useful for running server & cypress concurrently)
  • npm-run-all --parallel -race: kills all scripts once any exists (useful for CI)
  • cypress open: Opens browser to run cypress tests (useful for Dev)
  • cypress run: Runs cypress headless (CI)
  • cypress only supports Chrome (and electron?)


Mike's notes for testing react apps

License:MIT License