mjkoo / headless-binexport

Create an exported disassembly of a binary with Ghidra and BinExport

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



A Dockerfile + wrapper script to do one-step automatic exporting of a target binary's disasssembly via Ghidra and BinExport


The docker image is pushed via Github Actions to docker.io/mjkoo/headless-binexport. Can use this directly if desired, or can use the small included wrapper script.

./headless-binexport.sh /bin/bash bash.BinExport

BinExport Format

Please check out the BinExport repo for more information on the exported protobuf format.


Create an exported disassembly of a binary with Ghidra and BinExport


Language:Java 48.0%Language:Dockerfile 37.2%Language:Shell 14.8%