mjb6 / 36C3_Klima

Support Material for the 36C3 presentation 'Nutzung öffentlicher Klimadaten'

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work in progress V.0.5.20191229


Support Material for the presentation 'Nutzung öffentlicher Klimadaten' given at 36C3, 27.-30. December 2019, Leipzig, Germany.

Links to publications/websites from the talk

Links to data providers

Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD)

European Center for medium-range weather forecasts (ECMWF)



  • EOSDIS Earth Observing System Data and Information System, provides access to datasets to the different Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAAC)
  • Worldview visualizes satellite observations and provides data download (Source on GitHub)


This is a collection of scripts in MATLAB and Python for the retrieval, analysis and visualization of data from DWD and ECMWF repositories. The scripts are sorted into directories according to the service. No additional Software is provided for NASA services. Running the MATLAB scripts in Octave requires the mapping and NetCDF packages.


The scripts download, unzip and plot time series and gridded data. Documentation is not downloaded and can be found in the same directory as the data on opendata.dwd.de.

  • load_DWD_grid_data.m downloads the annual mean temperatures for Germany from 1881 to 2018. Files are unzipped and converted to the binary MATLAB format. These are used in scripts for plotting the data.
  • ani_DWD_grid.m display all years and save to animated gif.
  • streifen_DWD_grid.m calculate warming stripes for arbitrary positions within DWD gridded dataset ECMWF
  • timeseries_DWD.m download station descriptions, plot of map and download time series of Potsdam air temperature
  • data-folder contains necessary colormaps and a file of geographical coordinates to be used instead of the Gauß-Grüger coordinates in the DWD data files.


The ERA5 data is hosted at the Copernicus Climate Data Store (CDS), which provides access via a python api. Alternatively data can be searched and downloaded in the data catalogue website.

  • ERA5_snow.py load snow related data for example MATLAB script.
  • ERA5_snow.m Example MATLAB script for data access in NetCDF files.
  • load_CDS_ERA5_data.py download different 2d and 3D datasets.


Support Material for the 36C3 presentation 'Nutzung öffentlicher Klimadaten'


Language:MATLAB 69.0%Language:Python 31.0%