mjamore / recipes

This is a web application that will have all of our family recipes listed with pictures, ingredient lists, and cooking directions.

Home Page:https://mjamore.com/recipes

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Family Recipes Application

This is a web application that will have all of our family recipes listed with pictures, ingredient lists, and cooking directions.

To-Do (first number is cost, second number is value - to help determine prioritization):

- Update adding of new ingredients with autocomplete
- Set default heights so layout isn't repainted (jumping) when new elements are added to DOM (i.e. Facebook promise is completed and "Add New Recipe button is added to DOM")
- Redirect all pages to /login and only allow our family to view the recipes
- Make sure these pages are not indexed by web crawlers
- Add validation to addNewRecipeModal recipe name field on blur that verifies if the user already has a recipe with the same name

- Update view to center title/image when less than 768px - 1 - 7
- Update model to read from MongoDB - 3 - 9
- Add login check so only authorized users (me, mom, Paul, Nancy) can perform CRUD operations - 3 - 8
- Create new Mongo collections for category and tags - 2 - 7
- Limit category for new recipe entries to the categories that already exist in the database - 3 - 6
- Allow HTML inside of recipes inside of recipe directions or include an optional "external link" section for newly created recipes - 3 - 4
- Add count of currently filtered/listed recipes - 2 - 4
- Fix modal animation - 4 - 2
- Get Gulp set up to do other cool shit - 3 - 1
	- Minify HTML - gulp-minify-html
	- Minify images
	- Run unit tests
	- Minify and concat. JS files
	- Autoprefixer
	- Setup gulp-notify - https://www.npmjs.com/package/gulp-notify
- Switch Bootstrap over to Sass - 1 - 1

Unsure (depending on whether recipes should be viewable to public):
	- Make stateful modal windows so each recipe with have a unique URL - 5 - 
	- Learn how to set different meta data for different page - 2


√ Only show 'Tags:' label on search results if tags exists on object
√ Remove comma after last word in search results - ingredients/tags
√ Fix issue where clicking on modal background (.modal) does not change url
√ Make category and tag filters dynamically generated from model
√ Get 'X' added to Bootstrap modal window
√ Render quick filter buttons based on data in the model
√ Display owner on recipe card
√ Split Sass into separate files
√ Setup live reload
√ Make sure recipes are sorted alphabetically by category
√ Sort tag quick filters alphabetically
√ When filtering the recipeSearchResults, the index is changing, so the modal shows the wrong recipe.  Additionally, the sorting is causing the same issue.
√ Different users
	√ Only the owner of a recipe can modify it
√ create login system
√ Add ability to add new recipes and edit current recipes
√ Get editRecipeModal to load tags from model with autocomplete functionality
√ Update addNewRecipeModal and editRecipeModal to display ingredients properly (ingredient, quantity, measure, preparation) with ability to click "plus button" to add additional ingredients


- When using quick filters, make the filter only apply to the category/tag.  Right now it filters by all text within the recipe.
- Gulp doesn't appear to be concatonating CSS/JS into single file
- Start serving the index.html from the dist directory.  Will need to have access to the views directory.
- Edit menu is not setting the 'selected' attribute on the category of the selected recipe.

Feature Requests:

√ Different users
	√ Only the owner of a recipe can modify it
	- Each recipe name + owner will be unique (i.e. Brenda's baked maccaroni, Paul's baked maccaroni, Nancy's baked maccaroni, etc.)

How to Run Application:

- Option 1:
	- Run 'npm install'
	- Run 'gulp'

- Option 2:
	- Add the following to /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf:
		<VirtualHost *:80>
		    DocumentRoot "/Users/ddcmichaela/Sites/recipes"
		    ServerName localhost.mjamore.com.recipes
	- Add the following to /etc/hosts      localhost.mjamore.com.recipes
	- Go to localhost.mjamore.com.recipes in a web browser


This is a web application that will have all of our family recipes listed with pictures, ingredient lists, and cooking directions.



Language:JavaScript 71.3%Language:HTML 23.0%Language:CSS 5.7%