mizunno / dsa

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Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA)

This repository contains implementations of common algorithms and data structures, accompanied by corresponding test cases. The main objective of this repository is to facilitate learning, rather than providing optimized code for production environments. Contributions from the community are welcome.

Currently, all the code is written in Python 3.10.

Structure of the Project

The project is structure as follows:

  • Each algorithm or data structure category has its own Python script. For example, sorting algorithms are implemented in sorting.py.
  • For each algorithm or data structure implementation, there is a corresponding script for unit tests.

In the future I would like to make this project a package that could be used to visualize the behaviour of the different algorithms and data structures.


Algorithm Description Implementation Tests
Bubble sort link sorting.py test_sorting.py
Insertion sort link sorting.py test_sorting.py
Selection sort link sorting.py test_sorting.py
Merge sort link sorting.py test_sorting.py
Quick sort link sorting.py test_sorting.py
Quick sort in-place link sorting.py test_sorting.py
Linear search link searching.py test_searching.py
Binary search link searching.py test_searching.py

Data Structures

Data Structure Description Implementation Tests
Linked List link linked_list.py test_linked_list.py
Stack link stack.py test_stack.py
Queue link queue_.py test_queue.py
Binary Search Tree link bst.py test_bst.py
Red Black Tree link red_black_tree.py test_red_black_tree.py



Language:Python 100.0%