mizt / sly

at hatsudai

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Tokisato Miztsuru 2015


Mac OS X 10.9+


mkdir ~/Pictures/sly
cp settings.json ~/Pictures/sly

cp ~/Desktop/hoge.jpg ~/Pictures/sly
cp ~/Desktop/hoge.png ~/Pictures/sly
cp ~/Desktop/hoge.gif ~/Pictures/sly
cp ~/Desktop/hoge.pdf ~/Pictures/sly
cp ~/Desktop/hoge.svg ~/Pictures/sly

open /Applications/sly.app

key bindings

key action
esc fullscreen mode on \ off
right load next image
left load prev image
space auto mode on \ off
1 - 9 specifies the amount to stops in auto mode
r load random image
b background mode cover \ contain
g transforms an image to grey scale
c hide \ unhide cursor
t hide \ unhide text
up load next directory
down load prev directory
f directory freeze on \ off


key value
root /
auto true
speed 5
background.color '#000'
background.mode 'cover'
title.font 'Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN'
title.size '64px'
title.height '1.2em'
title.weight 'bold'
title.color '#FFF'
title.x (WINDOW_W-TEXT_W)>>1
title.y (WINDOW_H-TEXT_H)>>1
title.content FILE_NAME.slice(0,FILE_NAME.length-4)
title.exclusion false
title.visible false
fullscreen false
cursor true

* unit of text.x / y is 'px';


at hatsudai