miyamoen / elm-form-decoder

This library provides a scalable way to decode user inputs into neat structure.

Home Page:https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/arowM/elm-form-decoder/latest/

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Do you need form validation libraries? Wait! What you actually need would be form decoding library.

This library provides a scalable way to decode user inputs into neat structure. In the process, it also does validations.

What's form decoding?

Say that you are building an SNS for goats. (exclude the problem how they use keyboards by their two-fingered hands.)

First thing to do is declaring Goat type bellow representing a goat profile.

type alias Goat =
    { name : String
    , age : Int
    , horns : Int
    , contact : Contact
    , memo : Maybe String

{-| Users (goats) can choose email or phone number for their contact info.
type Contact
    = ContactEmail Email
    | ContactPhone PhoneNumber

Suppose register form has a tab UI to choose email or phone as their contact info. e.g., if they choose "email" tab, input field for email address appears. It would be more user friendly if input value on email field remains as it was even when toggling tab back from phone number.

One of the problem to realise such user friendly UIs is that it would be hard to use Goat type directly for forms that users create/update their profiles. For example, if a user input "foo" to the age field, how to handle the string value not existing in Model? Or how to remain email inputs after toggling tab to phone number?

It is the time for form decoding! Let's declare a special type for profile forms.

type alias Form
    { name : String
    , age : String
    , horns : String
    , contact : SelectContact
    , email : String
    , phone : String
    , memo : String

{-| Represents active tab
type SelectContact
    = SelectEmail
    | SelectPhone

As you can see, all input fields have type of String, which can hold any invalid format inputs such as "foo" on age field. It enables you to show error message like "foo is not an valid integer" at the input field because the Model has the acutal user input.

Another thing to note is that it can also remain input value on another tab of contact field because it has independent fields for both email address and phone number respectively.

The "Form decoding" is the technique to convert form types, representing a form state (e.g., Form in this example), into decoded types, representing a type guaranteed that the value is valid (e.g., Goat in this example). Form validation is just a part of from decoding, so what you actually need would be form decoding library.

Example of form decoding

Let's decode the Form type into Goat type.

First thing to do is declaring Error type.

type Error
    = NameRequired
    | AgeInvalidInt
    | AgeNegative
    | AgeRequired

Then make decoders for each field.

import Form.Decoder as Decoder

{-| Decoder for name field.

    import Form.Decoder as Decoder

    Decoder.run name ""
    --> Err [ NameRequired ]

    Decoder.run name "foo"
    --> Ok "foo"
name : Decoder String Error String
name =
        |> Decoder.assert (Decoder.minLength NameRequired 1)

{-| Decoder for name field.

    import Form.Decoder as Decoder

    Decoder.run age ""
    --> Err [ AgeRequired ]

    Decoder.run age "foo"
    --> Err [ AgeInvalidInt ]

    Decoder.run age "-30"
    --> Err [ AgeNegative ]

    Decoder.run age "30"
    --> Ok 30

age : Decoder String Error Int
age =
        |> Decoder.assert (Decoder.minLength AgeRequired 1)
        |> Decoder.andThen (\_ -> Decoder.int AgeInvalidInt)
        |> Decoder.assert (Decoder.minBound AgeNegative 0)

Decoder input err out indicates that the decoder consumes inputs of type input and converts it into out, raising errors of type err.

These decoders also can be used to show errors on each input field.

ageErrorField : String -> Html msg
ageErrorField input =
        [ class "errorField"
        <| List.map errorText
            (Decoder.errors age input)

errorText : String -> Html msg
errorText err =
        [ class "errorText"
        [ text err

Next, lift decoders to consume Form type instead of String.

name_ : Decoder Form Error String
name_ =
    Decoder.lift .name name

age_ : Decoder Form Error Int
age_ =
    Decoder.lift .age age

Finally, build up decoder for Form.

form : Decoder Form Error Goat
form =
    Decoder.top Goat
        |> Decoder.field name_
        |> Decoder.field age_
        |> Decoder.field horns_
        |> Decoder.field contact_
        |> Decoder.field memo_

Wow, it's amazing!

This decoder enables you to:

  1. Validate user inputs
  2. Create Goat type from user inputs

Real world examples

Here's real world examples using elm-form-decoder in sample directory (demo).


This library provides a scalable way to decode user inputs into neat structure.


License:MIT License


Language:Elm 100.0%