miyagawa / Piglet

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    Piglet - PSGI micro web framework toolkit

    Piglet is a DIY toolkit for web application and web framework
    developers. Piglet is a collection of modules, utilities and helpers to
    make it easier than ever to create a new micro web framework, or add new
    features to existing frameworks.

    Piglet has helpers and modules to quickly create a PSGI application, a
    quick DSL helper to write a micro web router and adapters for existing
    web frameworks to use these features.

    Piglet is built on top of the PSGI standard, which means it works well
    with most of PSGI supported web servers and Plack.

    Rack is sexy and WSGI is cool. So is PSGI.

    Plack solves the problem of "how to deploy Perl web applications" by
    making the PSGI interface standard.

    Now most Perl web frameworks support PSGI and can run on any of the
    existing web servers via CGI, FastCGI, mod_perl as well as directly on
    shiny new Perl web servers such as Starman, Twiggy and Corona.

    PSGI made web framework developers happy.

    However, now application developers keep asking questions *What's the
    best framework to use with Plack*? The answer has been always *well,
    whatever you like the most*, but it doesn't seem to satisfy most people.

    Turns out, these web application developers want to use Plack to make
    sure their application runs on any PSGI compatible web severs (check),
    to benefit from Plack::Middleware features with tools such as
    Plack::App::URLMap or Plack::Builder (check) and quickly build a very
    simple web application handlers using Plack::Request or alike.

    In the end they pretty much inlined their web application in ".psgi"
    file using Plack::Builder and Plack::Request, which feels a bit chunky.

    Writing a new web application without the learning cost of web
    application frameworks is tricky, since most frameworks are featureful,
    to reduce the amount of things you need to care about in the future.
    This contradicts with the need of starting with something simple without
    learning *anything* but with the possiblity of gradually upgrading the
    application from simple to complex.

    Exsiting solutions to this dilemma include things called *micro web
    frameworks* such as Mojolicious::Lite, Squatting and Dancer: they are
    excellent frameworks you should take a look at. They all support PSGI so
    you can use Plack middleware with them as well :)

    However Mojolicious and Dancer are also featureful, which is obviously a
    great thing later, but we wanted something as thin, or in other words,
    as *dumb* as possible, to start writing a new application.

    So, Piglet is basically a toolkit to write a framework-less application,
    or your *own micro web framework* for an application with more raw-ish
    access to Plack middleware components with simple OO API or fancy DSL

    Because it's built on top of PSGI, it's easy to later migrate or upgrade
    to more featureful *real web frameworks* such as Catalyst or Jifty.

    Read more about the idea of framework-less WSGI web application on Ian
    Bicking's blog post
    <http://blog.ianbicking.org/2010/03/12/a-webob-app-example/> which is an
    inspiration for this project.

    Tatsuhiko Miyagawa

    Tokuhiro Matsuno

    Piglet is inpired by Sinatra, Merb, routes, Ruby on Rails, WebOb, juno,
    bottle, Dancer and Mojolicious.

    Copyright 2010- Tatsuhiko Miyagawa

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.



This is an incomplete project - DO NOT USE IT


Language:Perl 100.0%