mixelpixel / schema-server-and-MongoDB-basics

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A demo of basic schema, MongoDB and server set-up

  • In particular, demonstrating how MongoDB Database and Collections get named and established

Command Line Mongo

  1. In your console, use mongod to start the MongoDB daemon serving up your database
$ mongod
  YYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.mmm-#### I NETWORK  [initandlisten] waiting for connections on port 27017
  1. There will be a lot more in the console report from invoking mongod. If the last line does not tell you that the daemon is waiting for connections, you may need to stop any other instances of mongod which are active on your computer.
  2. In a separate console, use the mongo command to interact with the database through the command line.
$  mongo        <---- invoke the MongoDB
   MongoDB shell version v3.6.3
   connecting to: mongodb://
   MongoDB server version: 3.6.3
   Server has startup warnings:  <---- ?????
   2018-04-23T10:46:00.525-0400 I CONTROL  [initandlisten]
  1. You may see "warnings" reported. Take a minute to read these warnings over and investigate what they mean. In general, warnings - unlike errors - won't stop you from working with the program.
  2. Here are examples of some useful mongo commands for navigating and investigating your databases, collections and data:
> show dbs                  <---- list all the databases
   admin   0.000GB
   config  0.000GB
   local   0.000GB
   users   0.000GB
> db                        <---- display which db is active (test is the default)
> use users                 <---- use a particular database
   switched to db users
> db
   users                    <---- see?
> show collections          <---- currently no collections in the users DB
> db.users.find().pretty()  <---- display contents nicely
           "_id" : ObjectId("5ab457b6103d0e1cb6597d16"),
           "username" : "bob",
           "passwordHash" : "$2a$11$dsFfbj6ETxWbMtNJLEQEEOZnCKqFjjyFR2BA0gdO/sBvhJMkuFfSy",
           "__v" : 0
> db.dropDatabase()         <---- nuke db out of existence
   { "dropped" : "users", "ok" : 1 }
> quit()                    <---- well... this should be fairly obvious?



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