mitranim / clojure-auth0-starter

Quickstart/template for a Clojure/Ring webserver with Auth0

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Quickstart/template for a Clojure/Ring webserver with Auth0.

Auth0 is a cloud authentication service: It has a free plan suitable for small apps. This template directly uses the Auth0 HTTPS API and JVM security built-ins, without relying on any SDK or 3d party JWT libraries.


Auth0 Setup

  1. Register with Auth0 at

  2. Create a tenant. In Auth0 terms: "tenant" ≈ app ≈ brand. The "create tenant" button is in the dropdown under your profile. Make sure to pick the region closest to your users.

  3. Create a "client" for that tenant. It represents your app. When prompted for app type and technology, ignore it, scroll up, and click "Settings".

  4. You should be seeing things like "Domain" and "Client ID". Copy these into the env secrets:

AUTH0_CLIENT_ID=<client id>
AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET=<client secret>
  1. Allow application URLs.

In "Allowed Callback URLs", add something like:



  • <host:port> is something like localhost:NNNN; get the port from
  • <host-prod> is your official domain.

In "Allowed Logout URLs", add something like:


Replacing the hosts as before.

  1. Get a server-to-server authentication key.

Auth0 has two API tiers: untrusted (called "authentication API") and trusted (called "management API"). Most tutorials focus on the untrusted API, which forces you to jump through extra hoops and frankly doesn't make sense on a trusted server.

Go to the Auth0 dashboard → API → should see Auth0 Management API → API Explorer.

Set "Token Expiration" to a duration that makes sense, e.g. 315360000 → Update & Regenerate → copy. Add it to the env secrets under AUTH0_API_KEY.

  1. Get the signing certificate

We'll need Auth0's certificate for verifying (unsigning) JWT tokens. Go back to "Clients" → pick your app → "Settings" → scroll down → "Show Advanced Settings" → "Certificates" → download as PEM. Move it to the app's folder, renaming to .auth0.pem.

Env Secrets

Copy or rename


Fill out the missing keys with the secrets from Auth0 Setup.


Now you can run the app:

lein repl


lein repl :headless
# another tab
lein repl :connect

If you have completed all previous steps, this should launch the app and report a localhost URL to open. It should display a webpage with the authentication status and a login link.


If you have question or suggestions, open an issue, reach me on Skype at mitranim.web, or email to


Quickstart/template for a Clojure/Ring webserver with Auth0


Language:Clojure 100.0%