mitali-1703 / C_plus_plus-Lab-Programs

This repository is hereby to help students not able to solve or stuck somewhere between the programming code.

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This repository is hereby to help students not able to solve or stuck somewhere between the programming code.


Please try the question on your own and if not able to crack it after many trials then only go through this repository.Hope you understand my purpose for making this repository and use it wisely.....Good Luck!!

List of the basic programs

1.cpp = Write a program to find maximum of 3 numbers using class.

2.cpp = Write a program to display factorial of a number using class.

3.cpp = Write a program to develop mini calculator using class.

4.cpp = Define a class matrix and perform matrix operations.

5.cpp = Write a program to find volume of a cube using class.

6.cpp = Write a program to print the term at nth position in fibonacci series using function.

7.cpp = Write a program to check whether a number is prime or not.

8.cpp = Write a program to check whether a no. is Armstrong no. or not.

9.cpp = Write a program to perform swapping of numbers using call by value.

10.cpp = Write a program for swapping of numbers using call by reference.

11.cpp = Write a program to find the sum of array elements.

12.cpp = Write a program that demonstrates default arguments in c++.

13.cpp = Write a program to demonstrate inline function.

14.cpp = Write a program to perform addition,subtraction,multiplication and division of private data members of two classes using friend function.

15.cpp = Write a program to perform addition of private members of 3 classes using global friend function declaration.

16.cpp = Write a program to perform addition of private members of 3 classes using member function of one class and friend of other class.

17.cpp = Define a class book having following attributes

Data members: Int book_ id String book_title Int book_cost String book_author_name Member function: Void input_data(); //for input book details Void print(); // To display book details read details of n books from user and print them

18.cpp = Write a program for dynamic memory allocation using new operator and also delete the allocated memory using delete operator.

19.cpp = Write a program to implement constructor overloading.

Programs based on Operator Overlaoding

20.cpp = Write a program to demonstrate uanry operator overloading using increment and decrememt operators.

21.cpp = Write a program to show use of operator overloading of unary operator using member function as well as friend function.

22.cpp = WAP to show use of operator overloading of binary operator using member function.

23.cpp = WAP to show use of operator overloading of binary operator using using friend function perform sum, subtarction and multiplication.

24.cpp = WAP to show sum of matrix using operator overloading as a member function as well as perform subtraction, multiplication operator overloading using friend function.

25.cpp = WAP to multiply two matrices using binary operator overlaoding.

26.cpp = WAP to overload relational operators i.e.(> and < operators).

Programs based on Inheritance

27.cpp = WAP to show how constructors and destructors are invoked in a program when used in inheritance.

28.cpp = WAP to show the working of default and parameterized constructors in inheritance.

29.cpp = WAP to implement virtual function/dynamic binding.

30.cpp = WAP to implement pure virtual function or abstract base class.

31.cpp = WAP to implement virtual base class or multipath inheritance or diamond shaped inheritance or hybrid inheritance.

32.cpp = WAP to show the use of function overriding.

33.cpp = WAP to implement static binding.

34.cpp = WAP to implement virtual destructor.

35.cpp = WAP to demonstrate reading and writing a text file.


This repository is hereby to help students not able to solve or stuck somewhere between the programming code.


Language:C++ 100.0%