misprit7 / noteation

A sheet music viewer controlled by eye tracking and computer vision

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Group 1


Noteation allows musicians to effortlessly turn pages with facial gestures and annotate virtual sheet music.

Built for Hack the North 2022 and finished as finalists!



Both the frontend and backend are implemented in this repository in the frontend and backend directories respectively, and can be set up independently as outlined below


To install the dependencies, run:

$ cd frontend
$ yarn install

To run the application, run:

$ yarn start

Then head to http://localhost:3000 on a browser to see the frontend!

image image


To create a virtual environment and install dependencies, run:

$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate # Unix-like systems
$ source venv/Scripts/activate # Windows
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Once you have tehse dependencies set up, you can run the backend. To run the flask application that interfaces with our CockroachDB database:

$ python -m flask run

The part of our project that actually interfaces with the AdHawk SDK is in backend/src/main.py. To run, you must first install the AdHawk vision SDK, which is outside the scope of this readme but see here for documentation. Once that is running, simply call

$ python ./main.py

And events will start being streamed to the CockroachDB database.


Built by Xander Naumenko, Renu Rajamagesh, and Prayus Shrestha.


Credits to Website Vectors by Vecteezy for the logos, AdHawk for the awesome glasses, and the entire Hack the North team for putting together an amazing event.


A sheet music viewer controlled by eye tracking and computer vision


Language:TypeScript 63.3%Language:Python 24.0%Language:Handlebars 4.4%Language:JavaScript 4.4%Language:HTML 3.8%Language:Shell 0.1%