mishra-tanay / sublimeAndCpp

Useful Competitive Programming Addons for Sublime Text Editor

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Usefull Competitive Programming Snippets

Steps 1. Install Sublime-Text-Editor 3 2. Copy required snippets to your "Sublime-text-3/Packages/User" Folder

Macros that you might need to include in your cpp file a. #define ll long long int b. #define mod 1e9+7

Tip: You can use AStyleFormatter to format c++ files which provides you an option to autoformat on save.


BIT : sublime_bit
Bitmasks : sublime_bitmasks
DIGIT-DP : sublime_digitdp
DSU : sublime_dsu
Modular Exponentiation : sublime_exponentMod
Get Day from Date : sublime_getdayofweek
Modular Algebra : sublime_modalgebra
Mod Inverse : sublime_modinverse
nCr mod P : sublime_nCrmodp
next-greater-in-array : sublime_nextgreater
Ordered Set : sublime_orderedset
Classic Segment tree : sublime_segmenttree
Set Precision : sp
Sieve of Eratosthenes : sublime_sieve
Smallest Prime Factor : sublime_sievespf
Topological Sort : sublime_topologicalsort
Tries on bits : sublime_trieonbits
LCA using Segment Tree : sublime_lcaseg
Tries on words : sublime_triesonwords

Sublime Build Systems

cppbuildwithtimeout : Kills programs automatically after 0.5s
buildc++ : Normal g++ build system