mishka / TelegramMusicBot

Telegram bot that downloads YouTube links as a mp3 file and uploads it to you.

Repository from Github https://github.commishka/TelegramMusicBotRepository from Github https://github.commishka/TelegramMusicBot


  • Exceptional Speed
    • Processes a query and uploads it back as a music file in approximately 3-5 seconds on average.
    • I host it on a Raspberry Pi 4 with a LAN connection supporting up to 70Mbps download and 10Mbps upload speeds.
  • Memory-Only Operation
    • Downloads and processes data entirely in memory, without writing to disk.
    • Ideal for Raspberry Pi or ARM-based boards.
    • Prevents excessive wear on SD cards by avoiding unnecessary writes.
    • Benefits from faster read/write speeds by using RAM.
  • Efficient Query Handling
    • Performs regex checks to ensure only valid YouTube links are processed.
    • Includes robust error handling, ignoring livestreams and files larger than 50MB (Telegram upload limit).
  • It looks nice! :)
    • It will retrieve the song and artist names, along with the thumbnail, and include them when uploading to Telegram.


You can use the bot by sending the YouTube video URLs in the Telegram bot chat.


  • Don't forget to replace the token in TelegramMusicBot.py with your Telegram bot token.
    • If you haven't created a bot on Telegram before, you can simply message BotFather and type /newbot.
    • Follow the steps to complete your bot configuration. Upon completion, you will receive a bot token.
  • FFmpeg
    • Follow this guide and install it on your system. Make sure to always download the latest stable version.
    • If you're using Windows, you can simply download the binary files and place them in the same folder as the script if you prefer not to add them to the environment.
  • yt-dlp
    • My program will automatically download and update to the latest version on every launch.
  • TelegramAPI
    • This is my own Telegram API library for Python.
    • Compared to all the bloatware libraries out there, it is simple, effective, and fast. :)
    • To use it, just download the files and place the .py files into the same folder as this script.
    • I don't have a pip installer for it yet, but I'll create one when I find some free time.

Note on the old Folder

Please ignore the old folder. It contains the ancestor bot I initially created as a JavaScript practice project. Due to dependency rewrites and updates, the project eventually stopped working, and I didn't get around to fixing it.

I started from scratch and built a new version of the tool, inspired by this old project. Although it no longer functions, I've kept it in the repository for sentimental reasons. It served as a valuable learning experience and inspiration for the tool I've developed today, so I'll let it remain a testament to that journey.


Telegram bot that downloads YouTube links as a mp3 file and uploads it to you.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 78.9%Language:JavaScript 21.1%