mishbahr / djangocms-youtube

YouTube embed plugin for your django-cms powered site with options for custom video thumbnails, analytics, SEO and more.

Home Page:https://pypi.python.org/pypi/djangocms-youtube/

Repository from Github https://github.commishbahr/djangocms-youtubeRepository from Github https://github.commishbahr/djangocms-youtube


http://img.shields.io/travis/mishbahr/djangocms-youtube.svg?style=flat-square Latest Version Downloads License http://img.shields.io/coveralls/mishbahr/djangocms-youtube.svg?style=flat-square

YouTube embed plugin for your django-cms powered site with options for custom video thumbnails, analytics, SEO and more.


  1. Install djangocms-youtube:

    pip install djangocms-youtube
  2. Add djangocms_youtube to INSTALLED_APPS:

  3. Sync database (requires south>=1.0.1 if you are using Django 1.6.x):

    python manage.py migrate
  4. Plugin requires Server API key to be able to use the YouTube Data API:

    DJANGOCMS_YOUTUBE_API_KEY = '<youtube_data_api_server_key>'

You can register an app via https://developers.google.com/youtube/registering_an_application


Reduce Page Load Time

When you embed any YouTube video on your website using standard IFRAME tags, you’ll be surprised to know how much extra weight that YouTube video will add to your page. The resources (CSS, images and JavaScript) will download even if the visitor on your website has chosen not to watch the embedded YouTube video.


djangocms-youtube uses a clever workaround to reduce the time it takes to initially load the YouTube video player. Instead of embedding the full Youtube video player, it displays just the thumbnail images of the video and a “play” icon is placed over the video so that it looks like a video player.


When the user hits the play button, the video thumbnail is replaced with the standard YouTube video player. The extra resources are thus loaded only when the user has decided to play the embedded video and not otherwise.

Note: Mobile devices require two taps to play the video. Tap the image once to remove it and display the video player. Then, tap the play button to begin the video.

High Resolution Thumbnail

Fetches the highest resolution thumbnail available from YouTube for a given video with options for custom video thumbnails using django-filer.

  "default": {
    "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/9bZkp7q19f0/default.jpg",
    "width": 120,
    "height": 90
  "high": {
    "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/9bZkp7q19f0/hqdefault.jpg",
    "width": 480,
    "height": 360
  "medium": {
    "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/9bZkp7q19f0/mqdefault.jpg",
    "width": 320,
    "height": 180
  "maxres": {
    "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/9bZkp7q19f0/maxresdefault.jpg",
    "width": 1280,
    "height": 720
  "standard": {
    "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/9bZkp7q19f0/sddefault.jpg",
    "width": 640,
    "height": 480

Schema.org Integration

Full support for schema.org videoObject markup.

<div class="video-wrapper" itemprop="video" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/VideoObject">
    <meta itemprop="name" content="PSY - GANGNAM STYLE (강남스타일) M/V">
    <meta itemprop="duration" content="PT4M13S">
    <meta itemprop="thumbnailUrl" content="https://i.ytimg.com/vi/9bZkp7q19f0/maxresdefault.jpg">
    <meta itemprop="embedURL" content="https://www.youtube.com/embed/9bZkp7q19f0">
    <meta itemprop="uploadDate" content="2012-07-15T07:46:32.000Z">
    <meta itemprop="height" content="480">
    <meta itemprop="width" content="853">
    <meta itemprop="description" content="...">

See https://developers.google.com/webmasters/videosearch/schema

Video Endscreen


Plugin can have child plugins (i.e other plugins placed inside this plugin), rendered as an overlay, when the video finishes. You can disable this functionality by overriding DJANGOCMS_YOUTUBE_ALLOW_CHILDREN in your settings.py file

Google Analytics


Automatically publishes the metrics listed below to your Google Analytics account.

+ Play
+ 10% watched
+ 25% watched
+ 50% watched
+ 75% watched
+ 90% watched
+ Watch to end

Make sure you have installed the Google Analytics tracking scripts.

See https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/

Video Sitemap

Generate a sitemap for your YouTube videos.


Video Sitemap Configuration

Import CMSVideoSitemap from djangocms_youtube.video_sitemap to the top of your main urls.py

from djangocms_youtube.video_sitemap import CMSVideoSitemap

Add djangocms_youtube.views.video_sitemap view to your urlpatterns.

from djangocms_youtube.views import video_sitemap

video_sitemaps = {
    'cmspages': CMSVideoSitemap,

urlpatterns = patterns(
    url(r'^videos/sitemap\.xml$', video_sitemap, {'sitemaps': video_sitemaps},

Placeholders outside the CMS Pages

A simple example for aldryn-newsblog

​from djangocms_youtube.video_sitemap import VideoSitemap
from aldryn_newsblog.models import Article

class NewsblogVideoSitemap(VideoSitemap):
    model = Article
    def get_queryset(self):
        queryset = super(NewsblogVideoSitemap, self).get_queryset()
        language = self.get_language()
        queryset = queryset.translated(language)
        return queryset.published()
    def location(self, item):
        return item.get_absolute_url(self.get_language())

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YouTube embed plugin for your django-cms powered site with options for custom video thumbnails, analytics, SEO and more.


License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:JavaScript 88.0%Language:Python 10.4%Language:HTML 0.7%Language:CSS 0.6%Language:Makefile 0.3%