mirez / node-server

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A very simple example of using Vagrant to provision a VirtualBox VM running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise 64).

The provision script installs node.js/express and the Heroku Toolbelt.

First Install/Run:

  $ vagrant up
  • Wait for the box to download (Ubuntu) and the VM to be provisioned
  • ssh into the VM by executing: $ vagrant ssh
  • cd to /vagrant and execute $ foreman start
  • Browse to http://localhost:8080 from your host machine

Vagrant automatically shares the project directory to /vagrant in the VM - so you can code in the comfort of your host machine. Note that the root user and password are both 'vagrant'

Stop/Halt the VM:

  $ vagrant halt

(Re)Start the VM without provisioning:

  $ vagrant up --no-provision

Deploying to Heroku:

  • ssh into the VM by executing: $ vagrant ssh
  • Add heroku as a remote repo (execute and complete the prompts):
vagrant@precise64:/vagrant$ heroku login
vagrant@precise64:/vagrant$ heroku keys:add
vagrant@precise64:/vagrant$ heroku create
  • Deploy to heroku:
vagrant@precise64:/vagrant$ git push heroku master
  • Browse to your herokuapp.com url
