mirego / MCUIImageAdvanced

Advanced and powerful functionality enhancements to UIImage

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MCUIImageAdvanced - UIImage advanced

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Utility methods for UIImage.



An easy way of creating a NSArray of UIImage for annimation for UIImageView setAnimationImages:

#import 'UIImage+MCAdvanced.h'

- (void)funWithAnimations
  // UIImage array animations to use with the UIImageView setAnimationImages:
  // expects file name to be numbered sequentialy.
  NSArray* animationImages = [UIImage animationImagesWithPrefix:@"funWithAnimations" imageQuantity:24];
  // [funWithAnimations0.png, funWithAnimations1.png, funWithAnimations2,png, ... funWithAnimations23.png]

  // Save as above put resizes the images as specified. Use CGSizeZero for original size
  NSArray* small = [UIImage animationImagesWithPrefix:@"funWithAnimations" imageQuantity:24 resizeImages:CGSizeMake(44,44)];

  // Save as the first one but specify the number format
  NSArray* zeroPrefixed = [UIImage animationImagesWithPrefix:@"funWithAnimations" imageQuantity:24 resizeImages:CGSizeZero mask:@"%02u"];
  // [funWithAnimations00.png, funWithAnimations01.png, funWithAnimations02,png, ... funWithAnimations23.png]

  // Same as the first one but starting at 1
  NSArray*  = [UIImage animationImagesWithPrefix:@"funWithAnimations" imageQuantity:24 resizeImages:CGSizeZero mask:@"%u" startingIndex:1];
  // [funWithAnimations1.png, funWithAnimations2.png, funWithAnimations3,png, ... funWithAnimations24.png]

Blending images and colors

Blend UIImage and UIColor together using different CGBlendMode.

#import 'UIImage+MCAdvanced.h'

- (void)funWithBlending

  // Blend images
  // layers: NSArray of UIColor and/or UIImage (the last item is the top most layer).
  UIImage *blendedImage = [UIImage blendedImageWithImage:srcImage
                                                  layers:@[[UIColor colorWithWhite:1.0 alpha:0.2]]

  // Same as above but using different blendModes for each layer.
  UIImage *blendedImage = [UIImage blendedImageWithImage:srcImage
                                                  layers:@[[UIColor colorWithWhite:1.0 alpha:0.2],[UIColor colorWithWhite:0.2 alpha:0.2]]

  // Render a blended image in a specific CGContext
  UIImage *blendedImage = [UIImage blendedImageInContext:ctx
                                                  layers:@[[UIColor colorWithWhite:1.0 alpha:0.2]]

Generating simple images

Obtain simple UIImages drawn with CoreGraphics

#import 'UIImage+MCAdvanced.h'

- (void)funWithImageGeneration
  // Square opaque image
  UIImage *redSquareImage = [UIImage mc_generateImageOfSize:CGSizeMake(100,100) color:[UIColor redcolor]];

  // Square translucent image
  UIImage *redTranslucentSquareImage = [UIImage mc_generateImageOfSize:CGSizeMake(100,100) color:[[UIColor redcolor] colorWithAlphaComponent:0.5f] opaque:NO];

  // Circle image
  UIImage *redCircleImage = [UIImage mc_generateCircleImageOfSize:CGSize(100,100) color:[UIColor redcolor]];

Retina and non-retina images (@2x)

Make your application smaller by keeping only the @2x resources. The retina image call will load the @2x version and generate the standard definition. Keeping it in a memory cache for performance if needed.

- (void)funWithRetinaImages
  // Load funWithRetinaImage@2x.png
  UIImage* img = [UIImage imageNamedRetina:@"funWithRetinaImage.png"];

  // Force loading the image from flash every time.
  UIImage* img = [UIImage imageNamedRetina:@"funWithRetinaImage.png" useMemoryCache:NO];

  // Load the image with the proper resolution and tint it.
  UIImage* img = [UIImage imageNamedRetina:@"funWithRetinaImage.png" tintColor:[UIColor colorWithWhite:1.0 alpha:0.2]]

  // Load an image from disk and tint it using a specific blendmode
  UIImage* img = [UIImage imageNamedRetina:@"funWithRetinaImage.png" tintColor:[UIColor colorWithWhite:1.0 alpha:0.2] overlayBlendMode:kCGBlendModeOverlay];

  // Load an image from disk and tint it using another image and, if needed,
  // with a shadow using an image too (use nil if not needed).
  UIImage* img = [UIImage imageNamedRetina:@"funWithRetinaImage.png" tintColor:[UIColor colorWithWhite:1.0 alpha:0.2] overlayName:@"overlay.png" shadowName:nil];

  // Pre-shrink all @2x image in the resources in the background.
  // `progressBlock` will be called with index and count set to -1 if nothing
  // is to be done (no need to warmup images).
  UIImage* img = [UIImage imageNamedRetinaWarmupWithProgressBlock:(void (^)(NSString* imageName, NSUInteger index, NSUInteger count))progressBlock];

Adding to your project

If you're using CocoaPods, there's nothing simpler. Add the following to your Podfile and run pod install

pod 'MCUIImageAdvanced', :git => 'https://github.com/mirego/MCUIImageAdvanced.git'

Don't forget to #import "UIImage+MCAdvanced.h" where it's needed.


MCUIImageAdvanced is © 2013-2019 Mirego and may be freely distributed under the New BSD license. See the LICENSE file.

About Mirego

Mirego is a team of passionate people who believe that work is a place where you can innovate and have fun. We're a team of talented people who imagine and build beautiful Web and mobile applications. We come together to share ideas and change the world.

We also love open-source software and we try to give back to the community as much as we can.


Advanced and powerful functionality enhancements to UIImage


License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:Objective-C 93.1%Language:Rich Text Format 6.1%Language:Ruby 0.8%