mirajus-salehin / JInternetDownloadManager

JInternetDownloadManager is a Download manger made with JavaSE.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


JInternetDownloadManager is a Download manger made with JavaSE. It is portable, cross-platform,tiny download manager.


M.Mirajus Salehin

How to use:

 1: Open the JAR file.
 2: Open the file you want to download in browser.
 3: Copy the file link and paste it to the programm.
 3: Click "Add Download
 4: Wait for some moments while the file downloads.


You free to edit this programm if you want. The programm is currently under devlopment so it may not work some sometime. Please comment for issues


Settings and controls are configured through JInternetDownloadManager/src. The settings file has ample comments to document configuration.


1: Fork it ( https://github.com/coderboy14599/JInternetDownloadManager/fork ) :fork_and_knife:  .
2: Create your feature branch ( ``` git checkout -b my-new-feature ```  ) .
3: Commit your changes ( ``` git commit -am 'Add some feature' ``` ) .
4: Push to the branch (``` git push origin my-new-feature ```).
5: Create new Pull Request.


JInternetDownloadManager is a Download manger made with JavaSE.


Language:Java 100.0%