miquels / adventofcode2022

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Advent of Code 2022

I'm participating in the adventofcode.com/2022 challenge.

Each day is a seperate crate in a workspace. The main crate is a CLI application that links with all other crates:

$ cargo run --release -- --help
Usage: aoc2022 [OPTIONS] --day <DAY>

      --day <DAY>      Day to run, or "all"  for all days
      --part <PART>    Part to run, if not set both parts are run
      --input <INPUT>  Input file to use [default: input.txt]
  -h, --help           Print help information
  -V, --version        Print version information
  • tip from Cor: use floodfill, so instead of starting every time from the top and crossing empty space, we start at the bottom and go up:



Language:Rust 100.0%