minjay / NeedMat

A Matlab Package for Spherical Needlets

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NeedMat, a Matlab Package for Spherical Needlets


NeedMat provides a Matlab Package that implements fast spherical needlet transforms and fast spherical needlet evaluations. For more details on the spherical needlets and the package, please refer to the technical report: A Note on Spherical Needlets http://arxiv.org/abs/1508.05406.


NeedMat is developed on Matlab R2013a. It depends on the following three packages.

To ensure compatibility, the second package is already included in the repository.


  1. Download the codes by cloning the repository git clone https://github.com/minjay/NeedMat.
  2. Add the repository (including subfolders) to the search path of Matlab.

Main Functions (in the folder named core)

  1. A = get_A(B, j_min, j_max, theta, phi, n_dist) Compute the design matrix A, where A is an N-by-M matrix, N is the number of observations, and M is the number of spherical needlets. (theta, phi) gives the locations of these observations, and the spherical needlets are from frequency level j_min to j_max (inclusively). For fast computation, this function first evaluates the spherical needlets on a very fine grid and then interpolates the values for the query points.
  2. Nside = get_Nside(B, j) Compute Nside.
  3. j_max = get_j_max(B, l_max) Compute the maximal j, j_max.
  4. [dist, psi] = get_psi(B, j, k, theta, phi) A wrapper of the function spneedlet_eval_fast. It evaluates the spherical needlet with subscripts j and k at locations (theta, phi).
  5. map = inv_spharmonic_tran_naive(alm, theta, phi, l_max) A naive implementation of the inverse spherical harmonic transform.
  6. plot_needlets(B, j, k, res) Plot the spherical needlet with subscripts j and k.
  7. Y = spharmonic_eval(l, m, theta, phi) Evaluate the spherical harmonic with subscripts l and m at locations (theta, phi).
  8. alm = spharmonic_tran_irr(theta, phi, f, l_max) Spherical harmonic transform for irregularly spaced observations of function f at locations (theta, phi). It estimates the spherical harmonic coefficients empirically using the weights determined by the Voronoi diagram of these locations on the sphere.
  9. beta = spneedlet_tran(alm, l_max, B) Fast spherical needlet transform. It computes the needlet coefficients based on the spherical harmonic coefficients alm.


Please report any bugs to mjfan@ucdavis.edu

My research: Google Scholar


A Matlab Package for Spherical Needlets


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:MATLAB 100.0%